This is the complete list of members for CustomDesignChart, including all inherited members.
addData(const PlotData &value) | NDEVRChart | |
bounds() const | CustomDesignChart | inline |
clearAll() | NDEVRChart | |
coordinateUnit() | NDEVRChart | inline |
CustomDesignChart(DesignObjectLookup *lookup, QWidget *parent=nullptr) | CustomDesignChart | inline |
event(QEvent *event) override | NDEVRChart | |
fontChanged() | NDEVRChart | protected |
getDefaultLineSize() const | NDEVRChart | protected |
getDefaultMarkerSize() const | NDEVRChart | protected |
getLineSize() const | NDEVRChart | protected |
getMarkerSize() const | NDEVRChart | protected |
hUnit() | NDEVRChart | inline |
init() | NDEVRChart | protected |
m_axes | NDEVRChart | protected |
m_base_chart | NDEVRChart | protected |
m_bounds | CustomDesignChart | protected |
m_coordinate_unit | NDEVRChart | protected |
m_is_dark | NDEVRChart | protected |
m_line_size | NDEVRChart | protected |
m_locked_axes | NDEVRChart | protected |
m_manager | CustomDesignChart | protected |
m_object_ids | CustomDesignChart | protected |
m_parameters | CustomDesignChart | protected |
m_plot_data | NDEVRChart | protected |
m_point_size | NDEVRChart | protected |
m_relative_vertex | NDEVRChart | protected |
m_unit | NDEVRChart | protected |
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override | NDEVRChart | |
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override | NDEVRChart | |
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override | NDEVRChart | |
NDEVRChart(QWidget *parent=nullptr) | NDEVRChart | |
NDEVRChart(QChart *chart, QWidget *parent=nullptr) | NDEVRChart | |
onHoveredSignal(Vertex< 3, fltp08 > vertex) | NDEVRChart | signal |
onPressedSignal(Vertex< 3, fltp08 > vertex) | NDEVRChart | signal |
onReleasedSignal(Vertex< 3, fltp08 > vertex) | NDEVRChart | signal |
onSeriesClickedSignal(const PlotData &plot_data, Vertex< 3, fltp08 > vertex) | NDEVRChart | signal |
onSeriesClickedSlot(uint04 index, const QPointF &point) | NDEVRChart | protectedslot |
onSeriesHoveredSignal(const PlotData &plot_data, Vertex< 3, fltp08 > vertex, bool hovered) | NDEVRChart | signal |
onSeriesHoveredSlot(uint04 index, const QPointF &point, bool state) | NDEVRChart | protectedslot |
plotData(uint04 index) | NDEVRChart | protectedvirtual |
positionToWorldSpace(const QPointF &point) const | NDEVRChart | virtual |
prepareAxes() | NDEVRChart | virtual |
redrawPlots() | NDEVRChart | |
resolvedBounds(Bounds< 3, fltp08 > override_bounds=Constant< Bounds< 3, fltp08 > >::NaN) const | NDEVRChart | |
setBounds(const Bounds< 2, fltp08 > &bounds) | CustomDesignChart | inline |
setDarkThemed(bool dark) | NDEVRChart | |
setData(const PlotData &value) | NDEVRChart | |
setData(const Buffer< PlotData > &value) | NDEVRChart | |
setHorizontalParameter(const DesignParameter ¶m) | CustomDesignChart | inline |
setHUnit(const ConstPointer< Unit > &unit) | NDEVRChart | |
setLineSize(fltp04 line_size) | NDEVRChart | inline |
setLockedAxes(bool locked_axes) | NDEVRChart | inline |
setPointSize(fltp04 point_size) | NDEVRChart | inline |
setRelativeVertex(const Vertex< 3, fltp08 > &relative_vertex) | NDEVRChart | |
setSideAxes(const String &x_name, const String &y_name) | NDEVRChart | |
setTitle(const TranslatedString &title) | NDEVRChart | |
setUnit(const ConstPointer< Unit > &unit) | NDEVRChart | |
setUUID(const UUID &id) | CustomDesignChart | inline |
setVerticalParameter(const DesignParameter ¶m) | CustomDesignChart | inline |
setVUnit(const ConstPointer< Unit > &unit) | NDEVRChart | |
updateAxisScale(Bounds< 3, fltp08 > override_bounds=Constant< Bounds< 3, fltp08 > >::NaN) | NDEVRChart | |
updateChart() | CustomDesignChart | inline |
vUnit() | NDEVRChart | inline |