Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- f -
- face_points : CADMeshData
- face_to_edge_column : DesignObjectBase
- factory : KMLWriteIterator
- fade : CADImageData
- fade_distance : FragUniformObject
- fan_column : Geometry::OptimizedPrimitiveDef
- fan_offset : Geometry::OptimizedPrimitiveDef
- fb : ImageResources
- feedbck_part_id : ControllerInterface::HapticFeedback
- fence : VulkanRenderPipeline::FrameResources
- fence_waitable : VulkanRenderPipeline::FrameResources
- fFlags : DbfHeader_s, DbfRecord_s
- field_mode : WidgetOptions
- field_mode_fullscreen : WidgetOptions
- file : FileRequest, ImageDataStream, ImageDefData, ReportTemplate, RockworksSolidModInfo
- file_actions_visible : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- file_extensions : GenericOption
- file_format_id : FileFormat
- file_handlers : ModuleResourceManager
- file_icon_bounds : NDVHeader
- file_info_bounds : NDVHeader
- file_line_number : EntityData, HandleData
- file_properties : FileCachedData
- file_search_terms : VehicleDatabase
- file_size : FileCachedData
- FileEnvVariables : FileResource
- FileName : FunctionCall
- files_recursively_to_search : FileSearch
- fill_holes : Params
- filtered : GeometryFilterParameters, Params
- find_invalid_data : FactoryOptions
- finish_button_icon : ShowPropertiesSettings
- finish_button_title : ShowPropertiesSettings
- finished : D2A
- finished_callback : AerialImageRequest, ElevationRequest, NewModelCommand, PopupInfo, SaveOptions, VectorizeImageParams
- finished_function : ShowPropertiesSettings
- firewall_exceptions : ModuleResourceManager
- fit_points : HatchEdgeData
- fix_inward_normals : FactoryOptions
- fixed_text_height : StyleData
- fixed_width : Font
- flag : VulkanBitflagObject
- flags : LayerData, LineTypeData, NtpPacket, PolylineData, SplineData, StyleData, TextData, ViewportData, VncScreen
- flatten_model : DXFTableWriteIterator, FactoryOptions
- flip_UV_coordinates : FactoryOptions
- Float : ObjectInfo< Angle< fltp04 >, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Angle< fltp08 >, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Angle< sint04 >, false, false >, ObjectInfo< bool, false, false >, ObjectInfo< char, false, false >, ObjectInfo< DesignObject, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Geometry, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Material, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Model, false, false >, ObjectInfo< RGBColor, true, false >, ObjectInfo< Scene, false, false >, ObjectInfo< std::pair< t_first_type, t_second_type >, false, false >, ObjectInfo< String, false, true >, ObjectInfo< t_type, false, false >, ObjectInfo< t_type, false, true >, ObjectInfo< t_type, true, false >, ObjectInfo< Time, false, false >, ObjectInfo< TimeSpan, false, false >, ObjectInfo< UUID, true, false >
- float_values : DesignParameterAccumulator, DesignParameterSetter, FragUniformObject
- floating_cameras : ViewportLayout
- floor_layer : SH3DParams
- floor_thickness : LevelDefinition
- flow_control : SerialPortInfo
- flowControl : SerialConnectionDialog::Settings
- fltp_error : BinaryFile
- focus : ViewportFormat
- focus_color : DesignObjectLookup
- folder : SH3DParams
- font : TextBlock
- font_scale : WidgetOptions
- force_popup : ShowPropertiesSettings
- format : FileRequest, ImageDataStream
- format_source : ReportOptions
- formats : VulkanRenderPipeline::SwapChainSupportDetails, VulkanShaderManager
- formula : Formula
- formulas : FormulaTree
- fraction : NtpTimestamp
- frame_count : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- frame_image_resource : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- frame_index : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- frame_time : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- fullscreen : PopupInfo
- fullsize : DialIcon
- fun : FEvent< F >
- FunctionName : FunctionCall
- functions : ModuleManager
- furniture : LevelDefinition, SH3DParams
- furniture_layer : SH3DParams