Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- object() : DesignObjectLookup
- objectAdded() : DesignTableModel
- objectAddedSlot() : DesignTableModel
- objectDeleted() : DesignTableModel
- objectDeletedSlot() : DesignTableModel
- objectRefresh() : VirtualCameraView
- objects() : DesignObjectLookup
- objectSelected() : QTModelManagerView
- objectsSelectedSlot() : LayerWidget
- objectUpdatedSignal() : Editor
- offset() : DesignObject, Matrix< t_type, t_row_dims, t_col_dims >, Toggle
- offsetAngle() : OrientationOperations
- offsetCalibration() : OrientationSensor
- offsetLayout() : OrientationEditor
- OffsetMatrix() : Matrix< t_type, t_row_dims, t_col_dims >
- oldTheme() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- onAccept() : QTErrorDialog
- onAccepted() : FieldChooser
- onAcceptSignal() : QTErrorDialog
- onActiveProjectChanged() : QTModelManager
- onAddCamera() : QTModelManager
- onAddCameraObject() : QTModelManager
- onAddCommand() : QTModelManager
- onAddedSlot() : SelectionWidget
- onAddGeometry() : QTModelManager
- onAddMaterial() : QTModelManager
- onAddModel() : QTModelManager
- onAddScene() : QTModelManager
- onButtonClickSlot() : Button
- onButtonPressSlot() : Button
- onButtonReleaseSlot() : Button
- onCalculatedUpdatedSlot() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- onCanceledSignal() : FileChooserDialog
- onCancelPressed() : DesignObjectDialog
- onCategoryChanged() : DesignObjectChooser
- onChange() : QCustomComboBox
- onChanged() : QTAbstractResourceListener, QTResourceListener, TilingButton
- onChecked() : Toggle
- onCheckedClick() : ButtonDialog, SectionContent
- onClearAllSignal() : QTModelManager
- onClearAllSlot() : LayerModel, NDEVRRibbon
- onClearSignal() : SelectionWidget
- onClicked() : DesignObjectVisibleButton, PropertiesButton, QCustomTableWidget, QTVertexManagerView
- onCloseButtonClicked() : CustomDockButton, QCustomDockWidget
- onClosedSignal() : NDEVRWindow
- onCollapsedSlot() : ModelSelectionTree, SceneTree
- onCommandExecutedSignal() : QTModelManager
- onConfirmPressed() : DesignObjectDialog
- onCopyFromExistingSlot() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- onDelete() : FieldChooser, UVChannelEditWidget
- onDeleteCamera() : QTModelManager
- onDeleteCommand() : QTModelManager
- onDeleteGeometry() : QTModelManager
- onDeleteMaterial() : QTModelManager
- onDeleteModel() : QTModelManager
- onDeleteObject() : QTModelManager
- onDeleteObjects() : QTModelManager
- onDesignObjectUpdate() : DesignObjectDialog, DesignObjectEditor
- onDesignObjectUpdateSlot() : Editor
- onEdit() : QCustomComboBox
- onEdited() : ModelChooserCombo, QCustomLineEdit
- onEditedSlot() : QCustomSlider
- onEditTextChangedSlot() : QCustomComboBox
- OnExit() : ModuleManager
- onExpandedSlot() : ModelSelectionTree, SceneTree
- onFailure() : HardwareCommandQueue< t_type >
- onFailureSignal() : DownloadDatasetWidget
- onFieldChooserAccepted() : AsciiModelFileDialog
- onFieldChooserDeleted() : AsciiModelFileDialog
- onFieldChooserEdited() : AsciiModelFileDialog
- onFileChoosenSignal() : FileChooserDialog
- onFileChosen() : FileChooserDialog
- onFinishedSignal() : DownloadDatasetWidget, ExportChooserDialog, MagneticDeclinationDialog
- onFinishedSlot() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget, QCustomLineEdit, ResizeVisibleAnimation
- onFocusChanged() : QTGraphicsWindow
- onFocusObjectDeleted() : Keypad
- onFullscreenButtonClicked() : QCustomDockWidget
- onHovered() : QTVertexManagerView
- onHoveredSignal() : NDEVRChart
- onHoveredSlot() : TopDownLineworkChart
- onIgnore() : QTErrorDialog
- onIgnoreSignal() : QTErrorDialog
- onImageLoadedSignal() : AerialImageView
- onMaterialDeleted() : VirtualCameraView
- onMaterialModeButtonClicked() : DesignWidget
- onModelClickedSignal() : TopDownLineworkChart
- onModelHoveredSignal() : TopDownLineworkChart
- onModelTopLevelChange() : QTModelManager
- onNameChange() : DesignObject
- onNewProjectSelected() : WindowManager
- onNewProjectSignal() : WindowManager
- onObjectAddedSlot() : ModelChooserCombo
- onObjectDeletedSlot() : DesignObjectComboWidget, DesignObjectStringWidget, DesignObjectToggleWidget, MaterialPropertySlider, PropertiesButton
- onObjectsDeletedSlot() : ModelChooserCombo
- onObjectUpdatedSignal() : QTModelManager
- onObjectUpdatedSlot() : DesignObjectComboWidget, DesignObjectSearchWidget, DesignObjectStringWidget, DesignObjectToggleWidget, ModelChooserCombo
- onOperationFinished() : AutoModelFileDialog
- onPlaceVehicle() : VehicleSelector
- onPressedSignal() : NDEVRChart
- onPropertyChanged() : PropertyChangeListener, PropertyChangeManager
- onQScrollerStateChangedSlot() : TouchScrollManager
- onReading() : IMUCalibrator
- onRefreshObject() : QTModelManager
- onReleasedSignal() : NDEVRChart
- OnRequestMagneticDeclination() : MagneticDeclinationDialogFactory
- onSceneHoveredSignal() : TopDownLineworkChart
- onScreenshotSaved() : CameraView
- onSegmentUpdatedSignal() : PrimitiveLineSegmentEditor
- onSelected() : DesignSortFilterProxyModel, DesignTableModel
- onSelectedSignal() : DesignObjectChooser, DesignObjectGallery, QTGraphicsWindow, QTModelManager, SelectionWidget
- onSelectedSlot() : SelectionWidget
- onSelectionChanged() : QTGraphicsWindow
- onSeriesClickedSignal() : NDEVRChart
- onSeriesClickedSlot() : NDEVRChart
- onSeriesHoveredSignal() : NDEVRChart
- onSeriesHoveredSlot() : NDEVRChart
- onShapeWritten() : CADGeometryWriter
- onShowPropertiesRequested() : QTModelManager
- onSorted() : ModelChooserCombo, QCustomComboBox
- onSpecifiedAngleUpdatedSlot() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- onSuccessfulImport() : AutoModelFileDialog
- onSuccessfulSave() : AutoModelFileDialog
- onSwapSelectedSignal() : QTModelManager
- onTargetDeletedSlot() : DesignObjectInterface
- onTargetUpdated() : DesignObjectVisibleButton, DesignObjectWidgetInterface, FilteringWidget, MaterialPropertySlider, ModelOffsetCommandWidget, SelectionWidget
- onTargetUpdatedSlot() : DesignObjectInterface, SelectionWidget
- onUpdateCommand() : QTModelManager
- onUpdated() : ControllerInterface, Device
- onUpdateDownloadCompleteSlot() : UpdateChecker
- onUpdatedSlot() : BoundsWidget, CalibratorWidget, MagnetometerWidget, PointWidget
- onUpdateFocus() : QTModelManager
- onUserModifiedSignal() : AerialImageView
- onValueChanged() : BasicResourceListener, QCustomDial, QTAbstractResourceListener, ResourceListener, ResourceMirror< t_type >
- onVideoSaved() : CameraView
- onVisible() : SectionIconTab
- onZoomToModel() : QTModelManager
- OpacitySlider() : OpacitySlider
- opaque() : RGBColor
- open() : BinaryFile, BluetoothConnection, Connection, ConnectionBackend, ConnectionForwarding, File, QCustomColorDialog, SerialPortConnection, SocketConnection, WebSocketConnection
- openBackend() : Connection
- OpenCloseTest() : OpenCloseTest
- openDialog() : ColorChooserButton
- OpenExplorerWindow() : ApplicationResource
- OpenFile() : ApplicationResource
- OpenGLBuffer() : OpenGLBuffer
- openInMainThread() : BluetoothConnection
- OpenOSBluetoothDialog() : ApplicationResource
- OpenOSClockDialog() : ApplicationResource
- OpenOSFileSystemDialog() : ApplicationResource
- OpenOSLocationDialog() : ApplicationResource
- OpenOSPrinterDialog() : ApplicationResource
- OpenOSWifiDialog() : ApplicationResource
- openTCP() : SocketConnection
- openUDP() : SocketConnection
- openUDPServer() : SocketConnection
- openUserFiles() : WindowManager
- operations() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- operator bool() : BitIterator, BitReference, ConstBitIterator, DesignObject, Model, Vector< t_dims, bool >
- operator const QObject *() : SectionWidget
- operator const QWidget *() : SectionWidget
- operator const t_type &() : Vector< t_dims, t_type >
- operator const t_type *() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- operator QObject *() : SectionWidget
- operator QWidget *() : SectionWidget
- operator t_type() : VariableReference
- operator t_type &() : Vector< t_dims, t_type >
- operator t_type *() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- operator uint01() : BitFlag
- operator uint04() : String
- operator uint08() : String
- operator!() : BitIterator, BitReference, ConstBitIterator
- operator!=() : Angle< t_type >, AsciiOptions, AutoZoomFocus, BatteryCapacityInfo, BitFlag, BitIterator, BitReference, Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, CADColorInfo, CameraAnimation, CameraUniformObject, ConnectionInfo, ConstBitIterator, DesignObject, DesignParameter, DXFAttributes, Effect, FactoryOptions, FileFormat, FileRequest, Font, GenericOption, GenericOptionGroup, Geometry, IconThemeSettings, Plane< t_dims, t_type >, Pointer< t_type >, Polygon< t_type, t_vertex >, RadialObject< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >, SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >, String, TextBlock, Time, TimeSpan, TranslatedString, TypeInfo, VariableReference, ViewportFormat, ViewportLayout, VulkanBitflagObject
- operator&() : BitFlag, Vector< t_dims, bool >
- operator&=() : BitFlag, BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >, Vector< t_dims, bool >
- operator()() : BandMatrix< t_type >, BitFlag, File, RGBColor, Spline< t_point_type >, String, UUID, Vector< t_dims, bool >, hash< NDEVR::DesignObject >, hash< NDEVR::File >, hash< NDEVR::Geometry >, hash< NDEVR::Material >, hash< NDEVR::Model >, hash< NDEVR::Scene >, hash< NDEVR::String >, hash< NDEVR::TranslatedString >, hash< NDEVR::UUID >, hash< NDEVR::Vector< 2, NDEVR::uint04 > >, hash< NDEVR::Vector< 3, NDEVR::fltp04 > >, hash< NDEVR::Vector< 3, NDEVR::fltp08 > >, hash< NDEVR::Vector< 3, NDEVR::uint04 > >, hash< NDEVR::Vertex< 3, NDEVR::fltp04 > >, hash< NDEVR::Vertex< 3, NDEVR::fltp08 > >
- operator*() : BitIterator, BufferInsertIterator< t_type, t_buffer >, ConstBitIterator, Matrix< t_type, t_row_dims, t_col_dims >, Quaternion< t_type >, TimeSpan
- operator*=() : Matrix< t_type, t_row_dims, t_col_dims >, TimeSpan
- operator+() : BitIterator, Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, ConstBitIterator, TimeSpan
- operator++() : BitIterator, BufferInsertIterator< t_type, t_buffer >, ConstBitIterator
- operator+=() : BitIterator, Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, ConstBitIterator, TimeSpan
- operator-() : Angle< t_type >, BitIterator, ConstBitIterator, TimeSpan, Vector< t_dims, t_type >
- operator--() : BitIterator, ConstBitIterator
- operator-=() : BitIterator, Bounds< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >, ConstBitIterator, TimeSpan
- operator->() : ConstPointer< t_type >, DynamicPointer< t_type >
- operator/() : Quaternion< t_type >, TimeSpan
- operator<() : BitIterator, Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, DateTableWidgetItem, DesignObject, DesignParameter, FileSizeWidgetItem, String, Time, TimeSpan, TranslatedString, UUID
- operator<<() : File
- operator<=() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, Time, TimeSpan, UUID
- operator=() : Angle< t_type >, BitIterator, BitReference, Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, BufferAllocator< t_type, t_index_type, t_null_term >, BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >, BufferInsertIterator< t_type, t_buffer >, ConstBitIterator, ConstPointer< t_type >, DynamicPointer< t_type >, File, GenericOption, JSONNode, KDTree< t_dims, t_type >, Matrix< t_type, t_row_dims, t_col_dims >, Path, Pointer< t_type >, Polygon< t_type, t_vertex >, Polyline< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >, QCustomValidator, QTDesignObject, QueueBuffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, Ray< t_dims, t_type, t_vector_type >, Resource< t_type >, RGBColor, RLock, RTree< t_dims, t_type >, SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >, String, TranslatedString, Translator, TreeBase< t_node_type, t_type, t_node_child_size >, UnitManager, VariableReference, Vector< t_dims, t_type >, Vector< t_dims, bool >, Vertex< t_dims, t_type, t_vector_type >, VulkanBitflagObject, WebMercatorTileService, WLock
- operator==() : Angle< t_type >, AsciiOptions, AutoZoomFocus, BitFlag, BitIterator, BitReference, Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, CADColorInfo, CameraAnimation, CaptureCache, ConstBitIterator, DesignObject, DesignParameter, DXFAttributes, Effect, FactoryOptions, FileFormat, FileRequest, Font, GenericOption, GenericOptionGroup, Geometry, IconThemeSettings, JoystickSettings, KeyEvent, MouseEvent, NDEVRChart::PlotData, Plane< t_dims, t_type >, Pointer< t_type >, Polygon< t_type, t_vertex >, Polyline< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >, RadialObject< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >, SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >, SelectionInfo, SnapPoint, String, StyleData, Table, TextBlock, Time, TimeSpan, TranslatedString, TypeInfo, Unit, VariableReference, ViewportFormat, ViewportLayout, VulkanBitflagObject
- operator>() : BitIterator, Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, DesignObject, DesignParameter, String, Time, TimeSpan, TranslatedString, UUID
- operator>=() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, Time, TimeSpan, UUID
- operator[]() : BitFlag, Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, Dictionary< t_key, t_value, t_hash >, JSONNode, LineIterator< t_dims, t_type >, QueueBuffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, Ribbon, RibbonGroup, Table, TriangleIterator< t_dims, t_type >, Vector< t_dims, t_type >, Vector< t_dims, bool >, VertexColorIterator, VertexIterator< t_type >
- operator^() : BitFlag
- operator^=() : BitFlag, BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >
- OperatorSplit() : Unit
- operator|() : Vector< t_dims, bool >
- operator|=() : BitFlag, BitReference, BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >, Vector< t_dims, bool >
- operator~() : BitFlag
- opheimSimplification() : Polygon< t_type, t_vertex >
- oppositeLocation() : TriangleBase
- OptimizedGetPrimitiveVec() : Geometry
- OptimizedPrimitiveDef() : Geometry::OptimizedPrimitiveDef
- optimizedPrimitiveDef() : Geometry
- OptimizedSetPrimitive() : Geometry
- OptimizedSetPrimitiveVec() : Geometry
- optimizedWriteFileName() : ImageFactory
- optimizeVertexLocations() : Geometry
- option() : GenericOptionsWidget
- OptionalValues() : RegexFunctions
- options() : BasicCustomUnit, CustomUnit, ExternalApplicationManager, ModelFileDialog, NDEVRRibbon, QCustomColorDialog, ReferenceCustomUnit
- optionsChangedSignal() : DeploymentModeCombobox
- OrienationOption() : OrienationOption
- Orientation() : AngleDefinitions
- orientation() : SharedSectionContentArea
- orientationAt() : MadgwikOrientationSensor
- orientationController() : Editor
- OrientationEdited() : MatrixEditor
- orientationEdited() : OrientationEditor
- orientationEditedSlot() : DesignObjectOrientation
- OrientationEditor() : OrientationEditor
- orientationOffsetUnit() : UnitManager
- OrientationOperations() : OrientationOperations
- OrientationOperationsWidget() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- OrientationReading() : OrientationReading
- OrientationSensor() : OrientationSensor
- orientationSensor() : PositionSensor
- orientationUpdated() : OrientationEditor
- orientationWidget() : MatrixEditor
- OriginalFont() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- originTime() : NtpReply
- OrthoFrustum() : MatrixDefinitions< t_type >
- OSDocumentsFolder() : FileResource
- OSDownloadsFolder() : FileResource
- OSProgramDataFolder() : FileResource
- OSProgramsFolder() : FileResource
- OSTempFolder() : FileResource
- OSUserDataFolder() : FileResource
- OSUserName() : ApplicationResource
- Ounces() : UnitDefinitions
- outerBottomDropRect() : ContainerWidgetBase
- outerLeftDropRect() : ContainerWidgetBase
- outerRadius() : Joystick, SunDial
- outerRightDropRect() : ContainerWidgetBase
- outerTopDropRect() : ContainerWidgetBase
- outline() : Geometry
- OutlineIconTheme() : QTIconManager
- outlineMaterials() : ModelMaterialsDialog
- OutputForSlicerDicer() : RockWorksFactory
- overrideCamera() : GLESMaterialManager, VulkanMaterialManager
- overrideMaterial() : GraphicsCameraManager
- overrideMaterialDescendents() : Model
- ownsWidgets() : StatusBar