Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- icon : AutomatedTest, ConnectionCategory, ControllerInterface::ControllerInput, DeploymentProfile, DeploymentState, FactoryOptions, FileFormat, FileHandler, GenericOption, LayerCacheObject, Manual, Module, QTModelManagerView::ModelCache
- icon_bounds_location : ControllerInterface::ControllerInput
- icon_color : QTModelManagerView::ModelCache
- icon_id : IconDefinition
- id : ConnectionCategory, ControllerInterface::ControllerInput, CoordinateProjection, CustomUnit, DeploymentProfile, DeploymentState, DesignCommand, DesignSelection, DesignTask, FileHanderExtension, FileHandlerVerb, GenericOption, GenericOptionGroup, GNSSRole, KeyOption, ModuleFeatureBase, ReportTemplate, ShowPropertiesSettings, TimeZone, UnitOption, ViewportData, ViewportLayout, VncScreen
- ids : ReportOptions
- IDSep : File
- ignore_elevation : KMLWriteIterator
- ignore_failure : FireWallException
- ignore_invisible : FactoryOptions
- ignore_white_space : AsciiOptions
- ignoreList : ScrollGesturePrivate
- image : CaptureCache, ImageResources, MaterialDefinition
- image_acquired : VulkanRenderPipeline::FrameResources
- image_id : DialIcon, MercatorImage
- image_mode : AerialImageRequest
- image_sem : VulkanRenderPipeline::FrameResources
- image_sem_waitable : VulkanRenderPipeline::FrameResources
- image_size : CADImageData, ImageDataStream
- imageOffset : IcoFile::IconDirEntry
- imageView : ImageResources
- import_file : RockWorksSetup
- include_labels : MercatorImageRequest
- include_main_line : PathSliceIterator
- include_unit_symbols : DesignParameterAccumulator
- index : CompressedStringInfo, Font, SliceVertex< t_type, t_vertex_type >
- index_cache_left : PolylineMaker
- index_cache_right : PolylineMaker
- index_fan_offset_column : DesignObjectBase
- index_fan_size_column : DesignObjectBase
- index_id : SnapPoint
- index_mode_offset_column : DesignObjectBase
- index_mode_size_column : DesignObjectBase
- index_offset : Geometry::OptimizedPrimitiveDef
- index_per_label : QuickVisualization::VertexVisualizationOptions
- INDEX_PI : Angle< t_type >
- index_size : GLESRenderObject::GeoProperties, VulkanRenderObject::GeoProperties
- index_start : GLESRenderObject::GeoProperties, VulkanRenderObject::GeoProperties
- index_to_enum : QCustomComboBox
- indices : DesignParameterAccumulator, DesignParameterSetter, OptimizedSelection, SelectionInfo::ProcessStruct
- input_image : VectorizeImageParams
- insertion_point : CADImageData, MTextData
- Integer : ObjectInfo< Angle< fltp04 >, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Angle< fltp08 >, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Angle< sint04 >, false, false >, ObjectInfo< bool, false, false >, ObjectInfo< char, false, false >, ObjectInfo< DesignObject, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Geometry, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Material, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Model, false, false >, ObjectInfo< RGBColor, true, false >, ObjectInfo< Scene, false, false >, ObjectInfo< std::pair< t_first_type, t_second_type >, false, false >, ObjectInfo< String, false, true >, ObjectInfo< t_type, false, false >, ObjectInfo< t_type, false, true >, ObjectInfo< t_type, true, false >, ObjectInfo< Time, false, false >, ObjectInfo< TimeSpan, false, false >, ObjectInfo< UUID, true, false >
- intensity : ControllerInterface::HapticFeedback
- INV_INDEX_PI : Angle< t_type >
- inverse : InverseIterator
- inverted : OrienationOption
- ios : OSType
- ios_update_address : NDEVRUpdateChecker
- is_active : CameraAnimation, DesignTask, Module
- is_ascii : FileFormat
- is_auto_save : FactoryOptions
- is_blocking : SaveOptions
- is_bold : Font
- is_boolean : TypeInfo
- is_buffer : TypeInfo
- is_ccw : HatchEdgeData
- is_clicked : ModelTableColumnSpec
- is_color : TypeInfo
- is_creation_dialog : ShowPropertiesSettings
- is_currently_editable : ModelTableColumnSpec
- is_design_index : DesignParameterAccumulator, DesignParameterSetter
- is_development_version : ApplicationResource
- is_edit : SelectionInfo
- is_editable : GenericOption, ModelTableColumnSpec
- is_enabled : RasterInfo
- is_error_state : DeploymentState
- is_exact : SelectionInfo
- is_float : TypeInfo
- is_grab_image : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- is_horizontal : QTTools
- is_italic : Font
- is_key_path : RegistryKeyAction
- is_locked : Attrib
- is_looped_test : AutomatedTest
- is_matrix_prop : DesignParameterAccumulator, DesignParameterSetter
- is_named : DXFGroup
- is_normal_prop : DesignParameterAccumulator, DesignParameterSetter
- is_number : TypeInfo
- is_off : EntityData
- is_on : ArialColorTheme
- is_ortho : ViewportFormat
- is_orthographic : CameraAnimation
- is_overstrike : Font
- is_popup_menu : PopupInfo
- is_recursive : ModelIterator
- is_right_sided : WindowOptions
- is_running : QModelViewCapture
- is_selected : LayerCacheObject, QTModelManagerView::ModelCache
- is_smooth : SelectionInfo::ClosestModelInfo, SnapPoint
- is_solid : HatchData, TraceData
- is_special_field : DesignParameterAccumulator, DesignParameterSetter
- is_strikethrough : Font
- is_string : TypeInfo
- is_temp : SaveOptions
- is_tree_valid : GeometryVertices
- is_underline : Font
- is_undo : DesignCommand
- is_unsigned : TypeInfo
- is_user_camera : ViewportFormat
- is_valid : FieldChooser
- is_vertex_index : DesignParameterAccumulator, DesignParameterSetter
- is_viewable : GenericOption
- is_viewport_selection : ShowPropertiesSettings
- is_virtual_storage : FileOptions
- is_visible : GLESRenderObject::GeoProperties, LayerCacheObject, QTModelManagerView::ModelCache, VulkanRenderObject::GeoProperties, VulkanRenderObject::ModelProperties
- is_visible_recursive : QTModelManagerView::ModelCache
- italic : StyleData
- iterations : Geometry::SmoothingParameters, Params
- iType : DbfHeader_s