Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- e -
- e : D2A
- edge_crease_values : CADMeshData
- edge_points : CADMeshData
- edge_to_face_column : DesignObjectBase
- edit : DimensionWidgets
- edit_actions_visible : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- effect_angle : PointData
- effect_child_index : DesignObjectBase
- effect_index : DesignObjectBase
- effect_property_index : DesignObjectBase
- effect_table : DesignObjectBase
- effect_targets : DesignObjectBase
- effect_type : EffectUniformObject
- effect_value : EffectUniformObject
- elapsed_time : ScrollGesturePrivate
- elevation : ExtrusionData, LevelDefinition
- elevation_locations : ElevationRequest
- elevation_polylines : ElevationRequest
- elevation_unit : LocationElevationUnit
- elevations : ElevationRequest
- enable_custom_prism_offset : StationOptions
- enable_planned_hole_control : StationOptions
- enable_sound : SoundManager
- enable_text_to_speech : SoundManager
- enclosed_info : DesignSelection
- encryption_data : NDVHeader
- end : ThemeChanger
- end_line : AsciiOptions
- end_tangent : HatchEdgeData
- end_time : HardwareCommandQueue< t_type >::CommandRecord
- end_width : PolylineData
- end_year : VehicleSearchItem
- endpoint_of_major_axis : EllipseData
- entries : IcoFile::IconDir
- Enum : ObjectInfo< bool, false, false >, ObjectInfo< char, false, false >, ObjectInfo< DesignObject, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Geometry, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Material, false, false >, ObjectInfo< Model, false, false >, ObjectInfo< RGBColor, true, false >, ObjectInfo< Scene, false, false >, ObjectInfo< std::pair< t_first_type, t_second_type >, false, false >, ObjectInfo< String, false, true >, ObjectInfo< t_type, false, false >, ObjectInfo< UUID, true, false >
- enum_to_index : QCustomComboBox
- enumerate_subkey : Permission
- environment : LocalApplicationLauncher
- error_color : ColorOptions
- error_data_message : TcpServer
- estimated_transform : SLAMFrame
- event_location : MouseEvent
- event_receivers : DeviceWatcherPrivate
- event_type : KeyEvent, MouseEvent
- excluded_list : FileSearch
- exclusion_model_types : FactoryOptions
- execute : Permission
- exit_visible : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- extension : FileFormat
- extensions : FileHandler
- external_child_location : DesignObjectBase
- extra_reserve_factor : QuickVisualization::VertexVisualizationOptions
- extrusion : ExtrusionData
- ExtSep : File