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LogMessage Member List

This is the complete list of members for LogMessage, including all inherited members.

_equals(const Buffer &buffer) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inlineprotected
add(char &&object)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
add(const char &object)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
add(uint04 location, const char &object)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
add(uint04 location, char &&object)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
addAll(const Buffer< char, t_other_index_type, t_other_memory_allocator, t_other_memory_manager > &buffer)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
addAll(const char *buffer, uint04 buffer_size)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
addAll(const char *buffer)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
addAndFillSpace(uint04 space_to_add, const char &fill_object)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
addSpace(uint04 space_to_add)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
addSpace(uint04 location, uint04 size)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
addUnicodeAsUTF8(const wchar *unicode)String
addUnicodeCharAsUTF8(const wchar *unicode, uint04 &advance)String
addWChar(const wchar &object)String
addWhiteSpace(uint04 desired_string_size, uint04 desired_right_alignment_location=0, char whitespace=' ')String
AlphaNumericCompare(const String &left, const String &right)Stringstatic
append(const String &string)String
ApplicationMessagePriority enum nameLogMessage
begin()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
begin() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
begin(uint04 index) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
beginsWith(const String &s, bool ignore_case=false) constString
Buffer()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
Buffer(const Buffer &buffer)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
Buffer(Buffer &&buffer) noexceptBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
Buffer(uint04 size)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inlineexplicit
Buffer(const char *buffer, uint04 size)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inlineexplicit
Buffer(uint04 size, const char &fill_object)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
Buffer(std::initializer_list< char > l)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
Buffer(const t_iterator &begin, const t_iterator &end)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
c_str() constString
capacity() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
clear()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
clear(uint04 new_capacity)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
compare(const Buffer &value) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
compare(const Buffer &value, uint04 start, uint04 end) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
contains(const char &element) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
contains(const char &element, const std::function< bool(const char &, const char &)> &equal_function) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
contains(const char &element, uint04 start) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
contains(const char &element, uint04 start, uint04 search_size) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
ConvertToCharString(uint04 number)Stringstatic
count(const char &element) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
DisplayString(const t_type &value)Stringstatic
e_critical_error enum valueLogMessage
e_debug enum valueLogMessage
e_error enum valueLogMessage
e_logged_debug enum valueLogMessage
e_notification enum valueLogMessage
e_success enum valueLogMessage
e_warning enum valueLogMessage
end()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
end() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
end(uint04 index)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
endsWith(const String &s, bool ignore_case=false) constString
ensureCapacity(uint04 new_capacity, bool ensure_not_greater=false, bool ensure_not_less=true)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
equals(const Buffer &buffer) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
formatNumberString(uint04 decimals)String
formatNumberString(bool add_comma, uint04 decimals)String
formatNumberString(bool add_comma, uint04 min_decimals, uint04 max_decimals, uint04 min_digits, char decimal='.', char comma=',')String
formatTitleString() constString
fromHex() constString
get(uint04 index)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
get(uint04 index) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
getAll(uint04 start, uint04 size)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
getAs() constStringinline
hash() constString
hash(const char *value)Stringinlinestatic
hashLower() constString
hashUpper() constString
hasSubString(const String &sub_string, bool ignore_case=false) constString
hasSubString(const char *sub_string, bool ignore_case=false) constString
indexOf(const String &sub_string, bool ignore_case=false, uint04 start_index=0) constString
indexOf(const char &sub_string) constStringinline
indexOf(const char &sub_string, uint04 start_pos) constStringinline
indexOf(const char &sub_string, uint04 start_pos, uint04 size) constStringinline
indexOf(const char *sub_string, bool ignore_case=false, uint04 start_index=0) constString
indexOf(const char *sub_string, bool ignore_case, uint04 start_index, uint04 size) constString
indexOf(const char *sub_string, char escape_char, bool ignore_case=false, uint04 start_index=0) constString
insert(uint04 offset, const Buffer &buffer)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
insert(uint04 offset, const char *const buffer, uint04 buffer_size)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
insert(const uint04 location, const char *buffer)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
insertNewLines(uint04 max_line_size) constString
isEmpty() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
isNumeric() constString
isSameNoCase(const String &s) constString
isSorted() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
isSortedSet() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
IsWhiteSpace(char s)Stringstatic
last()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
last() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
lastIndexOf(const char *sub_string, bool ignore_case=false) constString
lastIndexOf(const char value, bool ignore_case=false) constString
NDEVR::Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >::lastIndexOf(const char &element) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
LogMessage(const Time &time, const char *message, const uint01 error_level=e_notification)LogMessageinline
LogMessage(const char *message, const uint01 error_level=e_notification)LogMessageinlineexplicit
LogMessage(const String &message, const uint01 error_level=e_notification)LogMessageinlineexplicit
LogMessage(const TranslatedString &message, const uint01 error_level=e_notification)LogMessageinlineexplicit
logRecordLevel() constLogMessageinline
m_memory_interfaceBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >protected
matchesWildcard(const String &pattern) constString
memoryInterface()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
memoryInterface() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
memSize() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
move(uint04 from, uint04 to)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
NumberString(fltp08 value, bool add_comma, uint04 min_decimals, uint04 max_decimals, uint04 min_digits, char decimal='.', char comma=',')Stringstatic
operator char *()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator const char *() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator uint04() constStringinline
operator uint08() constStringinline
operator!=(const char *const value) constStringinline
operator!=(const char(&string)[t_size])Stringinline
operator!=(const String &value) constStringinline
NDEVR::Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >::operator!=(const Buffer &buffer) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator()() constStringinline
operator+(const char &element) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator+(const Buffer &value) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator+=(const char &element)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator+=(const Buffer &value)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator<(const String &value) constString
NDEVR::Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >::operator<(const Buffer &buffer) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator<=(const Buffer &buffer) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator=(const String &value)Stringinline
operator=(String &&value) noexceptStringinline
NDEVR::Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >::operator=(const Buffer &buffer)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
NDEVR::Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >::operator=(Buffer &&buffer) noexceptBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator==(const String &value) constStringinline
operator==(const char *const value) constStringinline
operator==(const char(&string)[t_size])Stringinline
NDEVR::Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >::operator==(const Buffer &buffer) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator>(const String &value) constString
NDEVR::Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >::operator>(const Buffer &buffer) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator>=(const Buffer &buffer) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator[](const uint04 index)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator[](const int index)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator[](const uint04 value) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
operator[](const int index) constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
predictNextStringIncrement() constString
primitiveSort()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
ptr()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
ptr() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
recordTime() constLogMessageinline
removeAllIndex(uint04 start, uint04 end)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
removeAllIndices(const t_range_buffer &ranges)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
removeAllOrdered(const char &object)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
removeAllUnordered(const char &object)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
removeAllUnordered(const t_functor &functor)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
removeElement(const char &element)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
removeIndex(uint04 location)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
removeIndexBackSwap(uint04 location)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
removeLast()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
removeNonAlphaNumeric(bool remove_tab=true, bool remove_space=true, bool remove_new_line=true, bool remove_r=true, bool remove_numbers=false)String
replace(const String &sub_string, const String &replace_sub_string, bool ignore_case=false)String
replace(const Buffer< String, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > &sub_string, const Buffer< String, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > &replace_sub_string, bool ignore_case=false)String
replaceAll(const char &var, const char &replacement)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
replaceIndexRange(uint04 offset, uint04 replace_size, const Buffer &buffer)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
resize(uint04 new_size)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
reverse()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
reverse(const uint04 start, const uint04 end)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
setAll(const t_o_type *src, uint04 offset, uint04 size)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
setAll(const Buffer &buffer, uint04 offset, uint04 size)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
setAll(const Buffer &buffer, uint04 offset, uint04 other_offset, uint04 size)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
setAllToValue(const t_o_type &fill_element, const uint04 offset=0, uint04 fill_size=Constant< uint04 >::NaN)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
setSize(uint04 new_size)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
setSize(const uint04 new_size, const char &fill_element)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
setUnique()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
setUniquePresorted()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
shortenString(uint04 size) constString
size() constBuffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
sort()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
sortAboutValue(uint04 value_index)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
sortAboutValue(uint04 value_index, uint04 start, uint04 end)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
sortRange(uint04 start, uint04 end)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
splitString(char delimiter, bool preserve_empty=true) constString
splitString(const Buffer< char > &delimiter, bool preserve_empty=true) constString
splitString(char delimiter, Buffer< String, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > &strings, bool preserve_empty=true) constString
splitString(const Buffer< char > &delimiter, Buffer< String, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > &strings, bool preserve_empty=true) constString
splitStringLength(uint04 max_chars_per_line) constString
splitStringLength(fltp04 length, fltp04(&font_width)[256]) constString
str_len(const char *value)Stringinlinestatic
str_len(const wchar *value)Stringinlinestatic
String(const String &string)String
String(String &&string) noexceptString
String(const char(&string)[N])Stringinline
String(const wchar(&string)[N])Stringinline
String(const char *string)Stringinline
String(const char *const string, uint04 size)String
String(uint04 size, const char &value)Stringinline
String(const t_type &value)Stringinlineexplicit
substr(uint04 start) constString
substr(uint04 start, uint04 end) constString
swapAllElements(const char &element1, const char &element2)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
swapElements(const char &element1, const char &element2)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
swapIndices(uint04 index_1, uint04 index_2)Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline
toHex(uint01 value)Stringstatic
toHex(char value)Stringstatic
toHex(t_object value)Stringinlinestatic
toHex(const Buffer< t_object, t_allocator, t_buff > &values)Stringinlinestatic
toHex(const String &values)Stringinlinestatic
toHex(const Vector< t_size, t_type > &values)Stringinlinestatic
toLower() constString
toUpper() constString
Type()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inlinestatic
UnicodetoUTF8(const wchar *unicode, uint04 &advance)Stringstatic
UTF8toUnicode(const char *utf8, uint04 &advance)Stringstatic
~Buffer()Buffer< char, uint04, ObjectAllocator< true >, BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > >inline