This is the complete list of members for QTIconManager, including all inherited members.
AddIconEngine(NDEVRIconEngine *engine) | QTIconManager | static |
addIconTheme(const IconThemeSettings &theme) | QTIconManager | static |
AddResolver(PixmapResolver *resolver) | QTIconManager | static |
AutoCrop(const QImage &pixmap, int margin=0, bool preserve_ratio=false) | QTIconManager | static |
CleanupImageForIcon(const QImage &image) | QTIconManager | static |
ClearWindowIcon(QWidget *widget) | QTIconManager | static |
ConvertColorPalette(const Buffer< std::pair< RGBColor, RGBColor > > &palette) | QTIconManager | static |
ConvertColorTheme(const Buffer< std::pair< RGBColor, RGBColor > > &colors, const Buffer< File > &in, const File &out_location, bool preserve_brightness, bool preserve_alpha, Log *log=nullptr) | QTIconManager | static |
ConvertColorTheme(const Buffer< std::pair< RGBColor, RGBColor > > &colors, const File &in_location, const File &out_location, bool preserve_brightness, bool preserve_alpha, Log *log=nullptr) | QTIconManager | static |
ConvertColorTheme(const Buffer< std::pair< LABColor, LABColor > > &color, QImage &image, bool preserve_brightness, bool preserve_alpha) | QTIconManager | static |
DeferredImageIconEngine class | QTIconManager | friend |
disabledPixmap(const String &icon_name) | QTIconManager | static |
EffectiveIconTheme() | QTIconManager | static |
FillBackground(const QImage &pixmap, RGBColor color) | QTIconManager | static |
GetIconResource(const std::function< void(const String &, const QIcon &)> &on_finished, const String &icon, QIcon::Mode mode=QIcon::Mode::Normal) | QTIconManager | static |
GetIconResource(const std::function< void(const String &, const QIcon &)> &on_finished, const String &icon, const IconThemeSettings &theme, QIcon::Mode mode=QIcon::Mode::Normal) | QTIconManager | static |
GetIconResourceBlocking(const String &icon, QIcon::Mode mode=QIcon::Mode::Normal) | QTIconManager | static |
GetIconResourceBlocking(const String &icon, const IconThemeSettings &theme, QIcon::Mode mode=QIcon::Mode::Normal) | QTIconManager | static |
GetImagePath(const String &icon) | QTIconManager | protectedstatic |
GetPixmapResource(const std::function< void(const String &, const QPixmap &)> &on_finished, const String &pixmap, QIcon::Mode mode=QIcon::Mode::Normal, const QSize &requested_size=QSize()) | QTIconManager | static |
GetSVGPath(const String &icon, const IconThemeSettings &theme) | QTIconManager | static |
icon(const String &icon, QIcon::Mode mode=QIcon::Mode::Normal) | QTIconManager | protectedstatic |
icon(const String &icon, const IconThemeSettings &theme, QIcon::Mode mode=QIcon::Mode::Normal) | QTIconManager | protectedstatic |
IconCacheLocation(const String &icon, const IconThemeSettings &theme) | QTIconManager | static |
iconThemes() | QTIconManager | static |
ImageCacheLocation(const String &icon) | QTIconManager | static |
LocalPixmapResource(const String &pixmap, QIcon::Mode mode=QIcon::Mode::Normal, const QSize &requested_size=QSize()) | QTIconManager | static |
NDEVRIconTheme() | QTIconManager | static |
NDEVRSVGIconEngine class | QTIconManager | friend |
NDEVRThemeLocation() | QTIconManager | inlinestatic |
OutlineIconTheme() | QTIconManager | static |
pixmap(const String &pixmap, QIcon::Mode mode=QIcon::Mode::Normal, const QSize &requested_size=QSize()) | QTIconManager | protectedstatic |
PostIconResourceLoad(const String &id) | QTIconManager | static |
s_icon_theme | QTIconManager | static |
s_overide_icon_theme | QTIconManager | static |
SetLightingTheme(const IconThemeSettings &theme) | QTIconManager | static |
SetOverrideTheme(IconThemeSettings *theme) | QTIconManager | static |
SetWindowIcon(const String &s, QWidget *widget) | QTIconManager | static |