File Support

Our vast library of lightning-fast imports and exports are unrivaled. We are constantly improving based on customer needs. We notably have full support for DWGs, DXFs, and OBJs, as well as easy support for ASCII workflows.

When Exporting we have many options to make it easy to adjust features, units, and options tailored to make each export easy and convenient for your workflow.

Supported Formats

An extensive list of all our supported formats.

Common Interchange Formats
  • Autodesk ( .dwg )
  • Autodesk ( .dxf )
  • Autodesk ( .fbx )
  • Collada ( .dae )
  • glTF ( .gltf, .glb )
  • Blender 3D ( .blend )
  • 3ds Max 3DS ( .3ds )
  • 3ds Max ASE ( .ase )
  • Wavefront Object ( .obj )
  • Industry Foundation Classes (IFC/Step) ( .ifc )
  • XGL ( .xgl,.zgl )
  • Stanford Polygon Library ( .ply )
  • *AutoCAD DXF ( .dxf )
  • LightWave ( .lwo )
  • LightWave Scene ( .lws )
  • Modo ( .lxo )
  • Stereolithography ( .stl )
  • DirectX X ( .x )
  • AC3D ( .ac )
  • Milkshape 3D ( .ms3d )
  • TrueSpace ( .cob,.scn )
Other FIle Formats
  • ROS URDF ( .urdf)
  • Sketchup ( .skp)
  • BlitzBasic 3D ( .b3d )
  • Quick3D ( .q3d,.q3s )
  • Neutral File Format ( .nff )
  • Sense8 WorldToolKit ( .nff )
  • Object File Format ( .off )
  • PovRAY Raw ( .raw )
  • Terragen Terrain ( .ter )
  • 3D GameStudio (3DGS) ( .mdl )
  • Carlson Model ( .mdl )
  • Carlson TIN.tin)
  • Carlson GRD.grd)
  • 3D GameStudio (3DGS) Terrain ( .hmp )
  • Izware Nendo ( .ndo )
Special Formats
  • pdf ( .pdf )
  • MS Excel ( .xlxs )
  • MS Word.docx )
  • Image.bmp, jpg, png, tiff, etc. )
Point Cloud Formats
  • LASer ( .las )
  • LAZip ( .laz )
  • ASTM E57.04 ( .e57)
  • Ascii .txt, .csv )
  • GeoSLAM (.geoslam)
Coordinate Formats
  • Keyhole Markup Language ( .kml )
  • Compressed Keyhole Markup Language ( .kmz )
  • Shape File ( .shp )
  • IREDES ( .ird )
Motion Capture Formats
  • Biovision BVH ( .bvh )
  • CharacterStudio Motion ( .csm )
Graphics Engines Formats
  • Ogre XML ( .xml )
  • Irrlicht Mesh ( .irrmesh )
  • Irrlicht Scene ( .irr )
Game File Formats
  • Quake I ( .mdl )
  • Quake II ( .md2 )
  • Quake III Mesh ( .md3 )
  • Quake III Map/BSP ( .pk3 )
  • Return to Castle Wolfenstein ( .mdc )
  • Doom 3 ( .md5* )
  • *Valve Model ( .smd,.vta )
  • *Open Game Engine Exchange ( .ogex )
  • *Unreal ( .3d )
Mining Formats
  • Open Mining Foundation ( .omf )
  • RockWorks ( .rcl )
  • Quarry6 ( .phd )
  • QuarryX ( .qph )
  • DTH .dth )
  • Block Model .blk )