![]() |
API Documentation
This is the complete list of members for Geometry, including all inherited members.
actionDeletedIndex(uint04 index, uint04 size) | DesignObject | |
activeFilters() const | DesignObject | |
addFromParent(Model &parent) | Geometry | protected |
addIndex(uint04 index, uint04 size) | DesignObject | |
addPrimitive(PrimitiveProperty index_property, const t_type &primitive) | Geometry | inline |
addPrimitives(PrimitiveProperty index_property, uint04 insersion_size) | Geometry | inline |
addToTree(uint04 start, uint04 size, PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property) const | Geometry | |
addVertex() | Geometry | inline |
addVertices(uint04 size) | Geometry | inline |
addVertices(uint04 location, uint04 size) | Geometry | |
appendData(const String &data, bool compressed) | DesignObject | |
autoCalculateIndices(PrimitiveProperty property, const void *lock=nullptr, ProgressInfo *log=nullptr, const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform=Matrix< fltp08 >(1.0)) | Geometry | |
base() const | DesignObject | inline |
calculateAverageDirection(const Matrix< fltp08 > &mat) const | Geometry | |
calculateHVLength(const Matrix< fltp08 > &mat) const | Geometry | |
calculateIndexNeighborList(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property) | Geometry | |
calculateLength(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform) const | Geometry | |
calculateNormals(NormalMode mode, Angle< fltp08 > max_difference, const void *lock=nullptr, ProgressInfo *log=nullptr) | Geometry | |
calculatePlaneAtVertex(uint04 vertex_index) const | Geometry | |
calculateSurfaceArea(const Matrix< fltp08 > &parent_transform) const | Geometry | |
calculateTangentSpace(bool calc_tan, bool calc_bitan) | Geometry | |
calculateVolume(const Matrix< fltp08 > &parent_transform) const | Geometry | |
calculateVolumeAndSurfaceArea(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform, const void *lock) const | Geometry | |
canBeClosedSolid(const void *lock=nullptr) const | Geometry | |
canExplode() const | Geometry | |
centerAlign() | Geometry | |
clearMetaData(const String &index) | DesignObject | |
clearSmoothing(const SmoothingParameters &properties) | Geometry | |
clearVerticesAndPrimitives() | Geometry | |
closePolyline(PrimitiveProperty property) | Geometry | |
column(VertexProperty property) | Geometry | inline |
column(VertexProperty property) const | Geometry | inline |
combine(const Geometry &geo, const Matrix< fltp08 > &conversion=Matrix< fltp08 >(1.0)) | Geometry | |
combine(const Geometry &geo, const Matrix< fltp08 > &conversion, Buffer< bool > vertex_mask) | Geometry | |
convertPolarToCartesian(const String &roll_column, const String &pitch_column, const String &distance_column) | Geometry | |
copyFrom(const Geometry &geo, bool copy_tree=true) | Geometry | |
NDEVR::DesignObject::copyFrom(const DesignObject &object) | DesignObject | |
copyTraitsFrom(const Geometry &geo) | Geometry | |
cotangentLaplacianSmoothing(const SmoothingParameters &properties) | Geometry | |
createDrapedMaterialCoordinates(const Matrix< fltp08 > &mat=Matrix< fltp08 >()) | Geometry | |
createVertexProperty(const String &property_name) | Geometry | inline |
createVertexProperty(const String &property_name, const TypeInfo &type) | Geometry | |
deleteGeometry() | Geometry | |
designIndex() const | DesignObject | inline |
DesignObject()=default | DesignObject | |
DesignObject(DesignObjectBase *base) | DesignObject | explicit |
DesignObject(uint04 index, DesignObjectBase *base) | DesignObject | |
DesignObjectType enum name | DesignObject | |
DesignProperty enum name | DesignObject | |
doesPropertyBeginWith(DesignProperty property, const String &value, bool ignore_case) const | DesignObject | inline |
doesPropertyBeginWith(DesignProperty property, const char *value, bool ignore_case) const | DesignObject | inline |
doesPropertyContain(DesignProperty property, const String &value, bool ignore_case) const | DesignObject | inline |
doesPropertyContain(DesignProperty property, const char *value, bool ignore_case) const | DesignObject | inline |
e_3D_visible enum value | DesignObject | |
e_allow_interactions enum value | DesignObject | |
e_applied_filters enum value | DesignObject | |
e_asc_modified_time enum value | DesignObject | |
e_author enum value | DesignObject | |
e_bitflag enum value | Geometry | |
e_bone enum value | DesignObject | |
e_bounding_box enum value | DesignObject | |
e_bounds_ignored enum value | DesignObject | |
e_bounds_modified_time enum value | DesignObject | |
e_camera enum value | DesignObject | |
e_cartesian_1D enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_1F enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_2D enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_2F enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_2I enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_2S enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_3D enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_3F enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_3I enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_3S enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_grid_1D enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_grid_1F enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_grid_3D enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_grid_3F enum value | Geometry | |
e_cartesian_grid_image enum value | Geometry | |
e_category enum value | DesignObject | |
e_circle enum value | Geometry | |
e_circle_per_vertex enum value | Geometry | |
e_color_aci enum value | Geometry | |
e_color_hsb enum value | Geometry | |
e_color_hsl enum value | Geometry | |
e_color_lab enum value | Geometry | |
e_color_rgb enum value | Geometry | |
e_color_xyz enum value | Geometry | |
e_compressed_data enum value | DesignObject | |
e_creation_software enum value | DesignObject | |
e_creation_time enum value | DesignObject | |
e_deletion_allowed enum value | DesignObject | |
e_desc_modified_time enum value | DesignObject | |
e_description enum value | DesignObject | |
e_design_property_size enum value | DesignObject | |
e_design_types enum value | DesignObject | |
e_editable_description enum value | DesignObject | |
e_effect enum value | DesignObject | |
e_file enum value | DesignObject | |
e_flat_per_vertex enum value | Geometry | |
e_flat_single enum value | Geometry | |
e_geometry enum value | DesignObject | |
e_geometry_type enum value | Geometry | |
e_guid enum value | DesignObject | |
e_has_closed_primitive enum value | Geometry | |
e_icon enum value | DesignObject | |
e_index enum value | Geometry | |
e_is_application_locked enum value | DesignObject | |
e_is_application_owned enum value | DesignObject | |
e_is_clipping_geo enum value | Geometry | |
e_is_closed_solid enum value | Geometry | |
e_is_deleted enum value | DesignObject | |
e_is_focused enum value | DesignObject | |
e_is_frozen enum value | DesignObject | |
e_is_selected enum value | DesignObject | |
e_is_smooth enum value | Geometry | |
e_is_surface enum value | Geometry | |
e_kd_tree enum value | Geometry | |
e_layer enum value | DesignObject | |
e_library_id enum value | DesignObject | |
e_manager_visible enum value | DesignObject | |
e_material enum value | DesignObject | |
e_meta_data enum value | DesignObject | |
e_model enum value | DesignObject | |
e_modified_time enum value | DesignObject | |
e_name enum value | DesignObject | |
e_no_auto_tree_creation enum value | Geometry | |
e_no_tree enum value | Geometry | |
e_no_vertex enum value | Geometry | |
e_none enum value | Geometry | |
e_normal_mode enum value | Geometry | |
e_normal_ray_3D enum value | Geometry | |
e_normal_ray_3F enum value | Geometry | |
e_normal_smoothing_angle enum value | Geometry | |
e_pixel enum value | Geometry | |
e_plane_normal enum value | Geometry | |
e_plane_offset enum value | Geometry | |
e_polar_grid_1F enum value | Geometry | |
e_poly_holes enum value | Geometry | |
e_preserve_primitive_order enum value | Geometry | |
e_preserve_vertex_order enum value | Geometry | |
e_property_fields enum value | Geometry | |
e_quad_tree enum value | Geometry | |
e_r_tree enum value | Geometry | |
e_scene enum value | DesignObject | |
e_search_terms enum value | DesignObject | |
e_selection enum value | DesignObject | |
e_selection_box enum value | DesignObject | |
e_selection_ignored enum value | DesignObject | |
e_shape_type enum value | Geometry | |
e_smooth_algorithm enum value | Geometry | |
e_smooth_level enum value | Geometry | |
e_thickness enum value | Geometry | |
e_thickness_mode enum value | Geometry | |
e_transform enum value | DesignObject | |
e_translated_string_data enum value | DesignObject | |
e_tree_visible enum value | DesignObject | |
e_uncompressed_data enum value | DesignObject | |
e_untranslated_string_data enum value | DesignObject | |
e_winding enum value | Geometry | |
edgeToFaceColumn() | Geometry | inline |
edgeToFaceColumn() const | Geometry | inline |
explode() const | Geometry | |
faceCenter(uint04 index) const | Geometry | |
faceEdges(uint04 index) const | Geometry | |
faceToEdgeColumn() | Geometry | inline |
faceToEdgeColumn() const | Geometry | inline |
file() const | DesignObject | |
FilePathDesignNameVariable() | DesignObject | inlinestatic |
fillHolesByNeighbor(PrimitiveProperty property, const void *lock=nullptr, ProgressInfo *log=nullptr) | Geometry | |
flipNormals() | Geometry | |
Geometry()=default | Geometry | |
Geometry(DesignObjectBase *base) | Geometry | |
Geometry(uint04 index, DesignObjectBase *base) | Geometry | |
Geometry(const DesignObject &obj) | Geometry | explicit |
GeometryProperty enum name | Geometry | |
getAscModifiedTime(bool include_self, bool include_layer=false) const | Geometry | |
getBounds() const | Geometry | |
getDesignParentIndex() const | DesignObject | |
getGeometryIcon() const | Geometry | |
getGeometryProperty(GeometryProperty property) const | Geometry | inline |
getGeometryType() const | Geometry | |
getIcon() const | DesignObject | |
getInheritedProperty(DesignProperty property) const | DesignObject | inline |
getModifiedTime() const | DesignObject | |
getParent(uint04 index) const | Geometry | |
getParents() const | Geometry | |
getProperty(DesignProperty property) const | DesignObject | inline |
getScene() const | DesignObject | |
getSelectedVertices() const | Geometry | |
getTransform() const | DesignObject | |
getTreeIndices(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property) const | Geometry | |
getTreeSortedVertices(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property) const | Geometry | inline |
hasColumn(VertexProperty property) const | Geometry | inline |
hasHoles(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Geometry | |
hasIndexColumn() const | Geometry | inline |
hasIndexFanColumn() const | Geometry | inline |
hasMetaData(const String &index) const | DesignObject | |
hasParent(const Model &model) const | Geometry | |
hasProperty(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Geometry | inline |
hasProperty(VertexProperty property) const | Geometry | inline |
NDEVR::DesignObject::hasProperty(DesignProperty property) const | DesignObject | inline |
hasTree(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property=VertexProperty::Position) const | Geometry | |
hasVertexProperty(const String &property_name) const | Geometry | |
hasVertexProperty(const VertexProperty &property) const | Geometry | |
index() const | DesignObject | inline |
indexFanCount() const | Geometry | inline |
indexFanOffset() const | Geometry | inline |
indexOffset() const | Geometry | inline |
indexOffset(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Geometry | inline |
indices(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, uint04 start, uint04 size) const | Geometry | |
indicesPerPrimitive(PrimitiveMode property) | Geometry | inlinestatic |
invalidateBounds() | Geometry | |
isDesignType(DesignObjectType mode) const | DesignObject | |
isDesignType(uint04 mode) const | DesignObject | |
isProperty(DesignProperty property, const String &value) const | DesignObject | inline |
isProperty(DesignProperty property, const char *value) const | DesignObject | inline |
isValid() const | DesignObject | inline |
laplacianSmoothing(const SmoothingParameters &properties) | Geometry | |
lineIndices(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property) const | Geometry | inline |
lineIndices(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, uint04 start, uint04 size) const | Geometry | |
lineSegment(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property, uint04 line_index) const | Geometry | inline |
lineSegments(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property) const | Geometry | inline |
m_base | DesignObject | protected |
m_design_index | DesignObject | protected |
m_index | DesignObject | protected |
m_uuid | DesignObject | mutableprotected |
metaData(const String &index) const | DesignObject | |
metaData() const | DesignObject | |
mode(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Geometry | inline |
mode(VertexProperty property) const | Geometry | inline |
Model class | Geometry | friend |
normalExpansion(const Vector< 3, fltp04 > &expansion_vector) | Geometry | |
numberOfParents() const | Geometry | |
offset(const Vector< 3, fltp08 > &offset) | DesignObject | |
onNameChange(const String &new_name) | DesignObject | protected |
operator bool() const | DesignObject | inline |
operator!=(const Geometry &model) const | Geometry | inline |
NDEVR::DesignObject::operator!=(const DesignObject &model) const | DesignObject | |
operator<(const DesignObject &model) const | DesignObject | |
operator==(const Geometry &model) const | Geometry | inline |
NDEVR::DesignObject::operator==(const DesignObject &model) const | DesignObject | |
operator>(const DesignObject &model) const | DesignObject | |
OptimizedGetPrimitiveVec(const OptimizedPrimitiveDef &ref, uint04 index) | Geometry | inlinestatic |
optimizedPrimitiveDef(PrimitiveProperty property) | Geometry | inline |
OptimizedSetPrimitive(const OptimizedPrimitiveDef &ref, uint04 index, t_vec_type index_value) | Geometry | inlinestatic |
OptimizedSetPrimitiveVec(const OptimizedPrimitiveDef &ref, uint04 index, t_vec_type index_value) | Geometry | inlinestatic |
optimizeVertexLocations() | Geometry | |
outline() | Geometry | |
parity(const Matrix< fltp04 > &parent_matrix, PrimitiveMode mode) const | Geometry | |
parity(const Matrix< fltp08 > &parent_matrix, PrimitiveMode mode) const | Geometry | |
polygons(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property) const | Geometry | inline |
polygons(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property, uint04 start, uint04 size) const | Geometry | inline |
polyIndices(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property) const | Geometry | |
polyIndices(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, uint04 start, uint04 size) const | Geometry | |
polylines(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property) const | Geometry | inline |
polylines(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property, uint04 start, uint04 size) const | Geometry | inline |
primitive(PrimitiveProperty property, typename std::enable_if< ObjectInfo< t_type >::Dimensions<=1, uint04 >::type index) const | Geometry | inline |
primitive(PrimitiveProperty property, typename std::enable_if< ObjectInfo< t_type >::Dimensions==2, uint04 >::type index) const | Geometry | inline |
primitive(PrimitiveProperty property, typename std::enable_if< ObjectInfo< t_type >::Dimensions==3, uint04 >::type index) const | Geometry | inline |
primitiveColumn() | Geometry | |
primitiveColumn() const | Geometry | inline |
primitiveCount(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Geometry | inline |
primitiveFanColumn() | Geometry | inline |
primitiveFanColumn() const | Geometry | inline |
primitiveFlagColumn() | Geometry | inline |
primitiveFlagColumn() const | Geometry | inline |
primitiveIndexCount() const | Geometry | inline |
primitiveIndexCount(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Geometry | inline |
primitiveIndexFlag(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 primitive_index, PrimitiveBitFlags flag) const | Geometry | |
primitiveIndices(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property) const | Geometry | |
propertyColumn(uint04 property) | Geometry | inline |
propertyColumn(uint04 property) const | Geometry | inline |
propertyColumn(const String &property) | Geometry | inline |
propertyColumn(const String &property) const | Geometry | inline |
propertyTable() const | DesignObject | |
propertyTable() | DesignObject | |
propertyVertices(uint04 property) const | Geometry | inline |
propertyVertices(uint04 property, uint04 start, uint04 size) const | Geometry | inline |
provokingPrimitiveOffset() const | Geometry | |
removeDuplicateVertices(fltp08 epsilon, const void *lock, ProgressInfo *log=nullptr) | Geometry | |
removeHoleFill(const void *lock=nullptr, ProgressInfo *log=nullptr) | Geometry | |
removeMetaData(const String &index, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
removeParent(const Model &parent) | Geometry | protected |
removePrimitive(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 location) | Geometry | |
removePrimitive(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 location, uint04 size) | Geometry | |
removePrimitive(PrimitiveProperty property, Buffer< uint04 > vertices) | Geometry | |
removePrimitive(PrimitiveProperty property, const Buffer< bool > &selection_mask) | Geometry | |
removeTree(PrimitiveProperty property, VertexProperty vertex_property=VertexProperty::Position) | Geometry | |
removeTrees(VertexProperty vertex_property=VertexProperty::Position) | Geometry | |
removeVertex(uint04 location) | Geometry | |
removeVertices(uint04 location, uint04 size) | Geometry | |
removeVertices(Buffer< uint04 > vertices) | Geometry | |
removeVertices(const Buffer< bool > &selection_mask) | Geometry | |
removeVertices(uint04 mask_offset, const Buffer< bool > &selection_mask) | Geometry | |
reservePrimitiveIndexSpace(uint04 index_size) | Geometry | |
s_geometry_triangulation | Geometry | protectedstatic |
scale(Vector< 3, fltp08 > scale, Vertex< 3, fltp08 > center_of_scale=Constant< Vertex< 3, fltp08 > >::Invalid) | DesignObject | |
setActiveFilters(const JSONNode &node) | DesignObject | |
setCountValue(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 count) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setDesignType(DesignObjectType mode, bool is_type) | DesignObject | |
setDesignVisible(bool is_visible) | DesignObject | |
setGeometryProperty(GeometryProperty property, const t_type &value) | Geometry | inline |
setGeometryType(GeometryType geometry_type) | Geometry | |
setIndexCountValue(uint04 count) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setIndexFanCountValue(uint04 count) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setIndexFanOffsetValue(uint04 offset) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setIndexOffsetValue(uint04 offset) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setMetaData(const JSONNode &node) | DesignObject | |
setMetaData(const String &index, const JSONNode &node) | DesignObject | |
setMetaData(const String &index, const String &data) | DesignObject | |
setMetaData(const String &index, const bool &data) | DesignObject | |
setMetaData(const String &index, const fltp08 &data) | DesignObject | |
setMetaData(const String &index, const uint04 &data) | DesignObject | |
setModeValue(PrimitiveProperty property, PrimitiveMode mode) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setModeValue(VertexProperty property, VertexMode vert_mode) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setNormalMode(NormalMode mode, Angle< fltp08 > max_sep_angle, const void *lock=nullptr, ProgressInfo *log=nullptr) | Geometry | |
setOffsetValue(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 offset) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setPrimitive(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 index, t_type index_value) | Geometry | inline |
setPrimitive(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 index, Vector< 2, t_type > index_value) | Geometry | inline |
setPrimitive(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 index, Vector< 3, t_type > index_value) | Geometry | inline |
setPrimitive(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 index, Triangle< 1, t_type > index_value) | Geometry | inline |
setPrimitiveIndexFlag(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 primitive_index, PrimitiveBitFlags flag, bool value) | Geometry | |
setPrimitiveMode(PrimitiveProperty property, PrimitiveMode mode) | Geometry | |
setPrimitiveRange(PrimitiveProperty mode, uint04 start, uint04 primitive_count) | Geometry | |
setPrimitiveVec(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 index, t_vec_type &index_value) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setProperty(DesignProperty property, const t_type &value) | DesignObject | inline |
setProperty(DesignProperty property, const UUID &value) | DesignObject | inline |
setProperty(DesignProperty property, const String &value) | DesignObject | inline |
setRealThickness(fltp08 real_thickness, const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform, const void *lock, ProgressInfo *log=nullptr) | Geometry | |
setSolidVertexCountValue(uint04 count) | Geometry | inline |
setSolidVertexOffsetValue(uint04 count) | Geometry | inline |
setSolidVertexReservedValue(uint04 count) | Geometry | inline |
setThicknessMode(ThicknessMode mode) | Geometry | |
setTransform(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform) | Geometry | |
setTree(DynamicPointer< RTree< 3, fltp04 > > tree, PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property=VertexProperty::Position) const | Geometry | |
SetTriangulationMethod(std::function< void(Geometry &geo, const Matrix< fltp08 > &matrix, const void *lock, ProgressInfo *log)> function) | Geometry | static |
setupIndexFanColumn() | Geometry | |
setupVertexTable(uint04 vertex_size, VertexMode position, VertexMode normal=VertexMode::e_no_vertex, VertexMode color=VertexMode::e_no_vertex, VertexMode texture=VertexMode::e_no_vertex, VertexMode tangent=VertexMode::e_no_vertex, VertexMode bitangent=VertexMode::e_no_vertex, VertexMode bones=VertexMode::e_no_vertex) | Geometry | |
setVertex(VertexProperty property, uint04 index, const t_type &vector) | Geometry | inline |
setVertex(VertexProperty property, uint04 index, uint04 sub_index, const t_type &vector) | Geometry | inline |
setVertexCountValue(uint04 count) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setVertexFlag(uint04 vertex, VertexFlags flag, bool value) | Geometry | |
setVertexMode(VertexProperty property, VertexMode mode) | Geometry | |
setVertexOffsetValue(uint04 count) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setVertexProperties(const String &property, const Buffer< t_type > &vertices, uint04 offset=0) | Geometry | inline |
setVertexProperty(uint04 property, uint04 index, const t_type &vector) | Geometry | inline |
setVertexProperty(const String &property, uint04 index, const t_type &property_value) | Geometry | inline |
setVertexProperty(uint04 property, uint04 index, uint04 sub_index, const t_type &vector) | Geometry | inline |
setVertexProperty(const String &property, uint04 index, uint04 sub_index, const t_type &vector) | Geometry | inline |
setVertexReservedValue(uint04 count) | Geometry | inlineprotected |
setVertexSize(uint04 size) | Geometry | |
setVertices(VertexProperty property, const Buffer< t_type > &vertices, uint04 offset=0) | Geometry | inline |
setVertices(VertexProperty property, const Buffer< t_type > &vertices, const Matrix< t_matrix_type > &matrix, uint04 offset=0) | Geometry | inline |
setVertices(VertexProperty property, const t_type *vertices, uint04 size, uint04 offset=0) | Geometry | inline |
setVerticesFlag(const Buffer< uint04 > &vertices, VertexFlags flag, bool value) | Geometry | |
setVerticesFlag(const Buffer< bool > &selection_mask, VertexFlags flag, bool value) | Geometry | |
setVerticesFlagAll(VertexFlags flag, bool value) | Geometry | |
setVerticesFlagAll(uint01 on_flags, uint01 off_flags) | Geometry | |
setVerticesFlags(const Buffer< bool > &selection_mask, BitFlag on_flags, BitFlag off_flags) | Geometry | |
setVerticesFlags(const Buffer< bool > &selection_mask, BitFlag selected_on_flags, BitFlag selected_off_flags, BitFlag unselected_on_flags, BitFlag unselected_off_flags, uint04 bitmask_offset=0) | Geometry | |
setWindingMode(WindingMode mode, const void *lock=nullptr) | Geometry | |
solidVertexCount() const | Geometry | inline |
solidVertexOffset() const | Geometry | inline |
solidVertexReservedCount() const | Geometry | inline |
split(Geometry &other_geo, const Buffer< bool > &vertex_mask) | Geometry | |
splitDuplicateVertices() | Geometry | |
surfaceNormal() const | Geometry | |
ThicknessMode enum name | Geometry | |
thicknessMode() const | Geometry | |
tree(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property=VertexProperty::Position) const | Geometry | |
TreeMode enum name | Geometry | |
triangle(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property, uint04 tri_index) const | Geometry | inline |
triangles(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property) const | Geometry | inline |
triangles(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, VertexProperty vertex_property, uint04 start, uint04 size) const | Geometry | inline |
triIndices(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property) const | Geometry | inline |
triIndices(PrimitiveProperty primitive_property, uint04 start, uint04 size) const | Geometry | |
updateCreatedTime() | DesignObject | |
updateDesignModifiedTime(Time time=Time::SystemTime()) | DesignObject | |
updateDesignTransform(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform, const void *lock=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
updateDesignVisible(bool is_visible, const void *lock=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
updateGeometryProperty(GeometryProperty property, const t_type &type, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) | Geometry | inline |
updateMetaData(const String &index, const String &data, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
updateMetaData(const String &index, const fltp08 &data, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
updateMetaData(const String &index, const bool &data, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
updateModifiedTime(Time time=Time::SystemTime()) | Geometry | |
updatePrimitiveColumn(PrimitiveProperty property, bool remove_tree=true) | Geometry | |
updatePrimitiveColumns(bool remove_tree=true) | Geometry | |
updateProperty(DesignProperty property, const t_type &value, const void *lock=nullptr) | DesignObject | inline |
updateSolidVertexColumns(bool invalidate_bounds=true, bool erase_kd_tree=true) | Geometry | |
updateTransform(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) | Geometry | |
updateVertexColumn(VertexProperty property) | Geometry | |
updateVertexColumn(VertexProperty property, uint04 index, uint04 size) | Geometry | |
updateVertexColumn(const String &property) | Geometry | |
updateVertexColumn(const String &property, uint04 index, uint04 size) | Geometry | |
updateVertexColumns(bool invalidate_bounds=true, bool erase_kd_tree=true) | Geometry | |
updateVertexColumns(uint04 index, uint04 size, bool invalidate_bounds=true, bool erase_kd_tree=true) | Geometry | |
uuid() const | DesignObject | |
validate() const | Geometry | |
validateDesignObject() const | DesignObject | |
vertex(VertexProperty property, uint04 index) const | Geometry | inline |
vertexCount() const | Geometry | inline |
vertexFlag(uint04 vertex_index, VertexFlags flag) const | Geometry | |
VertexMode enum name | Geometry | |
vertexOffset() const | Geometry | inline |
vertexProperty(uint04 property_index, uint04 vertex_index) const | Geometry | inline |
vertexProperty(const String &property, uint04 vertex_index) const | Geometry | inline |
vertexProperty(uint04 property_index, uint04 vertex_index, uint04 sub_index) const | Geometry | inline |
vertexProperty(const String &property, uint04 vertex_index, uint04 sub_index) const | Geometry | inline |
vertexPropertyCount() const | Geometry | |
vertexPropertyIndex(const String &property_name) const | Geometry | |
vertexPropertyName(uint04 property_index) const | Geometry | inline |
vertexPropertyType(uint04 property_index) const | Geometry | inline |
vertexReservedCount() const | Geometry | inline |
vertexSelected(uint04 vertex) const | Geometry | |
vertices(VertexProperty property) const | Geometry | inline |
vertices(VertexProperty property, uint04 start, uint04 size) const | Geometry | inline |
vertices(const String &property) const | Geometry | inline |
vertices(const String &property, uint04 start, uint04 size) const | Geometry | inline |