Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- a -
- a : MatrixFunctions::TransformSolveOptions, MD5_CTX, ResourceMirror< t_type >
- a_pos : RGBColor
- about_visible : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- abr_major : ThreePartAngleUnit, TwoPartAngleUnit, TwoPartUnit
- abr_minor : TwoPartAngleUnit, TwoPartUnit
- abr_minor_a : ThreePartAngleUnit
- abr_minor_b : ThreePartAngleUnit
- acc_data : CalibrationPosition
- accel : OrientationReading
- acceleration : XLSXMagneticAngleReading
- accent_color : IconThemeSettings
- accessed_time : FileCachedData
- accumulate_mode : DesignParameterAccumulator
- action : RegistryKeyAction
- activation_code : ApplicationResource
- activation_email : DesignSettings
- activation_id : Module
- active : DeploymentInfo
- active_processor_mask : HardwareInformation
- adapter_dac_type : VideoCardInformation
- add_commas : DesignParameterAccumulator
- add_polygon : VectorizeImageParams
- address : ConnectionInfo
- advertise : FileHandler
- ai_materials : AssimpSceneMemory
- ai_meshes : AssimpSceneMemory
- ai_models : AssimpSceneMemory
- align_a : TextData
- align_b : TextData
- alignment : Font, TextData
- alignment_data : DimAlignedData, LinearDimension
- all : ConfigType, OSType, PlatformType
- all_rights : Permission
- all_types : SnapPoint
- allow_application_close : DesignTask
- allow_custom_option : GenericOption
- allow_gnss_readings : CoordinateOptions
- allow_import_file : DesignTask
- allow_inverse_trans : SelectionInfo
- allow_multiple_properties : WindowOptions
- allow_open_project : DesignTask
- allow_planned_deployments : DeploymentOptions
- allow_relative_positions : StationOptions
- allow_station_orientation : StationOptions
- allow_station_scene_reference : StationOptions
- allow_steep_slopes : CSFParams
- allow_title_autohide : PopupInfo
- allow_touch_desktop_selection : WindowOptions
- allow_user_toggle_active : Module
- allow_windowable_windows : WidgetOptions
- allowed_categories : ConnectionSearchParamaters
- alpha : HSBColor, HSLColor
- ambient : DXFMaterial
- android : OSType
- android_update_address : NDEVRUpdateChecker
- angle : AxisAngle< t_angle_type, t_axis_type >, DimensionData, HatchData, MTextData
- angle1 : ArcData, EllipseData
- angle2 : ArcData, EllipseData
- angle_end : HatchEdgeData
- angle_min_decimals : DimensionOptions
- angle_offset : RasterInfo
- angle_offsets : AutoZoomFocus
- angle_start : HatchEdgeData
- angle_unit : DimensionOptions, OrientationEditor, UnitManager
- animation_quality : WidgetOptions
- animation_scale : WidgetOptions
- animation_speed : PopupInfo
- app : WidgetInitialization
- app_font_name : Font
- append : Permission
- application : LocalApplicationLauncher
- application_base : DesignObjectBase
- application_locked : FactoryOptions
- application_name : ApplicationResource
- application_version : ApplicationResource
- architecture_id : VideoCardInformation
- architecture_name : VideoCardInformation
- area : CoordinateProjection, OptimizedSelection
- argc : WidgetInitialization
- args : HardwareCommandQueue< t_type >::CommandQueueItem, LocalApplicationLauncher
- argument : FileHandlerVerb
- argv : WidgetInitialization
- arm64 : PlatformType
- armeabi : PlatformType
- arrow_block_name : DimensionOptions
- arrow_size : DimensionOptions
- ascii : FactoryOptions, SlicerOutputOptions
- ascii_options : FactoryFeatures
- ascii_ui : AsciiModelFileDialog
- ASI_RED : ACIColor
- attachment_point : MTextData
- attachment_point_align : DimensionData
- attrib_flags : Attrib
- attribute_to_follow : BlockInsert
- auth : NtpFullPacket
- authority : CoordinateProjection
- authority_number : CoordinateProjection
- auto_restart : WidgetInitialization
- autosave_checkpoint_duration : FileAndFolderOptions
- autosave_checkpoint_request_time : DesignObjectLookup
- autosave_duration : FileAndFolderOptions
- autosave_enabled : FileAndFolderOptions
- autosave_request_time : DesignObjectLookup
- available_options : ColumnDetails, GenericOption
- average : DesignParameterAccumulator
- avg_thickness : DesignWidget::PropertiesStruct
- axis : AxisAngle< t_angle_type, t_axis_type >
- axis_abbreviations : Unit
- axis_major_point : HatchEdgeData
- axis_name_ids : Unit
- axis_ratio : HatchEdgeData
- azimuth : PlacementData