Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- c -
- c : MD5_CTX
- cache_index : QTModelManagerView::ModelCache
- cached_meta_data : DesignObjectBase
- calibration_back_point_label : DesignSettings
- calibration_front_point_label : DesignSettings
- callback : ModelTableColumnSpec, NDVSetupCallback
- camera : GraphicsUpdateArguments, SelectionInfo
- camera_background : ViewportOptions
- camera_drape_move_angle : RasterInfo
- camera_id : ViewportFormat
- camera_pos : CameraUniformObject
- cameras : FactoryParameters, ViewportLayout
- can_fill_holes : DesignWidget::PropertiesStruct
- can_fill_visible_holes : DesignWidget::PropertiesStruct
- can_undo : DesignCommand
- cancel_button_icon : ShowPropertiesSettings
- cancel_button_title : ShowPropertiesSettings
- cancel_function : ShowPropertiesSettings
- capabilities : VulkanRenderPipeline::SwapChainSupportDetails
- card_type : VideoCardInformation
- category : Formula
- cell_count : RockworksSolidModInfo
- cell_size : RockworksSolidModInfo
- center : EllipseData
- center_model : FactoryOptions
- center_point : HatchEdgeData, SlicePlane, ViewportData
- change_permission : Permission
- children : QTModelManagerView::ModelCache
- circle : CircleData
- clear_animations : AutoZoomFocus
- click_type : MouseEvent
- clip_planes : ViewportData
- closable : PopupInfo
- close_when_finished : RockWorksSetup
- closest_snap_distance : SnapPoint
- cloth_resolution : CSFParams
- cmdBuf : VulkanImageResources
- cmdFence : VulkanImageResources
- cmdFenceWaitable : VulkanImageResources
- color : CADColorInfo, ColorChooserButton, Font, LayerCacheObject, MaterialUVImageOptions, MaterialUVOptions
- color_info : EntityData
- color_intensity : MaterialUVOptions
- color_theme : MercatorImageRequest
- colorCount : IcoFile::IconDirEntry
- colorize_svgs : IconThemeSettings
- colors : CADMeshData, CSFParams, GeometryVertices, SLAMFrame
- column : Geometry::OptimizedPrimitiveDef
- column_name : DesignParameter
- column_type : ModelTableColumnSpec
- combine_mesh_instances : FactoryOptions
- command : CommandInformation, FileHandlerVerb, HardwareCommandQueue< t_type >::CommandQueueItem, HardwareCommandQueue< t_type >::CommandRecord
- command_hint : DesignCommandManager
- command_id : DesignCommandManager
- command_lock : DesignCommandManager
- command_name : DesignCommandManager
- command_pool : VulkanQueueCore
- command_type : ManagedDesignCommand
- comment : TimeZone
- company_name : DesignSettings
- compressed_data : BinaryCompressionObject, ImageDataStream
- compressed_length : ImageDataStream
- compressed_size : BinaryCompressionObject
- compression_link : BinaryCompressionObject
- compression_mode : BinaryCompressionObject, FactoryOptions
- compression_supported : FactoryFeatures
- computed_acc : XLSXMagneticAngleReading
- computed_hdg : XLSXMagneticAngleReading
- config_manager_code : VideoCardInformation
- config_manager_string : VideoCardInformation
- config_type : ModuleConfiguration
- connect_linework : QuickVisualization::VertexVisualizationOptions
- connect_mode : ConnectionInfo
- connection_status_log : HardwareSearchPathParameters
- connections_to_search : HardwareSearchParameters
- content_type : FileHanderExtension
- contrast : CADImageData
- control_points : HatchEdgeData
- convert_degenerates : FactoryOptions
- coordinate : RadialDimension
- coordinate_plane_id : ElevationRequest
- coordinate_space_unit : UnitManager
- core_abbreviation : ScaledOffsetUnit, ScaledUnit
- COUNT : XRSide
- count : IcoFile::IconDir, XLSXKeyPointMagneticAngleReading
- create_ascii_logs : FileAndFolderOptions
- create_callback : ModelTableColumnSpec::RelativePathObject
- create_child : Permission
- create_file : Permission
- create_link : Permission
- create_subkey : Permission
- created_time : FileCachedData
- creation_callbacks : DesignObjectDialogFactory
- critical_level : BatteryCapacityInfo
- curb_weight : VehicleDatabase
- current_khr_index : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- current_layer : DesignObjectLookup
- current_level : BatteryCapacityInfo
- current_model : SelectionInfo
- current_projection : CoordinateOptions
- current_run_time : ApplicationResource
- current_selection : SelectionInfo
- curve_type : PolylineData
- custom_column_name : ModelTableColumnSpec
- custom_connections : HardwareSearchPathParameters
- custom_display_name : DesignParameter
- custom_icon : ModelTableColumnSpec
- custom_options : FactoryOptions
- custom_prism_offset : StationOptions
- custom_reports : ReportGeneratorSettings
- custom_text : ModelTableColumnSpec
- custom_title : BasicUnitOption