Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- icon() : BluetoothConnectionDialogFactory, ConnectionDialogFactory, Dataset, DesignCommand, DesignObjectDialog, ImageView, ManagedDesignCommand, NetworkConnectionDialogFactory, NewModelCommand, QCustomDockWidget, QTIconManager, ReportHandler, SerialPortConnectionDialogFactory, VisibleCommand, WebSocketConnectionDialogFactory
- IconCacheLocation() : QTIconManager
- IconChanged() : DesignObjectEditor
- IconDefinition() : IconDefinition
- IconEngineItem() : IconEngineItem
- iconID() : IMUCalibrator
- iconMode() : ProxyModelViewFilter, QTModelManagerView
- iconName() : Button
- icons() : QCustomDial
- iconThemes() : QTIconManager
- IconThemeSettings() : IconThemeSettings
- id() : CameraView, ConnectionInfo, ControllerInterface, CustomModelLogic, CustomTreeWidgets, DesignPixmapResolver, Exception, GLESGraphicsDevice, GLESMaterialManager, GLESShader, GraphicsDevice, ImageVectorizationEngine, NDEVRIconEngine, PixmapResolver, QTDesignObject, ReportHandler, SelectionButtonFactory, SLAMEngineFactory, Translator, VirtualCameraView, VulkanDevice, VulkanMaterialManager
- Identity() : XRPose
- IDs() : AutoModelFileDialog
- ids() : DesignObjectGallery
- iFFT() : FFTLogic< t_type >
- ifft() : FFTLogic< t_type >
- IFT() : FFTLogic< t_type >
- ignoreDepth() : GLESMaterialManager, VulkanMaterialManager
- ignoringMessages() : LogStream
- image() : AerialImageSettings
- ImageCacheLocation() : QTIconManager
- ImageData() : ImageData
- ImageDefData() : ImageDefData
- imageID() : MaterialRaster, MaterialRasterBase, QTWidgetImage
- ImageModelDialog() : ImageModelDialog
- imagePathAboutToChangeSignal() : ProjectFileManager
- imagePathChangedSignal() : ProjectFileManager
- imageToRender() : VncClientWidget
- imageTransformation() : AerialImageSettings
- ImageVectorizationEngine() : ImageVectorizationEngine
- ImageView() : ImageView
- imageWait() : VulkanRenderPipeline
- importerWindow() : WindowManager
- importUserFiles() : WindowManager
- IMUCalibrator() : IMUCalibrator
- Inches() : UnitDefinitions
- Inclination() : AngleDefinitions
- increment() : ConcurrentOperation
- indeterminatePercent() : QCustomProgressBar
- index() : DesignObject, LayerModel, QTModelManagerView
- indexBuffer() : GLESVertexManager, VulkanVertexManager
- indexFanCount() : Geometry
- indexFanOffset() : Geometry
- indexMode() : GLESRenderObject, VulkanRenderObject
- indexOf() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, Dictionary< t_key, t_value, t_hash >, QCustomStackedWidget, QCustomStackedWidgetBase, QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox, SectionWidget, SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea, Set< t_type >, String, Table
- indexOfContent() : SectionWidget
- indexOfContentByTitlePos() : SectionWidget
- indexOfContentByUid() : SectionWidget
- indexOffset() : Geometry
- indexProperty() : GLESRenderObject, VulkanRenderObject
- indexSelected() : SceneTreeModelDelegate
- indexType() : VulkanVertexManager
- indices() : Geometry
- indicesPerPrimitive() : Geometry
- inheritedFlags() : Model
- inheritedFlagsNoCache() : Model
- inheritedPersonalFlagsNoCache() : Model
- INI() : DWGFactory
- ini() : GenericOptionGroup
- INIFactory() : INIFactory
- iniFile() : ModelFileDialog
- INIInterface() : INIInterface
- INIOption() : INIOption
- iniOption() : ApplicationOption< t_type >, ApplicationOptionBase
- INISettingsFolder() : ModelFileDialog
- init() : CalibratorWidget, ColorChannelCombo, ColorChooserButton, ConnectionSetupWidget, ConnectionStatusWidget, CoordinateProjectionChooser, DesignObjectChooser, DesignObjectVisibleButton, ExportChooserDialog, GenericOptionsGroup, GenericOptionsWidget, GLESGraphicsDevice, GLESGraphicsPipeline, GLESGraphicsSession, GraphicsDevice, GraphicsPipeline, JoystickSettingsDialog, LayerWidget, LocalPhysicalCameraView, MagneticCalibrationData, MagnetometerCalibrationDialog, MagnetometerWidget, MaterialPropertySlider, ModelOffsetCommandWidget, ModulesDialog, NDEVRChart, NDEVRProxyStyle, OrientationOperationsWidget, PrimitiveLineSegmentEditor, PrimitiveVertexEditor, PropertiesButton, QCustomLabel, QCustomSlider, QWidgetModel, RangeSensor, Renderer, RibbonSubGroup, SectionIconTab, StationEditor, Translator, VertexTable, VirtualCameraView, VulkanDevice, VulkanInstance, VulkanRenderPipeline, VulkanSession, VulkanXRInstance, XRCameraView, XRHand, XRVulkanPipeline, ZlibInStream
- initCaptureManager() : GraphicsManager
- initConnection() : Connection
- initContextMenu() : DesignObjectChooser
- initialComputeMadgwick() : MadgwickOrientationSensor
- initialize() : DockItem, GLESGraphicsDevice, GLESGraphicsWindow, ModelSelectionTree, Module, QModelViewCapture, QTGraphicsWindow, SceneTree, UnitsDialog, VulkanGraphicsWindow
- initializeActions() : XRInputManager
- initializeAll() : VulkanInstance
- initializeApplication() : WidgetInitialization
- initializeHands() : XRInputManager
- initializeRibbon() : NDEVRRibbon
- InitializeSession() : XRManager
- initializeXRInstance() : VulkanXRInstance
- initializeXRSystem() : VulkanXRInstance
- initialOffset() : XRCameraView
- InitialSetupDialog() : InitialSetupDialog
- initialSetupDialog() : WindowManager
- initialSetupFinishedSlot() : WindowManager
- initKeypad() : WindowManager
- initLockPtr() : GLESGraphicsDevice, GraphicsDevice, VulkanDevice
- initPage() : CoordinateSelector
- inputHint() : QCustomLineEdit
- inputHintChangedSignal() : QCustomLineEdit
- insert() : BinaryHeap< t_comp_type, t_value_type, t_is_min >, Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, GraphicsBuffer, Polygon< t_type, t_vertex >, TableColumn
- insertContent() : SectionWidget
- insertIndices() : GraphicsBuffer, TableColumn
- insertItem() : QCustomToolBox
- insertMainWidget() : SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- insertMessages() : Log
- insertNewColumn() : AsciiModelFileDialog
- insertNewLines() : String
- insertObject() : DXFBlockWriter
- insertRow() : Table
- insertRows() : LogViewTable, OpenGLBuffer, Table, TableColumn, VulkanBuffer
- insertTab() : QCustomTabWidget
- insertTabWidget() : SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- insertWidget() : QCustomStackedWidgetBase
- instance() : VulkanDevice
- integerShaders() : GLESShaderManager
- intensity() : RangeSensor
- InterfaceOrientationController() : InterfaceOrientationController
- internal() : Angle< t_type >
- internalValue() : TranslatedString
- interpolatedThemePalette() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- interpolateVertex() : GridMesh< t_dims >
- interpolateX() : Path
- intersection() : LineSegment< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- intersectionPosition() : LineSegment< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- intersects() : Bounds< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >, LineSegment< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- Invalid() : Constant< t_type >
- invalidate() : ProxyModelViewFilter
- invalidateBounds() : Geometry, Model
- invalidateCache() : File
- invalidateGlobalBoundsAsc() : Model
- invalidateGlobalBoundsDesc() : Model
- invalidateImages() : VulkanRenderPipeline
- invalidateStationVisuals() : DesignObjectLookup
- invalidateTransformCache() : Model
- invalidateVisibleBounds() : Model
- InvalidFormat() : FileFormat
- inverseAndEquals() : BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >
- inversePerspectiveTransform() : SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >
- inverseTransform() : SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >
- invert() : BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >, Matrix< t_type, t_row_dims, t_col_dims >, Quaternion< t_type >, TouchDesktopThemeButton, Triangle< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- invertScreenColors() : LocalPhysicalCameraView, VncCameraView
- InvisibleButton() : InvisibleButton
- ioDevice() : Connection
- IOFactory() : IOFactory
- IPWidget() : IPWidget
- IredesPatternFactory() : IredesPatternFactory
- is() : ObjectChecker< t_type >, ObjectChecker< DesignObject >, ObjectChecker< DesignSelection >, ObjectChecker< Geometry >, ObjectChecker< Material >, ObjectChecker< Model >, QTDesignObject
- isAbovePlane() : Plane< t_dims, t_type >
- isAccepted() : CachedFactoryIOThread
- isAccessable() : GraphicsBuffer
- isActive() : IMUCalibrator, Renderer
- isActiveTab() : SectionTab
- isApplicationOwned() : DesignObjectBase, Model, Scene
- isAsyncExecution() : DesignCommand, ManagedDesignCommand
- isAtBottom() : LogView, SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- isAtTop() : SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- isAutoEnabled() : IOFactory
- isBelowPlane() : Plane< t_dims, t_type >
- isBinaryFile() : DXFReader
- isBusy() : Editor
- isBusyStatusChanged() : Editor
- isCached() : QCaptureManager
- isCharging() : Battery
- isCheckEditable() : ModelTableColumnSpec
- isCheckedOut() : CheckoutLock
- isClockwise() : ArcShape
- isClosable() : DockItem
- isCollinear() : LineSegment< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- isCommandLocked() : DesignObjectLookup
- isComment() : Scanner
- isConnected() : SocketIO
- isConnectedToServer() : VncClientWidget, VncDevice
- isConvex() : Polygon< t_type, t_vertex >
- isCustomPercent() : PrintPreview
- isDefault() : ApplicationOption< t_type >, ApplicationOptionBase, BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- isDeleted() : Model
- isDesignType() : DesignObject
- isDirectory() : File
- isDocked() : DockItem, SectionIconTab
- isDockedFullscreen() : FloatingWidget
- isDockFullscreen() : QCustomDockWidget
- isDockSelected() : DockItem
- isDockVisible() : DockItem
- isDragging() : Joystick
- isDrawing() : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- isDrive() : File
- isDynamic() : GLESMaterialManager, VulkanMaterialManager
- isEditable() : DesignPropertyTable, DesignSortFilterProxyModel, DesignTableModel, QCustomLineEdit, QTVertexManagerView
- isEditing() : QCustomLineEdit
- isEmpty() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, JSONNode, TranslatedString
- isEnabled() : RasterInfo, SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >
- isEqualTo() : Resource< t_type >
- isEquivalent() : Polygon< t_type, t_vertex >
- isFactoryEnabled() : IOFactory
- IsFeatureEnabled() : FeatureOptions
- IsFieldMode() : WidgetOptions
- isFilledShape() : GLESRenderObject, VulkanRenderObject
- isFinished() : BinaryFile, CachedFactoryIOThread, MagnetometerCalibrationDialog
- IsFirstTimeRunning() : ApplicationResource
- isFolderBrowser() : FileChooserDialog
- isFullKeyboard() : Keypad
- isGlobalStyle() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- isGyroUpdating() : OrientationSensor
- isHidable() : DockItem
- isHidden() : File, LineIterator< t_dims, t_type >
- isHorizontal() : ProgressWidget
- isHorizontalMode() : InterfaceOrientationController
- isIDSep() : File
- isIgnored() : DesignParameter
- isIndeterminateState() : QCustomProgressBar
- isInit() : DockInit
- isInitialized() : GLESGraphicsDevice, GraphicsDevice, VulkanDevice
- isInPaperSpace() : DXFAttributes
- isInRelativeMode() : StationEditor
- isInUse() : DistanceEncoder
- isInverse() : SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >
- isItemEnabled() : QCustomToolBox
- isLatLonValid() : DesignPointWidget
- isLayer() : Model
- isLayoutVertical() : SectionWidget
- isLeftToRight() : Translator
- isLight() : RGBColor
- isLoaded() : AerialImageView
- isLocked() : CommandLockObject, Model, OrientationSensor, RLock, WLock
- isMaterialIndex() : DesignSortFilterProxyModel, DesignTableModel
- isModelAllowed() : ModelChooserCombo
- isModelProperty() : Model
- IsModuleActive() : ModuleManager
- isMovable() : DockItem, Particle, SectionTab
- isMTP() : File
- isNewSelected() : ModelChooserCombo
- isNonsingular() : LUDecomposition< t_type, t_m, t_n >
- isNull() : Pointer< t_type >
- IsNullTerm() : BufferAllocator< t_type, t_index_type, t_null_term >
- isNumeric() : String
- isObjectAllowed() : DesignTableModel
- isOfType() : Model
- isOpen() : BluetoothConnection, Connection, ConnectionBackend, ConnectionForwarding, File, SerialPortConnection, SocketConnection, SocketIODriver, WebSocketConnection
- isOptionMode() : ModelFileDialog
- isParallel() : LineSegment< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- isPathSep() : File
- isPreTransformed() : SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >
- IsPrimaryThread() : ThreadFunctions
- isPrimaryThread() : Thread
- isPrimitive() : ObjectAllocator< t_is_primitive, t_index_type >
- isPrismEditable() : LocationOperations
- isPrismModel() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- isPrismStation() : StationEditor
- isProperty() : DesignObject
- isReady() : GLESGraphicsDevice, GraphicsDevice
- isRecursiveWrite() : AsciiFactory
- isRelative() : OrientationOperations
- isRelativeVertical() : SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- isRibbonHorizontal() : SectionWidget
- isRibbonLayoutHorizontal() : SectionWidget
- isRunning() : DeviceWatcher, LocalApplicationLauncher, NetworkRequest, QtNetworkRequest, StepsRecorder, Thread
- isSame() : GraphicsBuffer, TableColumn, TypeInfo
- isSameNoCase() : String
- isSamePlane() : Plane< t_dims, t_type >
- isSaveDialog() : FileChooserDialog
- isScene() : Model
- isScreenHorizontal() : InterfaceOrientationController
- isSectionContentVisible() : ContainerWidgetBase
- isSelected() : Model
- isSessionFocused() : XRManager
- isSessionRunning() : XRManager
- isSetToImage() : ColorChannelCombo
- IsShowing() : QCustomTooltip
- isShowing() : SelectionWidget
- isShown() : SectionTab
- isShownUpdated() : SectionTab
- isSnapEnabled() : SnapsManager
- IsSoftwareActivated() : FeatureOptions
- isSoftwareRendered() : VulkanDevice, VulkanInstance
- isSorted() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- isSortedSet() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- isSortEqual() : ModelTableColumnSpec
- isSortLessThan() : ModelTableColumnSpec
- isSpecialCallbackIndex() : DesignSortFilterProxyModel, DesignTableModel, QTVertexManagerView
- isSupportedByShadingModel() : Material
- isTabEnabled() : QCustomTabWidget
- isTemp() : Project
- isTextEditable() : ModelTableColumnSpec
- isTextVertical() : SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- IsTouchOptimized() : WidgetOptions
- isTranslatable() : TranslatedString
- isTreeVisible() : Model
- isTwoSided() : GLESMaterialManager, VulkanMaterialManager
- isUsingCustom() : QCustomComboBox
- isValid() : DesignObject, GLESGraphicsDevice, GraphicsDevice, GridMesh< t_dims >, ModelTableColumnSpec, Module, PointWidget::PreTransform, QCustomLineEdit, StringValidator, VehicleSearchItem, VulkanDevice, VulkanInstance
- isVertical() : Ribbon, SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- isVisible() : Model, QCustomDockWidget
- IsVisibleToUser() : QTTools
- IsWhiteSpace() : String
- IsWidgetVisibleOnScreen() : QTTools
- isWindowable() : DockItem
- isWireframe() : GLESMaterialManager, VulkanMaterialManager
- isZoomMode() : PrintPreview
- ItemDownloader() : ItemDownloader
- itemPixmapRect() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- itemText() : QCustomToolBox
- itemTextRect() : NDEVRProxyStyle