Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- t -
- tab_advance : Font
- table : IconCacheWidget
- table_index : IconCacheWidget
- tag : Attrib
- take_ownership : Permission
- tangent_end : SplineData
- tangent_start : SplineData
- target : CameraAnimation
- target_point : ViewportData
- target_snaps : ModelOrientationEditor
- targets : AutoZoomFocus, DesignCommand
- temperature : XLSXMagneticAngleReading
- temperature_unit : UnitManager
- tex_flags : FragUniformObject
- text : DimensionData, MTextData, TextBlock, TextData
- text_angle : DimensionData
- text_annotation_size : LeaderData
- text_generation_flags : StyleData
- text_middle_point : DimensionData
- text_size : MTextData
- text_to_speech : TextToSpeechRequest
- texture_coord_mode : FragUniformObject
- textures : CADMeshData
- theme : ViewportLayout
- theme_colors : NDEVRProxyStyle
- theme_icon : IconThemeSettings
- theme_icon_location : IconThemeSettings
- theme_name : IconThemeSettings
- thickness : ArcData, CircleData, EllipseData, LineData, PointData, PolylineData, TextData, TraceData
- thickness_weight : DesignWidget::PropertiesStruct
- thread_id : ConnectionInfo
- tile : WebMercatorTile
- time : CameraAnimation, CaptureCache, DesignCommand, GPSPoint, OrientationReading, SLAMFrame, TableChange, XLSXMagneticAngleReading
- time_offset : XLSXKeyPointMagneticAngleReading
- time_step : CSFParams
- time_sync : DistanceEncoderSpreadsheet::DistanceReading
- timeout : ConnectionSearchParamaters
- times : GeometryVertices
- title : FileFactoryWarning, Manual, Sound
- tooltip : QTModelManagerView::ModelCache
- top_level_formulas : FormulaTree
- total_count : DesignParameterAccumulator, DesignParameterSetter
- total_lower : DesignParameterAccumulator
- total_size : TypeInfo
- total_time : CommandInformation
- total_upper : DesignParameterAccumulator
- total_value : DesignParameterAccumulator
- total_value_c : DesignParameterAccumulator, DesignParameterSetter
- touch_theme_visible : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- transform : CADGeometryWriter, CameraUniformObject, DesignParameterAccumulator, DesignParameterSetter, FactoryOptions, GeometryFilterParameters, GriddedSliceIterator, IconEngineItem, PathSliceIterator
- transformed_offsets : AutoZoomFocus
- translated_id : Unit
- transmitTimestamp : NtpPacket
- tree : GeometryVertices, PolylineSliceCache
- tree_is_visible : FactoryOptions
- tree_sorted_positions : GeometryVertices
- triangles : PolylineSliceCache
- triangulate : FactoryOptions
- twist_angle : ViewportData
- two_sided : FactoryOptions
- tx_delay : CommandInformation
- type : CADMeshData::MeshOverride, ConnectionInfo, DimensionData, HatchEdgeData, IcoFile::IconDir, ModelTableColumnSpec::RelativePathObject, Module, ModuleDependency, NewModelCommand, RegistryKeyAction, TableChange
- type_buffer : CheckSumGenerator< t_hash_type >
- type_info : ColumnDetails