Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- s -
- s() : SVD
- sampler() : VulkanCameraManager
- satisfyConstraint() : Constraint
- saveAllImagesToFolder() : LibraryManager
- saveCalibration() : CalibratorWidget
- saveContent() : FileChooserDialog
- savedDiag() : BandMatrix< t_type >
- SaveFontSettings() : FontEngine
- saveImage() : WindowManager
- saveINI() : CoordinateProjectionChooser
- saveINIOptions() : INIInterface, ProjectFileManager
- saveLanguage() : LanguageEditor
- saveModel() : QTModelManager
- SaveModuleSettings() : ModuleManager
- SaveOptions() : SaveOptions
- saveOptionsAsDefault() : ModelFileDialog
- saveProject() : ProjectFileManager
- saveProjectAs() : WindowManager
- saveReportMetaData() : ReportIterator
- saveSettings() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- saveToArchiveFile() : LibraryManager
- SaveToImageFactory() : DesignPixmapResolver
- saveToLocation() : CalibratorWidget
- saveTranslation() : Translator
- SaveUserOptions() : ApplicationResource
- scale() : Bounds< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >, DesignObject, DistanceEncoder, LineSegment< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >, Matrix< t_type, t_row_dims, t_col_dims >, Ray< t_dims, t_type, t_vector_type >, Vertex< t_dims, t_type, t_vector_type >
- scaledIconSize() : Button
- ScaledOffsetUnit() : ScaledOffsetUnit
- scaledPageResolution() : PrintPreview
- ScaledUnit() : ScaledUnit
- scaleEdited() : OrientationEditor
- ScaleFontSizeToFit() : QTTools
- ScaleObject() : ManagedDesignCommand
- ScalerMatrix() : Matrix< t_type, t_row_dims, t_col_dims >
- scaleUpdated() : OrientationEditor
- scanLine() : Image, QCustomImage
- Scanner() : Scanner
- Scene() : Scene
- scene() : DesignObjectLookup, GLESVertexManager, VulkanVertexManager
- sceneObjects() : DesignObjectLookup
- SceneTree() : SceneTree
- SceneTreeModelDelegate() : SceneTreeModelDelegate
- SceneTreeWidget() : SceneTreeWidget
- score() : VehicleSearchItem
- screenClosestDistanceSqr() : SelectionInfo
- ScreenForWidget() : QTTools
- screenshot() : VirtualCameraView
- screenshotToClipboard() : VirtualCameraView
- screenshotToPrint() : VirtualCameraView
- ScreenSizeAllocationFactor() : VulkanRenderPipeline
- scrollArea() : SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- ScrollGesture() : ScrollGesture
- scrollSizeHint() : SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- searchByParameterChangedSignal() : DesignSortFilterProxyModel, VehicleTableFilterProxyModel
- searchByTitle() : DesignSortFilterProxyModel
- searchCache() : QCaptureManager
- searchTermsChanged() : DesignObjectEditor
- second() : Time
- Seconds() : UnitDefinitions
- section() : DockItem, DXFAttributes, Ribbon
- SectionContent() : SectionContent
- SectionIconTab() : SectionIconTab
- SectionTab() : SectionTab
- sectionTab() : SectionContent
- SectionWidget() : SectionWidget
- sectionWidget() : SectionContent
- SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea() : SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- seek() : BinaryFile
- segment() : Polyline< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- segmentCount() : Polyline< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- selectAll() : SnapsEditorWidget
- selectAllVisible() : AutoModelFileDialog, ModelSelectionTree, ProxyModelViewFilter
- selectColorSwapchainFormat() : VulkanXRDevice
- selectColumn() : AsciiModelFileDialog
- selectDefaultToExport() : AutoModelFileDialog
- selected() : DesignPropertyTable, QTModelManager, SceneTreeModelDelegate
- selectedCallback() : DesignPropertyTable, DesignSortFilterProxyModel, VehicleTableFilterProxyModel
- selectedColor() : QCustomColorDialog
- selectedFormat() : ExportChooserDialog
- selectedID() : ModelChooserCombo
- selectedIDs() : DesignPropertyTable, DesignPropertyTableView
- selectedSignal() : QTDesignObject
- selectedSize() : SceneTreeModelDelegate
- selectedUnit() : UnitsDialog
- selectEnclosed() : DesignObjectLookup
- selectFileNameField() : FileChooserDialog
- SelectionArea() : SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >
- selectionBounds() : SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >, SelectionInfo
- selectionBoxHeight() : SceneTreeModelDelegate
- selectionChanged() : ModelSelectionTree, SceneTree
- SelectionHighlightBar() : SelectionHighlightBar
- SelectionInfo() : SelectionInfo
- SelectionWidget() : SelectionWidget
- self() : Thread
- sendCommand() : DesignObjectComboWidget, DesignObjectStringWidget, DesignObjectToggleWidget, VncDevice
- sendContinuousUpdateRequest() : VncDevice
- sendData() : SocketIOChannel, TcpServer
- sendEncodings() : VncDevice
- sendError() : TcpServer
- SendFile() : ApplicationResource
- sendFile() : TcpServer
- SendInfo() : ManagedDesignCommand
- sendKeyEvent() : VncDevice
- sendMouseEvent() : VncDevice
- sendOpenApp() : TcpServer
- sendPacket() : TcpServer
- sendRequest() : NtpClient
- sendRequestDesktopSize() : VncDevice
- sendSetScreenResolution() : TcpServer
- sendShowFileBrowser() : TcpServer
- sendToVideoCard() : GraphicsBuffer, OpenGLBuffer
- sendUpdateFrameBufferRequest() : VncDevice
- sensorDestroyedSlot() : AlignGyroButton
- sensorLocation() : PositionSensor
- sensors() : TemperatureWidget
- SerialConnectionDialog() : SerialConnectionDialog
- SerialPortConnection() : SerialPortConnection
- serverTime() : TimeRequest
- ServiceQT() : QTTools
- ServiceVirtualThreads() : Thread
- SessionID() : ApplicationResource
- SessionStartTime() : ApplicationResource
- Set() : Set< t_type >
- set() : ApplicationOption< t_type >, BitReference, ConstPointer< t_type >, Dictionary< t_key, t_value, t_hash >, DynamicPointer< t_type >, GenericOption, GraphicsBuffer, Pointer< t_type >, QCustomComboBox, ReplyTimeout, Resource< t_type >, SpeedLimit, StreetName, SurfaceCondition, SurfaceType, Table, TableColumn, VariableReference, VulkanBitflagObject
- setA() : MagneticCalibrationData, XYZColor
- setAcceleration() : PositionSensor
- setAcceptMouseClick() : ScrollGesture
- setAccessable() : GraphicsBuffer
- SetAccessManager() : ItemDownloader
- setAConnectionInfo() : ConnectionForwarding
- setActAsLog() : ConnectionStatusWidget
- setActionName() : FileChooserDialog
- setActivated() : Light, Motor, RangeSensor
- setActive() : DesignTableEditorWidget, Renderer
- SetActiveFilters() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setActiveFilters() : DesignObject
- setActiveLayer() : DesignObjectLookup, QTModelManager
- setActivePrismIndex() : LocationOperations
- setActiveProject() : DesignObjectLookup, QTModelManager
- setActiveSize() : ResizeVisibleAnimation
- setActiveTab() : SectionTab
- setAddedFilter() : DesignPropertyTable, DesignTableModel
- setAdditionalArgs() : ExternalApplicationManager
- setAdditionalFavorites() : FileChooserDialog
- setAddress() : IPWidget
- setAerialImageMode() : AerialImageView
- setAlignment() : Button, ImageView
- setAll() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, BufferAllocator< t_type, t_index_type, t_null_term >, BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >, Table, TableColumn
- setAllEnabled() : SnapsManager
- setAllFromSource() : BufferAllocator< t_type, t_index_type, t_null_term >, BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >
- setAllowAny() : FileChooserDialog
- setAllowAutoHideTitle() : QCustomDockWidget, SectionContent
- setAllowClearButton() : ConnectionWidget
- setAllowConnect() : ConnectionWidget
- setAllowCustom() : FieldChooser, QCustomComboBox
- setAllowDefaultValue() : FieldChooser
- setAllowDisconnect() : ConnectionWidget
- setAllowEditCalibration() : AlignGyroButton
- setAllowEdits() : ProxyModelViewFilter
- setAllowEmpty() : QCustomValidator
- setAllowHide() : SectionContent
- setAllowLocalButton() : NetworkConnectionDialog, WebSocketConnectionDialog
- setAllowModeSwitch() : DeploymentWidget
- setAllowNew() : ModelChooserCombo
- setAllowNewCalibration() : AlignGyroButton
- setAllowPingLogic() : NetworkConnectionDialog, WebSocketConnectionDialog
- setAllowPlaceholderAsValue() : QCustomLineEdit
- setAllowSelections() : ProxyModelViewFilter
- setAllowSolidInteraction() : SelectionInfo
- setAllowSubUnit() : UnitsDialog
- setAllowVerifyCalibration() : AlignGyroButton
- setAllowWrapping() : QCustomValidator
- setAllToValue() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- setAlwaysAllowImage() : ColorChannelCombo
- setAngle() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- setAngleChannel() : MovementPath
- setAnimating() : QCustomSplitter, QTGraphicsWindow
- setAnimation() : QCustomStackedWidgetBase
- setAnimationPercent() : QCustomStackedWidgetBase, SelectionHighlightBar
- setAnimationProgress() : SectionWidget
- setAppFinishedCallback() : ApplicationLauncherButtonManager
- setAppLaunchCallback() : ApplicationLauncherButtonManager
- setApplication() : ApplicationLauncherButtonManager
- SetApplicationFont() : FontEngine
- SetApplicationUpdateChecker() : UpdateCheckManager
- setArea() : SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- setAreaWidgets() : DropOverlay, DropOverlayCross
- setArgs() : ApplicationLauncherButtonManager
- setArrayLayers() : VulkanImageData
- setAsKeyboardFocus() : QCustomLineEdit
- setAsTopLevelExceptionHandler() : CrashManager
- setAttribute() : OpenGLBuffer
- setAttributes() : CADEntityStreamer, EntityConverter
- setAutoDefault() : Button
- setAutoEcho() : TerminalDialog
- setAutoExpand() : SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- setAutoFormat() : QCustomComboBox
- setAutoHideDials() : OrientationEditor
- setAutoNameObjects() : EntityConverter
- setAutoPullData() : TerminalDialog
- setAutoPushData() : TerminalDialog
- setAutoResize() : ImageView
- setAutoShowTooltip() : QCustomLineEdit
- setAutosize() : UnitsDialog
- setAvailableExtensionInfo() : VulkanInstance
- setAvailableLayerInfo() : VulkanInstance
- setAvailablePhysicalDevices() : VulkanInstance
- setAvailableReportHandlers() : ReportGeneratorDialog
- setAxisOfRotation() : Motor
- setAziType() : OrientationOperations
- setB() : MagneticCalibrationData
- setBackend() : Connection
- setBackgroundColor() : Button, Joystick, QCustomLineEdit, SectionIconTab, SunDial
- setBackgroundOpacity() : Button
- setBackLocation() : OrientationOperations
- setBackReferenceModel() : OrientationOperations
- setBattery() : DistanceEncoder
- setBatteryLevel() : Battery
- setBConnectionInfo() : ConnectionForwarding
- setBinary() : DXFWriter
- setBlendFactor() : ImageView
- setBlendImage() : ImageView
- setBlock() : DXFAttributes
- setBluetoothPort() : BluetoothConnection
- setBold() : Button, QCustomLabel, QCustomLineEdit
- setBoundary() : Spline< t_point_type >
- setBounds() : AerialImageSettings, BoundsWidget, CustomDesignChart
- setBoundsRotation() : Effect
- setBrightness() : Light
- setBrushToDefault() : MercatorImageRequest
- setBufferOffset() : HardwareCommandQueue< t_type >
- setButtonDialog() : Button
- setButtons() : QCustomMessageBox
- setButtonsChecked() : ButtonDialog
- setButtonState() : Button, ConnectionWidget
- setButtonVisible() : DesignObjectGallery
- setCacheCallback() : QModelViewCapture
- setCADLauncher() : CADApplicationManager
- setCalibrationMatrix() : MagneticCalibrationSpreadsheet
- setCalibrationOffset() : OrientationSensor
- setCalibrationPositions() : IMUCalibrator
- setCalibrator() : CalibratorWidget, OrientationSensor
- setCallback() : BasicModelIterator, ColorChooserButton, CrashManager, CustomDockButton, QCustomMessageBox
- setCamera() : GraphicsCameraManager, QModelViewCapture, QTGraphicsWidget, QTGraphicsWindow, Renderer, VirtualCameraView
- setCameraRotation() : CameraView
- setCameraSource() : LocalPhysicalCameraView, VncCameraView
- setCameraZoom() : CameraView
- setCancelRequest() : Log, LogManager, ProgressInfo
- setCanDeleteReadings() : DistanceEncoder
- setCanReadCallback() : FileChooserDialog
- setCapacityInfo() : Battery
- setCategory() : DesignObjectChooser, Exception, LibraryWidget
- setCheckable() : Button
- SetCheckActivationOverride() : FeatureOptions
- setChecked() : Button
- setCheckedIconName() : Button
- setCheckState() : ProxyModelViewFilter
- setCheckStateAll() : ProxyModelViewFilter
- setCheckStateRecursive() : ProxyModelViewFilter
- setChildIndex() : Model
- setClearButtonText() : FieldChooser
- setClearColor() : VulkanRenderPipeline
- setClickCooldown() : Button
- SetClockErrorCallback() : Time
- setClockwise() : ArcShape
- setClosable() : DockItem
- setCoeffsFromB() : Spline< t_point_type >
- setCollectVerticesByPrimitive() : DesignParameterAccumulator
- setColor() : Cloth, ConnectionStatusWidget, DXFAttributes, LEDLightWidget, QCustomDial
- setColumn() : AsciiModelFileDialog
- setColumnColor() : QCustomTableWidget
- setColumnCount() : BatteryWidget, TemperatureWidget
- setColumnEditable() : DesignPropertyTable, DesignSortFilterProxyModel, DesignTableModel
- setColumnHeaderColor() : QCustomTableWidget
- setColumnVisible() : DesignPropertyTable
- setCommandTermination() : TerminalDialog
- setComment() : INIFactory
- setCompressionMode() : TableColumn
- setConnection() : ConnectionWidget, TerminalDialog
- setConnectionInfo() : BluetoothConnectionDialog, Connection, ConnectionDialog, ConnectionSetupWidget, NetworkConnectionDialog, SerialConnectionDialog, WebSocketConnectionDialog
- setConnectionState() : Connection, ConnectionStatusWidget
- setConstantTheme() : ColorThemeButton
- setConstantUnit() : QCustomComboBox, QCustomLineEdit
- setContainer() : DockItem, SectionContent
- setContent() : FloatingWidget
- setContentWidget() : SectionContent
- setController() : KeystrokeWidget
- setCoordinateFile() : CoordinateProjectionManager
- setCoordinateSpace() : AerialImageView
- setCountValue() : Geometry
- SetCredentialOwner() : FeatureOptions
- setCurrentBlendMode() : XRCameraView, XRVulkanPipeline
- setCurrentBounds() : CoordinateBoundsSelector, CoordinateSelector
- setCurrentColor() : QCustomColorDialog
- setCurrentDirectory() : FileChooserDialog
- setCurrentExtension() : FileChooserDialog
- setCurrentFile() : FileChooserDialog
- setCurrentFileName() : FileChooserDialog
- setCurrentIdx() : QCustomStackedWidgetBase
- setCurrentIndex() : QCustomStackedWidget, QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox, SectionWidget
- setCurrentIndexSlot() : QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox
- setCurrentInputHints() : Keypad
- setCurrentLayer() : LayerWidget
- setCurrentRecord() : VehicleSelector
- setCurrentSelection() : ModelChooserCombo
- SetCurrentThreadName() : Thread, ThreadFunctions
- setCurrentTime() : SubtitleFileWriter
- setCurrentWidget() : QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox
- setCurrentWidgetSlot() : QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox
- setCustomCallback() : QCustomValidator
- setCustomColor() : QCustomColorDialog
- setCustomDeploymentSettings() : DeploymentLengthCombobox
- setCustomDisplayName() : DesignParameter
- setCustomHeader() : ProxyModelViewFilter, SceneTree
- setCustomPixmap() : QCustomStackedWidgetBase
- setCustomPrintSettingsWidgets() : PrintPreview
- setCustomReport() : WidgetIterator
- setCustomSizeHint() : SceneTree
- setCustomTitle() : ConnectionStatusWidget, DesignObjectDialog
- setCustomUnit() : QCustomComboBox, QCustomLineEdit
- setCustomValidator() : QCustomComboBox
- setDarkThemed() : NDEVRChart
- setData() : DesignTableModel, GraphicsBuffer, LayerModel, LogViewTable, ModelTableColumnSpec, NDEVRChart, ProxyModelViewFilter, QTModelManagerView, QtNetworkRequest, QTVertexManagerView, VulkanImageData
- setDayOfYear() : Time
- setDeadzone() : Joystick
- setDecimalCount() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- setDecimalPlaces() : DXFWriter
- setDefault() : Button
- setDefaultAsciiLogPath() : LogManager
- setDefaultBounds() : BoundsWidget
- SetDefaultDeviceLookup() : Device
- SetDefaultFactory() : GraphicsManagerFactory
- SetDefaultGraphicsDevice() : GraphicsDevice
- setDefaultINIFile() : INIInterface
- SetDefaultMaterialRasterFactory() : MaterialRasterFactory
- setDefaultPoint() : PointWidget
- setDefaultRxBufferSize() : Connection
- setDefaultValue() : ApplicationOption< t_type >, TableColumn
- setDefaultValues() : DesignObjectBase
- setDefaultWindowInstance() : ControllerInterfaceManager
- setDeleteWidgetOnEnd() : ResizeVisibleAnimation
- setDelimiter() : INIFactory, Scanner
- setDeploymentInfo() : DistanceEncoder
- setDeploymentWidgetEnabled() : DeploymentWidget
- setDescriptions() : FileAndFolderSettingsDialog
- setDesignProperty() : DesignObjectComboWidget, DesignObjectSearchWidget, DesignObjectStringWidget, DesignObjectToggleWidget
- setDesignType() : DesignObject
- setDesignVisible() : DesignObject
- setDestinationProjection() : CoordinateConverter, Proj4CoordinateConverter
- setDetectNewLines() : LogView, LogViewTable
- setDevice() : BluetoothConnectionDialog, GLESRenderObject, VulkanImageData, VulkanRenderDefinition, VulkanRenderObject, VulkanRenderPipeline
- setDeviceLost() : VulkanDevice, VulkanInstance
- setDeviceOffsets() : OrientationSensor
- setDevicePixelRatio() : MercatorImageManager
- setDialToModelIcon() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- setDimensionCount() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- setDirection() : Extrusion
- setDisabledToolTip() : Button
- setDisplayNameCallback() : ModelChooserCombo
- setDistance() : RangeSensor
- setDistanceBounds() : DistanceEncoder
- setDockArea() : DockItem
- setDocked() : SectionIconTab, SectionTab
- setDockedFullscreen() : FloatingWidget
- setDockSelected() : DockItem, QCustomDockWidget
- setDownloader() : CoordinateProjectionManager
- setdpi() : PDFFactory
- setDrawBackground() : QCustomProgressBar
- setDrawBorder() : PDFFactory
- setDrawBounds() : AerialImageView
- setDrawDeadzone() : Joystick
- setDrawGrid() : PDFFactory
- setDrawSensitivity() : Joystick
- setDriftRate() : OrientationSensor
- setDropCallback() : FileDropFrame
- setDropFilter() : FileDropFrame
- setEditable() : BoundsWidget, DesignPropertyTable, MatrixEditor, PointWidget, QCustomLineEdit, QTVertexManagerView, VertexTable
- setEditingTranslation() : LanguageEditor
- setEditorData() : SceneTreeModelDelegate
- setEffectProperty() : Effect
- setEffectType() : Effect
- setElevation() : Extrusion
- setEnabled() : ApplicationLauncherButtonManager
- setEndAngle() : ArcShape
- setEndPoint() : ArcShape, PrimitiveLineSegmentEditor
- setEndTime() : TimeSpan
- setEnvironment() : ApplicationLauncherButtonManager
- SetErrorCallback() : ModuleManager
- setEventForwarder() : WindowContainer
- setExceptionCallback() : GraphicsUpdater
- setExceptionHandler() : CachedFactoryIOThread
- setExclusionList() : ModelChooserCombo
- setExpandingIcons() : RibbonSubGroup
- setExposed() : QTGraphicsWindow
- setExtra() : VulkanBitflagObject
- setExtraContexMenu() : FieldChooser
- setExtrusion() : CADEntityStreamer, EntityConverter
- setEyePosition() : XRCameraView
- setF() : RGBColor
- setFallbackDirectory() : FileChooserDialog
- SetFieldMode() : WidgetOptions
- setFile() : AsciiFileOutputStream, Font
- setFilePosition() : BufferedScanner, Scanner
- setFiles() : CachedFactoryIOThread
- setFileTarget() : DXFWriter
- setFilter() : ModelSelectionTree
- SetFiltersCommand() : GeometryFilter
- setFinishedCallback() : CachedFactoryIOThread
- setFixedNumOfRows() : Ribbon, RibbonGroup, RibbonSubGroup
- setFixedProtocol() : NetworkConnectionDialog, WebSocketConnectionDialog
- setFlag() : BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >, VertexIterator< t_type >
- setFlat() : Button, SectionIconTab
- setFlipped() : QCustomLabel
- setFloatingWidget() : SectionContent, SectionIconTab, SectionTab
- setFocus() : QTDesignObject, QTModelManager
- setFocusOnPress() : Button
- SetFolderIcon() : ApplicationResource
- SetFolderSettingsToDefaults() : FileAndFolderOptions
- setFont() : FontEditor
- SetFontFile() : FontEngine
- setFontID() : FontEditor
- setFontMultiplier() : Button, PointWidget, QCustomLabel, QCustomLineEdit
- SetFontRecursive() : QTTools
- setForceAspectRatioH() : ImageView
- setForceAspectRatioW() : ImageView
- setFormat() : ModelFileDialog, QCustomProgressBar, VulkanImageData
- setForwardAToB() : ConnectionForwarding
- setForwardBToA() : ConnectionForwarding
- setFPS() : Renderer
- setFrameBufferSize() : VncDevice
- setFromAngles() : OrientationSensor
- setFromDisplayString() : File
- setFromEuler() : Quaternion< t_type >
- setFromGravityAcceleration() : OrientationSensor
- setFromJSONInfo() : HardwareCommandQueue< t_type >
- setFromQuaternion() : OrientationSensor
- setFrontLocation() : OrientationOperations
- setFrontReferenceModel() : OrientationOperations
- setFullscreen() : SectionIconTab, SectionTab
- setFunction() : Button
- setGeneratingSoftwareToTreatAsScan() : LASFactory, SH3DFactory
- setGenericOptionCallback() : QCustomMessageBox
- setGeometriesAndFeatures() : ModelFileDialog
- setGeometryChild() : Model
- SetGeometryProperty() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setGeometryProperty() : Geometry
- setGeometryTransform() : SelectionInfo
- setGeometryType() : Geometry
- SetGNSSCallback() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- SetGNSSWidgetCallback() : DesignPointWidget
- setGrabImage() : VulkanRenderPipeline
- setGraphicsManager() : QTModelManager
- setGraphicsPipeline() : VulkanRenderObject
- setGraphicsSettingsToDefaults() : DesignSettings
- setGreyHidden() : ProxyModelViewFilter
- SetGridMagnetCallback() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- setGrip() : QCustomDial
- setGroupImport() : EntityConverter
- setGroupName() : Ribbon
- setGyroState() : MadgwickOrientationSensor
- setHandle() : DXFAttributes
- setHandleIndex() : CADHandleManager
- setHandleManager() : DXFWriter, EntityConverter
- setHandleToUUID() : CADHandleManager
- setHandTransform() : XRHand
- setHasDefault() : ColorChannelCombo
- setHasDelimiter() : Scanner
- setHasImage() : VulkanBitflagObject
- setHasObjectsToReport() : ReportGeneratorDialog
- setHasSolidColor() : ColorChannelCombo
- setHeader() : ModelSelectionTree
- setHidable() : DockItem
- setHint() : CommandLockObject
- setHorizontal() : ConnectionStatusWidget, DesignObjectDialog, DesignWidget, Editor, InterfaceOrientationController, ModelMaterialsDialog, ProgressWidget, SolidMaterialEditor, StationEditor
- setHorizontalParameter() : CustomDesignChart
- setHour() : Time
- setHoverFunction() : Button
- setHoverIconName() : Button
- setHoverIconSizeMultiplier() : Button
- setHUnit() : NDEVRChart
- setIcon() : Button, DockItem, ImageView, QCustomDial, QCustomDockWidget, QCustomMessageBox, SectionIconTab
- setIconColor() : Button
- setIconID() : DockItem, ImageView, ProgressWidget, SectionIconTab
- setIconMode() : ImageView
- setIconName() : Button
- setIconProvider() : FileChooserDialog
- setIcons() : QCustomDial
- setIconSize() : Button
- setIconSizeMultiplier() : Button, ButtonGallery, CameraView, RibbonSubGroup
- setIconSlot() : QCustomDockWidget
- setIconTheme() : DeferredImageIconEngine
- setIconToApp() : ApplicationLauncherButtonManager
- setID() : ConnectionInfo, Translator
- setIDs() : ModelChooserCombo
- setIgnoreClicks() : Button
- setIgnoreDPR() : ImageView
- setIgnoredSize() : RibbonSubGroup
- setIgnoreEmptyLines() : Scanner
- setIgnoreKnownBlocks() : EntityConverter
- setIgnoreMessages() : LogStream
- setIgnoreSounds() : AlignGyroButton, DeploymentWidget
- setIgnoreWhiteSpace() : Scanner
- setImage() : ImageView, PrintPreview, QCustomImage
- setImageFormat() : XRVulkanPipeline
- setImageID() : DialIcon, ImageView
- setImageProperties() : VulkanImageData
- setImages() : PrintPreview
- setImageScale() : ImageView
- setIncludedObject() : ModelOrientationEditor
- setIncludedObjects() : ModelOrientationEditor
- setIncludeParentName() : ModelChooserCombo
- setIncludePath() : ModelChooserCombo
- setIndeterminateAnimationTimespan() : ProgressWidget, QCustomProgressBar
- setIndexCountValue() : Geometry
- setIndexFanCountValue() : Geometry
- setIndexFanOffsetValue() : Geometry
- setIndexOffsetValue() : Geometry
- setIndexProperty() : GLESRenderObject, VulkanRenderObject
- setInitialOffset() : XRCameraView
- setInPaperSpace() : DXFAttributes
- setInputHint() : QCustomLineEdit
- setInstance() : VulkanShader, VulkanShaderManager
- setIntensity() : RangeSensor
- setInternalVars() : File
- setInUse() : DistanceEncoder
- setInverseRibbonArea() : Ribbon
- setIsCharging() : Battery
- setIsEditable() : DesignSortFilterProxyModel, DesignTableModel
- setIsEnabled() : SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >
- setIsFileChooser() : FileChooserDialog
- setIsGeoReference() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- setIsGrabSetup() : GraphicsUpdater
- setIsInverse() : SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >
- setIsLayer() : Model
- setIsMagneticReference() : OrientationOperationsWidget
- setIsPrimaryThread() : Thread
- setIsReport() : ImageModelDialog
- setIsRootFilter() : ProxyModelViewFilter, QTModelManagerView, SceneTree
- setIsShown() : SectionTab
- setIsTemp() : Project
- setIsValid() : AutoModelFileDialog
- setIsVertical() : NDEVRRibbon::NDEVRRibbonWidget, NDEVRRibbon
- setItemEnabled() : QCustomToolBox
- setItemText() : QCustomToolBox
- setJoystickSettingsName() : Joystick
- setKeyOption() : BasicKeyController
- setKnobColor() : Joystick, SunDial
- setLabel() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget, TableColumn
- setLabelCallback() : QCustomMessageBox
- setLauncher() : ExternalApplicationManager
- setLayer() : DXFAttributes, Model
- setLayoutMode() : Ribbon, RibbonSubGroup
- setLengths() : DeploymentLengthCombobox
- setLibrary() : DesignObjectGallery
- setLibraryManager() : DesignObjectChooser
- SetLightingTheme() : QTIconManager
- setLightingTheme() : NDEVRProxyStyle, QCustomLabel
- setLightingThemeAnimated() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- setLineEdit() : Keypad
- setLineSize() : NDEVRChart
- setLinetype() : DXFAttributes
- setLinetypeScale() : DXFAttributes
- setList() : DesignPropertyTable, DesignTableModel
- setLocalBounds() : AerialImageView
- setLocation() : DistanceEncoder, LocationOperations, Motor, SectionIconTab, SectionTab
- setLocationType() : LocationOperations
- setLockedAxes() : NDEVRChart
- setLog() : Device, GraphicsUpdater, VulkanDevice, VulkanInstance
- setLogManager() : LogManagerDialog
- setLogoVisible() : GettingStartedDialog
- setLogViewTable() : SortedLogViewTable
- setLookup() : GraphicsUpdater
- setLowVisibilityMode() : RangeSensor
- setMagneticAngle() : OrientationOperations
- SetMagneticCalibrationCallback() : MagnetometerWidget
- SetMagneticDeclination() : MagneticDeclinationDialogFactory
- setMagneticDeclination() : Project
- setMainButtonCallback() : NDEVRRibbon
- SetMainProgramModuleName() : ModuleManager
- SetMainTranslator() : Translator
- setMainWidget() : QCustomDockWidget
- setMainWindowCallback() : WindowManager
- setMakeChildProcess() : ApplicationLauncherButtonManager
- SetMakeLocalFromUTCFunction() : Time
- setMakeSearchString() : VehicleTableFilterProxyModel
- setMakeUpper() : ColorThemeButton
- SetMakeUTCFromLocalFunction() : Time
- setManager() : DesignObjectGallery, DesignObjectSearchWidget, ModelChooserCombo, ModelOrientationEditor, UnitsDialog
- setMargin() : Button
- setMargins() : PDFFactory
- setMaterial() : Model
- setMaterialManager() : GLESRenderObject, VulkanRenderObject
- setMaterialMode() : Model
- SetMaterialProperty() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setMaterialProperty() : Material
- setMatrix() : OrientationEditor
- setMax() : QCustomValidator
- setMaximum() : QCustomSlider
- setMaxNormalDeviation() : IMUCalibrator
- setMaxNoUpdateTime() : UpdateChecker
- setMaxPoint() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- setMaxRotationThreshold() : IMUCalibrator
- setMaxValue() : QCustomDial
- setMemory() : GraphicsBuffer
- setMenu() : Button
- setMenuDialog() : Button
- setMenuMode() : QCustomToolBox
- setMessage() : Exception, GraphicsException, QCustomProgressBar
- setMessages() : LogViewTable
- setMessageSearchTerms() : LogViewTable, SortedLogViewTable
- SetMetadata() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setMetaData() : DesignObject
- setMillisecond() : Time
- setMin() : QCustomValidator
- setMiniDumpDirectory() : CrashManager
- setMinimizeAllowed() : SectionWidget
- setMinimum() : QCustomSlider
- setMinimumLevel() : SortedLogViewTable
- setMinimumLogLevel() : LogView
- setMinPoint() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- setMinute() : Time
- setMinValue() : QCustomDial
- setMipMapDepth() : VulkanImageData
- setMirrorFromAzimuth() : OrientationOperations
- setMode() : DesignWidget, FragUniformObject
- setModel() : DesignSettings, ModelTableDelegate
- setModelFilter() : ModelChooserCombo
- setModelGetter() : DesignSettings
- setModelIDs() : DesignWidget
- setModelManager() : DeploymentWidget, DesignObjectChooser, DesignPropertyTable, DesignTableModel, LayerWidget, MagnetometerCalibrationDialog, ModelSelectionTree, QTGraphicsWidget, QTGraphicsWindow, VirtualCameraView, VulkanGraphicsWindow
- SetModelMaterialMode() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setModelParentID() : ModelChooserCombo
- SetModelProperty() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setModelProperty() : Model
- setModelRecreation() : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- setModels() : ModelChooserCombo
- setModelSearchString() : VehicleTableFilterProxyModel
- setModelSetter() : DesignSettings
- setModelTransformOffset() : Motor
- setModelType() : ModelChooserCombo
- setModeValue() : Geometry
- setMonth() : Time
- setMonthDay() : Time
- setMotor() : MotorDeploymentWidget, WinchDeploymentDialog
- setMouse() : VncClientWidget
- setMoveable() : DockItem
- setMultiSampleCount() : VulkanImageData
- setMultisampleImages() : VulkanRenderPipeline
- setName() : SocketIO, Translator
- setNameToApp() : ApplicationLauncherButtonManager
- setNativeParent() : FileChooserDialog
- setNearestGeometry() : SelectionInfo
- setNearestLayer() : SelectionInfo
- setNearestMaterial() : SelectionInfo
- setNearestModel() : SelectionInfo
- setNearestScreenPosition() : SelectionInfo
- setNetworkRequest() : ItemDownloader
- setNewDeploymentOffset() : DistanceEncoder
- setNoCriticalRange() : TemperatureSensor
- SetNormalMode() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setNormalMode() : Geometry, Model
- setNoWarningRange() : TemperatureSensor
- setNumberOfDecimals() : QCustomValidator
- setNumberOfLines() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- setNumberOfRows() : RibbonGroup, RibbonSubGroup
- setObjects() : DesignObjectGallery
- setObjectsToReport() : ReportIterator
- SetODAPath() : DWGFactory
- setOffset() : DistanceEncoder, Toggle
- setOffsetAngle() : OrientationOperations
- setOffsetLabels() : OrientationEditor
- setOffsetTitle() : OrientationEditor
- setOffsetValue() : Geometry
- setOption() : GenericOptionGroup, GenericOptionsWidget, QCustomColorDialog
- setOptionGroup() : GenericOptionsGroup
- setOptions() : FieldChooser, FileChooserDialog, QCustomColorDialog
- setOptionsToDefault() : ModelFileDialog
- setOrientation() : Model
- setOrientationUnit() : FieldChooser
- setOutlineMode() : ModelMaterialEditor
- setOverrideMaterial() : QTGraphicsWindow, Renderer
- SetOverrideTheme() : QTIconManager
- setPacketGyroState() : MadgwickOrientationSensor
- setPalette() : Material
- setParameters() : QTVertexManagerView, VertexTable
- setParametersToGlobalLinework() : QTVertexManagerView, VertexTable
- setParametersToGlobalLocations() : QTVertexManagerView, VertexTable
- setParametersToLocalLocations() : QTVertexManagerView
- setParams() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setParentMatrix() : MatrixEditor
- setParentMatrixFlag() : Model
- setParentMatrixFlags() : Model
- setParity() : GLESRenderObject, VulkanRenderObject
- setParkAngle() : Motor
- setPassword() : VncCameraView
- setPath() : File
- setPathToConstResources() : FileResource
- SetPathToProgramDynamicResources() : FileResource
- SetPathToUserDynamicResources() : FileResource
- setPercent() : QCustomProgressBar, ThemeChanger
- setPipelineRecreationNeeded() : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- setPlaceholderText() : QCustomLineEdit
- setPlaceHolderUnitValue() : QCustomLineEdit
- setPlaceholderValue() : QCustomLineEdit
- setPlane() : Polygon< t_type, t_vertex >
- setPoint() : PointWidget, PrimitiveLineSegmentEditor
- setPoints() : Spline< t_point_type >
- setPointSize() : NDEVRChart
- setPort() : WebSocketConnection
- setPosition() : PositionSensor
- setPositionChannel() : MovementPath
- setPositionFromDialog() : StationEditor
- setPositionOnEnd() : AutoModelFileDialog
- setPostRenderFunction() : Renderer
- setPreferredRibbonArea() : SectionContent
- setPreferredSize() : PrintPreview
- setPreferredSpeed() : Motor
- setPreserveOrder() : INIFactory
- setPressFunction() : Button
- setPreTransform() : PointWidget
- SetPrimaryDistanceEncoderCallback() : DistanceEncoder
- SetPrimaryManager() : MercatorImageManager
- SetPrimaryService() : ElevationService
- SetPrimaryThreadID() : ThreadFunctions
- setPrimitive() : Geometry
- setPrimitiveIndexFlag() : Geometry
- setPrimitiveMode() : Geometry, GLESRenderObject, VulkanRenderObject
- setPrimitiveRange() : Geometry
- setPrimitiveVec() : Geometry
- setPrintFont() : PrintPreview
- setPriority() : SnapsManager
- setPrismLocation() : LocationOperations
- setPrismOffset() : LocationOperations
- setPrismOffsetSlot() : StationEditor
- setProgress() : AsciiFileOutputStream, ConnectionStatusWidget, DebugStream, Log, LogManager, LogStream, LogView, ProgressInfo, ProgressWidget, StatusBar, STDOutputStream, TerminalDialog
- setProgressColor() : QCustomProgressBar
- setProgressColors() : QCustomProgressBar
- setProgressFormat() : LogView
- setProgressPercent() : Button
- setProgressThickness() : ProgressWidget
- setProjection() : CoordinateProjectionChooser
- setProjectionID() : Project
- setProjectionMatrix() : SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >
- setProjectName() : Project
- setProjectTimeZone() : QTModelManager
- SetProperty() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setProperty() : DesignObject
- setPropertyMode() : PropertiesButton
- setProxyModel() : DesignPropertyTableView
- setQueueFamilies() : VulkanDevice
- setQuickStartCallback() : GettingStartedDialog
- setQuickStartVisible() : GettingStartedDialog
- setQuoteCharacter() : Scanner
- setRadius() : ArcShape
- setRange() : QCustomSlider
- setRawAttribute() : OpenGLBuffer
- setRawDataLog() : Connection
- setRawLength() : DistanceEncoder
- setRawLengthEpsilon() : DistanceEncoder
- setRawLoggingMode() : Connection
- setRawMemory() : GraphicsBuffer
- setRawUnit() : PointWidget
- SetRealThickness() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setRealThickness() : Geometry
- setRecieveDataCallback() : SocketIOChannel
- setReferenceDistance() : LocationOperations
- setReferenceIndex() : PrimitiveLineSegmentEditor
- setReferenceModels() : OrientationOperations
- setReferenceObject() : LocationOperations
- setReferencePoints() : OrientationOperations
- setReferenceTranslation() : LanguageEditor
- setRegex() : QCustomValidator
- setRelativeVertex() : NDEVRChart
- setRenderDefinition() : VulkanSession
- setRenderProperty() : VulkanBitflagObject
- setReply() : QtNetworkRequest
- setReportHandlers() : ReportIterator
- setReportOptions() : NCCustomReport
- setRequestDeploymentCallback() : QTModelManager
- setRequestGyroCallback() : MadgwickOrientationSensor
- setRequests() : AsciiModelFileDialog, AutoModelFileDialog
- setResizeTcpServer() : VncCameraView, VncClientWidget
- setRibbonArea() : DockItem, FloatingWidget, SectionWidget
- setRibbonOptions() : NDEVRRibbon
- setRootModels() : ProxyModelViewFilter, QTModelManagerView, SceneTree
- setRotationTitle() : OrientationEditor
- setRoundedCorners() : FloatingWidget, SectionTab
- setRowSize() : TableColumn
- setRTree() : DesignObjectBase
- setRunID() : SocketIO
- setSamplesToCollect() : IMUCalibrator
- setSaveContent() : FileChooserDialog
- setScale() : DistanceEncoder
- setScaleTitle() : OrientationEditor
- setScene() : GLESVertexManager, VulkanVertexManager
- setSceneVisible() : NDEVRRibbon
- setScreenDrawAll() : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- setScrollOffset() : ScrollGesture
- setSearchIDs() : DesignObjectSearchWidget
- setSearchParameter() : DesignSortFilterProxyModel
- setSearchString() : DesignSortFilterProxyModel, LanguageHighlighter
- setSearchStrings() : VehicleTableFilterProxyModel
- setSecond() : Time
- setSection() : DXFAttributes
- setSectionContent() : SectionTab
- setSectionWidget() : SectionContent
- setSegment() : PrimitiveLineSegmentEditor
- setSelected() : DesignObjectChooser, DesignObjectGallery, DesignObjectLookup, FieldChooser, QTDesignObject, QTModelManager, SectionIconTab, SectionTab
- setSelectedCallback() : DesignPropertyTable, DesignSortFilterProxyModel, VehicleTableFilterProxyModel
- setSelectedModelRoots() : ModelSelectionTree, ProxyModelViewFilter
- setSelectedSize() : SceneTreeModelDelegate
- setSelectedToFocus() : QTModelManager
- setSelectedUnit() : UnitsDialog
- setSelection() : SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >
- setSelectionEffect() : DesignObjectLookup
- setSelectionMode() : DesignObjectChooser, DesignObjectGallery
- setSelectionType() : SelectionWidget
- setSendDataCallback() : SocketIOChannel
- setSensitivity() : SnapsManager
- SetSensor() : MagneticDeclinationDialog
- setSensor() : AlignGyroButton, BatteryWidget, ConnectionStatusWidget, DeploymentModeCombobox, DeploymentWidget, MagnetometerCalibrationDialog, MagnetometerWidget, TemperatureWidget
- setSensorLocation() : PositionSensor
- setSensors() : BatteryWidget, TemperatureWidget
- setSerialPort() : SerialPortConnection
- setSessionEndFunction() : XRManager
- setSettings() : Joystick
- SetSettingsFile() : FontEngine
- setShadingModel() : Material
- setShadowImages() : VulkanRenderPipeline
- setShouldAnimateAdd() : ContainerWidget, ContainerWidgetBase
- setShowAlpha() : ColorChooserButton
- setShowBluetoothSettingsButton() : ConnectionWidget
- setShowChooserCallback() : CoordinateConverterDialog
- setShowGrabVolumeKeys() : KeystrokeWidget
- setShowLineworkVisibleToggle() : DesignObjectVisibleButton
- setShowMeshVisibleToggle() : DesignObjectVisibleButton
- setShowMicroSeconds() : LogViewTable
- setShowOnEachImport() : ModelFileDialog
- setShowPointsVisibleToggle() : DesignObjectVisibleButton
- setShowRecents() : FileChooserDialog
- setShowSelected() : ProxyModelViewFilter
- setShowTab() : DockItem
- setShowWide() : AlignGyroButton
- setShowWiFiSettingsButton() : ConnectionWidget
- setSideAxes() : NDEVRChart
- setSize() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, BufferAllocator< t_type, t_index_type, t_null_term >, BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >, GridIndexing< t_dims >, Model, OpenGLBuffer, QCustomDockWidget, QModelViewCapture, QTGraphicsWindow, Table, TableColumn, TableColumnBuffer< t_type >, VulkanBuffer
- setSizeFromDialogSlot() : SizeOperationsWidget
- setSizeHint() : QCustomDockWidget
- setSizeHintPixelMetric() : ImageView
- setSizeMode() : OrientationEditor, SelectionWidget
- setSizeMultiplier() : ProgressWidget
- setSlice() : PolylineSliceEditor
- setSmallDisplay() : QCustomColorDialog
- setSmoothResize() : ImageView
- setSnapBackPercent() : Joystick
- setSnapEnabled() : SnapsManager
- setSocket() : SocketConnection, WebSocketConnection
- setSolidVertexCountValue() : Geometry
- setSolidVertexOffsetValue() : Geometry
- setSolidVertexReservedValue() : Geometry
- setSortCallback() : DesignPropertyTable, DesignSortFilterProxyModel
- setSound() : Button
- setSourceProjection() : CoordinateConverter, Proj4CoordinateConverter
- setSpacialUnit() : FieldChooser
- setSpacing() : RibbonSubGroup
- setSpecialCallback() : SectionContent
- setSpecifiedAngle() : OrientationOperations
- setSpeed() : DistanceEncoder, Motor, QCustomStackedWidgetBase
- setStandardColor() : QCustomColorDialog
- setStartAngle() : ArcShape
- setStartPoint() : ArcShape
- setStartTime() : TimeSpan
- setStationSettingsToDefaults() : DesignSettings
- setStep() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget, QCustomLineEdit, QCustomValidator
- setStoreReadings() : MadgwickOrientationSensor
- SetStyleRecursive() : QTTools
- setSuffix() : QCustomComboBox
- setSupport() : HardwareCommandQueue< t_type >
- setSupported() : HardwareCommandQueue< t_type >
- setSurveySettings() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- setSwapChainImageFormat() : VulkanRenderDefinition, VulkanRenderPipeline
- setSwapMode() : CameraView, VirtualCameraView
- SetSystemTime() : Time
- setTabBarAutoHide() : QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox
- setTabEnabled() : QCustomTabWidget
- setTabFlat() : DockItem
- setTabIcon() : QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox
- setTabLock() : ContainerWidget, ContainerWidgetBase, QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox, Ribbon, SectionWidget
- setTabPosition() : QCustomTabWidget
- setTabText() : QCustomTabWidget
- setTabToolTip() : QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox
- setTabVisible() : QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox, SectionWidget
- setTabWhatsThis() : QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox
- setTarget() : ColorByValueWidget, ColorChannelCombo, DesignObjectComboWidget, DesignObjectOrientation, DesignObjectStringWidget, DesignObjectToggleWidget, DesignObjectWidgetInterface, Editor, Effect, MaterialWidget, Motor, PropertiesButton, QTVertexManagerView, StationEditor, VertexTable
- setTargetID() : DesignObjectWidgetInterface
- setTargetIDs() : DesignObjectWidgetInterface
- setTargetObject() : ModelOrientationEditor
- setTargetOffset() : QCustomTooltip
- setTargetProperty() : Effect
- setTargets() : DesignObjectWidgetInterface
- setTCPPort() : SocketConnection
- setTemperature() : TemperatureSensor
- setTemperatureSensor() : DistanceEncoder
- setTemplate() : ReportJSONMaker
- setText() : Button, QCustomLabel, QCustomMessageBox
- setTextEdit() : Keypad
- setTextFacingCamera() : EntityConverter
- setTextureCoordinateMode() : Material
- setThicknessMode() : Geometry
- setThread() : Exception, VulkanQueueCore
- setThreadName() : Thread
- setThreshold() : ScrollGesture
- setTickCount() : ProgressWidget
- setTileTextureMode() : Material
- setTime() : Time
- setTimeFromString() : Time
- setTimeSearchTerms() : SortedLogViewTable
- settings() : Joystick, SerialConnectionDialog
- settingsAcceptedSignal() : SettingsDialog
- settingsChanged() : PrintPreview
- SettingsDialog() : SettingsDialog
- settingsDialog() : FileChooserDialog, WindowManager
- settingsWidget() : VncCameraView
- setTipRect() : QCustomTooltip
- setTitle() : Button, CommandLockObject, DesignObjectComboWidget, DesignObjectStringWidget, DockItem, Exception, NDEVRChart, PDFFactory, QCustomComboBox, QCustomDockWidget, QCustomLineEdit, RibbonSubGroup, SectionContent, SectionIconTab
- setTitleSlot() : QCustomDockWidget
- setToDefault() : GenericOption
- setToDefaultCamera() : LocalPhysicalCameraView
- setToDefaultColors() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- setToDefaultImperial() : UnitManager
- setToDefaultMetric() : UnitManager
- setToDefaultPath() : Project
- setToDefaultPrinter() : PrintPreview
- setToDefaults() : ApplicationOptions, DesignParameterAccumulator, DesignParameterSetter, FilteringWidget, ModelOffsetCommandWidget, NCCustomReport
- setToDefaultSizes() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- setToDefaultUnits() : FactoryOptions
- setToDefaultValue() : ApplicationOption< t_type >, ApplicationOptionBase
- setToIndeterminateState() : QCustomProgressBar
- setToNew() : ModelChooserCombo
- setToNoPreview() : AerialImageView
- setToNull() : Pointer< t_type >
- setToolTip() : Button, QCustomComboBox, QCustomLineEdit
- setTopLevelWidget() : ResizeVisibleAnimation
- setTorqueLimit() : Motor
- setToTempDefaultPath() : Project
- setTouchScroll() : TouchScrollManager
- setTouchTheme() : CameraView, VirtualCameraView
- setTouchThemeVisible() : GettingStartedDialog
- SetTransform() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setTransform() : BoundsWidget, Geometry, Model, PointWidget, SelectionArea< t_dims, t_type >, SLAMEngine
- setTransfromCoords() : CADHandleManager
- setTranslation() : TranslationCombo
- setTree() : Geometry
- setTreeWidgetsForSelection() : CustomModelLogic, CustomTreeWidgets
- SetTriangulationMethod() : Geometry
- setTXDelay() : Connection
- setType() : DesignObjectDialog, GraphicsBuffer, GraphicsException
- setTypeAddedFilter() : DesignPropertyTable
- setTypeInfo() : QCustomValidator
- setUDPPort() : SocketConnection
- setUnderlying() : ZlibInStream
- setUndoParams() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setUndoRedoID() : DesignCommand
- setUniformAttribute() : OpenGLBuffer
- setUniformValue() : GLESShader
- setUniformVariables() : GLESMaterialManager
- setUnique() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- setUniquePresorted() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- setUnit() : BoundsWidget, NDEVRChart, PointWidget, UnitManager
- setUnitOptions() : UnitManager
- setUnitOptionsToDefault() : UnitManager
- setUnitToApplicationAngleUnit() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- setUnitToApplicationDistanceUnit() : PointWidget
- setUnitToApplicationOrientationUnit() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- setUnitToApplicationSpatialUnit() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- setUnitType() : QCustomComboBox, QCustomLineEdit, QCustomValidator
- setUnitValidator() : QCustomValidator
- setUnitValue() : QCustomComboBox, QCustomLineEdit
- setUnsetColor() : MaterialRaster
- setup() : Button, CADGeometryWriter, ColorByValueWidget, DesignPropertyTable, DesignTableModel, Editor, FileChooserDialog, KeystrokeWidget, MaterialWidget, NDEVRRibbon, Project, QCustomComboBox, QCustomLineEdit, QCustomTableWidget, ResizeVisibleAnimation, SceneTree, SmoothDialog, TouchScrollManager, UnitsDialog, XRCameraView
- setupAck() : TroubleshootingDialog
- setupActivationTab() : InitialSetupDialog
- setupAll() : WidgetInitialization
- setupArchiveObject() : VehicleSelector
- setupAsBlinking() : Effect
- setupAsBoundingBox() : Effect
- setupAsBoxWidget() : QCustomTabWidget, QCustomToolBox, SectionWidget
- setupAsDefault() : Material
- SetupAsDefaultEngine() : Proj4CoordinateConverterFactory
- setupAsLatLon() : DesignPointWidget
- setupAsLight() : Effect
- setupAsLocationOperations() : Effect
- setupAsMenu() : QCustomTabWidget
- setupAsModelTile() : Effect
- setupAsPopupHandler() : PopupManager
- setupAsPrimary() : CoordinateConverterDialog
- setupAsSetTransform() : Effect
- setupButton() : ApplicationLauncherButtonManager, Keypad, QCustomDockWidget, SnapsEditorWidget
- setupButtons() : InitialSetupDialog
- setupCADMaterial() : DefaultMaterials
- setupChannelDialog() : UVChannelEditWidget
- setupColorForGeoVertices() : EntityConverter
- setupColumnHeaders() : AsciiModelFileDialog
- setupCombo() : CustomDesignChartDialog, UnitsDialog
- setupConicArc() : ArcShape
- SetupCoordinateModel() : QuickVisualization
- setUpdateAndCloseAppCallback() : UpdateButton
- setUpdateChecker() : UpdateButton, WidgetInitialization
- setUpdateInterval() : ConnectionForwarding
- setUpdateStatus() : UpdateChecker
- setUpdateTarget() : DownloadDatasetWidget
- setupDebug() : VulkanInstance
- setupDefaultAngleUnitOptions() : UnitManager
- setupDefaultAreaOptions() : UnitManager
- setupDefaultCoordinateSpaceOptions() : UnitManager
- setupDefaultDistanceOptions() : UnitManager
- setupDefaultLatLonOptions() : UnitManager
- setupDefaultMaterial() : FactoryOptions
- setupDefaultScene() : DesignObjectLookup
- SetupDefaultSurfaceObject() : GeometryBoolean
- setupDefaultVolumeOptions() : UnitManager
- setupDefaultWeightOptions() : UnitManager
- setupDelimiterCombo() : AsciiModelFileDialog
- setupDesignDock() : WindowManager
- setupDialog() : DesignObjectDialogFactory
- setupDialogButton() : CustomDockButton, QCustomDockWidget
- setupEntityMaterial() : EntityConverter
- setupExporterWindow() : WindowManager
- setupExportTab() : SettingsDialog
- setupExtensions() : VulkanInstance, VulkanXRInstance
- setupFactories() : ApplicationSetup, WidgetInitialization
- setupFileStructure() : WidgetInitialization
- setupFilter() : ModelSelectionTree
- setupFolderTab() : InitialSetupDialog, SettingsDialog
- setupFonts() : WidgetInitialization
- setupForApp() : ExternalApplicationManager
- SetupForBrowser() : FileChooserDialog
- setupForCAD() : CADApplicationManager
- SetupForFavorites() : FileChooserDialog
- setupForFormula() : FormulaDialog
- setupForMetadata() : DesignObjectComboWidget, DesignObjectStringWidget, DesignObjectToggleWidget
- setupForNewTarget() : StationEditor
- setupForRoot() : FormulaDialog
- setupForStyle() : ShowPropertiesSettings
- setupFromCustomOptions() : DXFFactory
- setupFromRecord() : VehicleModel
- setupGraphicsTab() : SettingsDialog
- setupGyroButton() : DeploymentWidget
- setupImportTab() : SettingsDialog
- setupIndexFanColumn() : Geometry
- setupINI() : BasicCustomUnit, CustomUnit, ReferenceCustomUnit
- setupInitialPage() : InitialSetupDialog
- setupInstance() : VulkanInstance
- setupKeystrokeTab() : SettingsDialog
- setupLanguages() : WidgetInitialization
- setupLayers() : VulkanInstance
- setupLineEdit() : CustomDesignChartDialog
- setupLoading() : TroubleshootingDialog
- setupLogicalDevice() : VulkanDevice
- setupMagnetometerButton() : DeploymentWidget
- setupMainTab() : SettingsDialog
- setupManualPage() : AboutDialog
- setupManuals() : WidgetInitialization
- setupMaterialModel() : QModelViewCapture
- setupMaterialSection() : DesignWidget
- setupModel() : CustomModelLogic, Dataset, VehicleModel
- setupModule() : VulkanInstance
- SetupModuleRegistration() : ModuleManager
- setupModules() : WidgetInitialization
- setupMouseSettingsTab() : SettingsDialog
- setupOptions() : CSFFilter
- setupParameters() : CSFFilter
- setUpperCase() : Keypad
- setupPropertiesDialog() : CustomModelLogic
- setupRelativePosition() : StationEditor
- setupReport() : NCCustomReport
- setupResource() : QCustomComboBox
- setupRulers() : VirtualCameraView
- setupScene() : GLESGraphicsSession, GraphicsSession, VulkanSession
- setupSeperator() : RibbonGroup, SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- setupSession() : XRManager
- SetupStaticGeometry() : ShapeConstructors
- setupStationTab() : SettingsDialog
- setupSurface() : Renderer, VulkanRenderPipeline
- setupSwapChainImages() : VulkanRenderPipeline
- SetupSystem() : QTSoundManager
- setupTable() : CoordinateProjectionChooser, DesignPropertyTable
- setupToggle() : Toggle
- setupUI() : ApplicationSetup, MotorDeploymentWidget, WidgetInitialization, WinchDeploymentDialog
- setupUITab() : SettingsDialog
- setupUIThemes() : WidgetInitialization
- setupUnits() : WidgetInitialization
- setupUnitsTab() : InitialSetupDialog, SettingsDialog
- setupUserOptions() : ApplicationSetup, WidgetInitialization
- setupVertexTable() : Geometry, GridMesh< t_dims >
- setupVncConnection() : VncDevice
- SetupVulkanInstance() : VulkanGraphicsWindow
- setupYesNo() : TroubleshootingDialog
- setUsage() : GraphicsBuffer
- setUseActiveValueSet() : DXFValueManager
- setUseFullScroll() : QCustomScrollArea
- setUseGlobalTransform() : QTVertexManagerView
- setUseGrips() : DefaultSelectionEffect
- setUseHashLabels() : INIFactory
- setUseLabelAbreviation() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- setUseLargeCompression() : BinaryFile
- setUseLargeIcons() : TouchDesktopThemeButton
- setUseRoundedButtons() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- setUserSettingsToDefaults() : DesignSettings
- setUserSpecifiedOffsets() : OrientationSensor
- setUseTabTitle() : DockItem
- setUseVertexHighlights() : DefaultSelectionEffect
- setUUID() : CustomDesignChart
- setUUIDs() : AsciiModelFileDialog, AutoModelFileDialog
- SetUVColor() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setUVColor() : Material
- SetUVImage() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setUVImage() : Material
- SetUVIntensity() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setUVIntensity() : Material
- setUVLayer() : Material
- SetUVMode() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setUVMode() : Material
- SetUVPropertyChannel() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setUVType() : ColorChannelCombo
- setValidRange() : TemperatureSensor
- setValue() : DXFValueManager, GenericOptionGroup, Joystick, QCustomComboBox, QCustomDial, QCustomLineEdit, QCustomSlider
- setVariable() : Equation< t_type >
- setVariableDouble() : CADEntityStreamer
- setVariableInt() : CADEntityStreamer, EntityConverter
- setVariableString() : CADEntityStreamer
- setVariableVector() : CADEntityStreamer
- setVector() : DXFValueManager, TableColumn
- setVelocity() : PositionSensor
- setVersion() : DXFWriter
- setVertex() : CADEntityStreamer, Geometry, GridMesh< t_dims >, PrimitiveVertexEditor, VertexIterator< t_type >
- setVertexCountValue() : Geometry
- setVertexFlag() : Geometry
- setVertexManager() : GLESRenderObject, VulkanRenderObject
- setVertexMode() : Geometry
- setVertexOffsetValue() : Geometry
- setVertexProperties() : Geometry
- setVertexProperty() : Geometry, GridMesh< t_dims >
- setVertexReservedValue() : Geometry
- setVertexSize() : Geometry
- SetVertexVisualModel() : PrimitiveVertexEditor
- setVertexVisualModel() : PrimitiveVertexEditor
- setVertical() : QCustomLabel, RibbonGroup, RibbonSubGroup, SelectionHighlightBar, StatusBar
- setVerticalMode() : QCustomStackedWidgetBase
- setVerticalParameter() : CustomDesignChart
- setVertices() : Geometry, MagneticCalibrationData, Polygon< t_type, t_vertex >, Polyline< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- setVerticesFlag() : Geometry
- setVerticesFlagAll() : Geometry
- setVerticesFlags() : Geometry
- setViewMode() : ImageView
- setViewportImages() : VulkanRenderPipeline
- setViewportTheme() : ViewportLayout
- setVisible() : AboutDialog, InitialSetupDialog, QCustomColorDialog, QCustomDockWidget, RibbonSubGroup, StatusBar
- setVisibleFilter() : ProxyModelViewFilter, SceneTree
- setVisuals() : VehicleModel
- setVUnit() : NDEVRChart
- setWarningCallback() : Device, DXFReader
- setWidget() : QCustomScrollArea, WindowContainer
- setWidgetSelected() : SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- setWidth() : DXFAttributes
- setWindingCalculation() : ModelFileDialog
- SetWindingMode() : ManagedDesignCommand
- setWindingMode() : Geometry, Model
- setWindow() : WindowContainer
- setWindowable() : DockItem
- setWindowFlag() : QCustomDockWidget
- setWindowFlags() : QCustomDockWidget
- SetWindowIcon() : QTIconManager
- setWindowInstance() : ControllerInterface, GLESGraphicsPipeline, GLESGraphicsSession, GraphicsPipeline, Renderer, VulkanRenderPipeline, VulkanSession
- setWindowManager() : QTModelManager
- setWrap() : QCustomStackedWidgetBase
- setWriteCameras() : CADApplicationManager, ExternalApplicationManager
- setWriteQuality() : ImageFactory
- setX() : XYZColor
- setY() : XYZColor
- setYear() : Time
- setYearSearchString() : VehicleTableFilterProxyModel
- setZ() : XYZColor
- SH3DFactory() : SH3DFactory
- SH3DFormat() : SH3DFactory
- shader() : GLESShaderManager
- shaderManager() : VulkanSession
- ShareFileWithMediaServer() : ApplicationResource
- sharesObject() : Triangle< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- shear() : Matrix< t_type, t_row_dims, t_col_dims >
- shortenString() : String
- shouldDraw() : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- shouldExit() : QModelViewCapture, QTGraphicsWindow
- shouldExitThread() : Thread
- shouldFlipNormal() : PerspectiveListNormalFlipper
- shouldProcess() : DesignParameterExecutor
- shouldRender() : GLESRenderObject
- ShouldShow() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- shouldShow() : ModelFileDialog
- shouldWriteModel() : FactoryParameters
- show() : QCustomTooltip
- showAbout() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showAcceptButton() : CoordinateConverterDialog
- showAccessedTime() : FileChooserDialog
- showActiveMaterialsCategory() : DesignObjectChooser
- showActiveModelsCategory() : DesignObjectChooser
- showAerialImageDialog() : UVChannelEditWidget
- showBrowseDialog() : FileAndFolderSettingsDialog
- showButton() : CustomDockButton
- showCalibrationOptionsPopup() : AlignGyroButton
- showClear() : MagnetometerCalibrationDialog
- showColorTheme() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showColumnContextMenu() : AsciiModelFileDialog
- showContextMenu() : AerialImageView, VirtualCameraView
- showCurrentIndex() : DesignObjectDialog
- showDataDialog() : UVChannelEditWidget
- ShowDialog() : QTTools
- showDock() : QCustomDockWidget
- showDockFullscreen() : QCustomDockWidget
- showDraw() : NDEVRRibbon
- showDrawActions() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showDropOverlay() : DropOverlay
- showEdit() : NDEVRRibbon
- showEditActions() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showEditingControls() : StationEditor
- showError() : TcpServer
- showEvent() : AerialImageView, CoordinateConverterDialog, CoordinateProjectionChooser, DropOverlay, DropOverlayCross, FloatingWidget, GettingStartedDialog, QCustomStackedWidgetBase, ReportGeneratorDialog, SectionWidget, SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- showExit() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- ShowExperimentalFeatureDialog() : QTTools
- showFavorites() : FileChooserDialog
- showFileActions() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showFileMenu() : DesignObjectChooser
- showFileSize() : FileChooserDialog
- showHome() : NDEVRRibbon
- showHomeGeneral() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showImageDialog() : UVChannelEditWidget
- showImportDialogIfNeeded() : WindowManager
- showLayers() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showLineEdit() : QCustomDial
- showLog() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showLogConsole() : LogView
- showMagnetometerOptionsPopup() : DeploymentWidget, MagneticDeclinationDialog
- showMainButton() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showMainScreen() : WindowManager
- showMatrix() : MagnetometerCalibrationDialog
- showMeasure() : NDEVRRibbon
- showMeasureActions() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- ShowMessageBox() : QTTools
- showMicroSeconds() : LogViewTable
- showModelProperties() : WindowManager
- showModifiedTime() : FileChooserDialog
- showPopup() : QCustomComboBox
- showPopupMenu() : Button
- showPortInfo() : SerialConnectionDialog
- showProjectBrowser() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- ShowProperties() : QTModelManager
- showProperties() : QTDesignObject
- ShowPropertiesSettings() : ShowPropertiesSettings
- showRecents() : FileChooserDialog
- showReports() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showSave() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showSaveAs() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showSearch() : CoordinateConverterDialog, DesignPropertyTable
- showSectionContent() : ContainerWidgetBase
- showSegmentEditor() : PrimitiveVertexEditor
- showSubDialog() : DesignObjectDialog
- showTab() : DockItem
- showTabs() : SectionWidget
- showTimes() : LogView
- showToolRibbon() : CameraView, VirtualCameraView, VncCameraView
- showUpdateDialogIfNeeded() : UpdateChecker
- showVectorColorDialog() : UVChannelEditWidget
- showView() : NDEVRRibbon
- showViewActions() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showWarning() : Battery, Device
- showWidget() : PopupManager
- showWidgetMode() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- showWifi() : NDEVRRibbonOptions
- SHPFactory() : SHPFactory
- simplifiedFormula() : Formula
- simplify() : Polygon< t_type, t_vertex >, Polyline< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- simulateKeyPress() : WindowManager
- size() : BinaryHeap< t_comp_type, t_value_type, t_is_min >, Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, Dictionary< t_key, t_value, t_hash >, GraphicsBuffer, Image, ImageData, JSONNode, LineIterator< t_dims, t_type >, Model, QCustomImage, QueueBuffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, Set< t_type >, Table, TableColumn, TriangleIterator< t_dims, t_type >, VertexColorIterator, VertexIterator< t_type >, VulkanImageData
- sizeFromContents() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- sizeHint() : AboutDialog, AerialImageSettings, AsciiModelFileDialog, Button, CameraView, CheckForUpdatesDialog, ContainerWidgetBase, DesignObjectDialog, ExportChooserDialog, FileChooserDialog, FilteringWidget, FloatingWidget, FormulaDialog, GettingStartedDialog, ImageModelDialog, ImageView, InitialSetupDialog, IPWidget, Joystick, Keypad, LEDLightWidget, LogManagerDialog, LogView, ModulesDialog, NDEVRRibbon::NDEVRRibbonWidget, OrientationEditor, OrientationOperationsWidget, PolylineSliceEditor, PrintPreview, ProgressWidget, QCustomComboBox, QCustomDial, QCustomDockWidget, QCustomLabel, QCustomLineEdit, QCustomMessageBox, QCustomProgressBar, QCustomScrollArea, QCustomStackedWidgetBase, QCustomTooltip, QTErrorBrowser, QTErrorDialog, Ribbon, RibbonSubGroup, SceneTree, SceneTreeModelDelegate, SectionIconTab, SectionWidget, SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea, SelectionHighlightBar, SnapsEditorWidget, StationEditor, StatusBar, SunDial, Toggle, Toolbar
- sizeIfAdded() : QCustomSplitter
- sizeMultiple() : QCustomSplitter
- SizeOperationsWidget() : SizeOperationsWidget
- skip() : Scanner
- skipTo() : Scanner
- skipWhiteSpace() : Scanner
- SliceIntoLineSegments() : PolylineSlicer
- SliceIntoPolylines() : ManagedDesignCommand
- slicePlanes() : PolylineSliceIterator
- SliceTypeName() : PolylineSlicer
- SliceVertex() : SliceVertex< t_type, t_vertex_type >
- slideInAnimation() : QCustomStackedWidget, QCustomStackedWidgetBase
- slideInIdx() : QCustomStackedWidget, QCustomStackedWidgetBase, Ribbon
- slideInKeyboard() : Keypad
- slideInNext() : QCustomStackedWidget, QCustomStackedWidgetBase
- slideInPrev() : QCustomStackedWidget, QCustomStackedWidgetBase
- slideInWgt() : QCustomStackedWidget, QCustomStackedWidgetBase
- sliderHeight() : Toggle
- sliderRect() : Toggle
- sliderScale() : QCustomSlider
- sliderWidth() : Toggle
- slotTextChanged() : IPWidget
- SmoothCotangentCommand() : ManagedDesignCommand
- SmoothDialog() : SmoothDialog
- SmoothLaplacianCommand() : ManagedDesignCommand
- smoothNormals() : GLESMaterialManager, VulkanMaterialManager
- snapBackPercent() : Joystick
- SnapIcon() : SnapsManager
- SnapPoint() : SnapPoint
- snapPoint() : XRHand
- SnapsEditorWidget() : SnapsEditorWidget
- SnapsManager() : SnapsManager
- socket() : NtpClient
- SocketConnection() : SocketConnection
- socketDisconnected() : TcpServer
- SocketIO() : SocketIO
- SocketIOChannel() : SocketIOChannel
- SocketIODriver() : SocketIODriver
- socketStartedConnectingSignal() : NetworkRequest
- SoftwareActivationTimespan() : FeatureOptions
- SoftwareRenderedVulkanLib() : VulkanInstance
- solidColorChosenSignal() : ColorChannelCombo, MaterialWidget
- SolidMaterialEditor() : SolidMaterialEditor
- solidMaterials() : ModelMaterialsDialog
- solidVertexCount() : Geometry
- solidVertexOffset() : Geometry
- solidVertexReservedCount() : Geometry
- solve() : Equation< t_type >, Formula, LUDecomposition< t_type, t_m, t_n >, Spline< t_point_type >, StatementParser, SVD
- Solve2DAffine() : MatrixFunctions
- SolveBestFitTransform() : MatrixFunctions
- solveCubic() : Spline< t_point_type >
- SolveLeastSquaredAffine() : MatrixFunctions
- solveLinear() : Spline< t_point_type >
- solveQuadratic() : Spline< t_point_type >
- sort() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, DesignSortFilterProxyModel, VehicleTableFilterProxyModel
- sortAboutValue() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- sortAlphabetically() : QCustomComboBox
- sortButtons() : ButtonGallery, RibbonSubGroup
- sortBy() : DesignSortFilterProxyModel
- sortByName() : DesignObjectGallery
- sortedIndices() : BinaryHeap< t_comp_type, t_value_type, t_is_min >
- SortedLogViewTable() : SortedLogViewTable
- sortedValues() : BinaryHeap< t_comp_type, t_value_type, t_is_min >
- sortIDs() : ReportIterator
- sortMessagesByPriority() : Log
- sortMessagesByTime() : Log
- SortModelsByName() : FactoryModelFilters
- sortPoints() : PerspectiveListNormalFlipper
- sortRange() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- soundEffect() : QTSoundManager
- soundEffectTask() : QTSoundManager
- source() : DatasetManager
- SouthOrientation() : UnitDefinitions
- spacing() : Toggle
- span() : Bounds< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- specialCallback() : SectionContent
- specialUnit() : UnitManager
- specialUnitResource() : UnitManager
- specialUnits() : UnitManager
- specifiedAngle() : OrientationOperations
- speed() : Motor
- SpeedLimit() : SpeedLimit
- speedLimit() : StreetInfo
- speedRange() : Motor
- Sphere() : ShapeConstructors
- Spline() : Spline< t_point_type >
- SplineData() : SplineData
- split() : Geometry, StringSplitter
- splitDuplicateVertices() : Geometry
- SplitRequestsIfNeeded() : ElevationService
- splitString() : String
- splitThread() : BasicThread
- SqrFeet() : UnitDefinitions
- SqrInches() : UnitDefinitions
- SqrKilometers() : UnitDefinitions
- SqrMeters() : UnitDefinitions
- SqrYards() : UnitDefinitions
- stackTrace() : Exception
- standardColor() : QCustomColorDialog
- standardIcon() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- standardPalette() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- start() : DeviceWatcher, ItemDownloader, NetworkRequest, QtNetworkRequest, Thread, XRManager
- startAngle() : ArcShape
- startAnimation() : ResizeVisibleAnimation, ThemeChanger
- startAutoUpdate() : Device
- startBlock() : DXFWriter
- startBlocks() : DXFWriter
- startCalibration() : CalibratorWidget, IMUCalibrator
- startDownload() : DownloadDatasetWidget
- startEntities() : DXFWriter
- startFast3DFaces() : DXFWriter
- startFastPoints() : DXFWriter
- startLayers() : DXFWriter
- startMotor() : MotorDeploymentWidget
- startNewDeployment() : DistanceEncoder
- startPoint() : ArcShape
- startQTUpdate() : QTModelManager
- startRecord() : LocalPhysicalCameraView
- startRecording() : MagnetometerCalibrationDialog
- startTime() : TimeSpan
- startUpdateThread() : DesignObjectLookup
- startUserEdit() : QCustomLineEdit
- stateChangeSlot() : BatteryAlertWatcher
- StaticCircleOutline() : ShapeConstructors
- StaticLine() : ShapeConstructors
- StaticRectangleFilled() : ShapeConstructors
- StaticRectangularPrismFilled() : ShapeConstructors
- stationChangedSignal() : PositionSensor
- StationEditor() : StationEditor
- stationUsedForOffset() : PositionSensor
- status() : IMUCalibrator
- StatusBar() : StatusBar
- statusChangedSignal() : UpdateChecker
- stdDev() : MagneticCalibrationData, PositionSensor
- STDOutputStream() : STDOutputStream
- step() : QCustomValidator
- stepFinishedSignal() : IMUCalibrator
- stepIndex() : IMUCalibrator
- StepsRecorder() : StepsRecorder
- stop() : DeviceUpdateThread, DeviceWatcher
- stopAll() : QTModelManager
- StopAllThreads() : Thread
- stopAutoUpdate() : Device
- stopClearSignalTimer() : FieldChooser
- stopQTUpdate() : QTModelManager
- stopTest() : AutomatedTest, GrabNetworkInfo, LoopedAutomatedTest
- stopThread() : CachedFactoryIOThread, Thread
- stopUpdateThread() : DesignObjectLookup
- stopWinch() : MotorDeploymentWidget
- store() : GeometryPositionModRestore
- str_len() : String
- stratum() : NtpReply
- StreetInfo() : StreetInfo
- StreetName() : StreetName
- streetName() : StreetInfo
- String() : String
- stringDisplayData() : ModelTableColumnSpec
- stringID() : DesignParameter
- StyleData() : StyleData
- styleDefaultIconSize() : Button
- styleDestroyed() : ColorThemeButton
- styleHint() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- styleSheetParentDestroyed() : QCustomTooltip
- subControlRect() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- subElementRect() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- subMatrix() : Matrix< t_type, t_row_dims, t_col_dims >
- submitQueue() : VulkanRenderPipeline, XRVulkanPipeline
- subOptions() : BasicUnitOption, UnitOption
- substr() : String
- SubtitleFileReader() : SubtitleFileReader
- SubtitleFileWriter() : SubtitleFileWriter
- subUnit() : LocationElevationUnit, MatrixUnit, ReferenceUnit, ScaledOffsetUnit, ScaledUnit, Unit
- suffix() : QCustomComboBox
- sum() : Vector< t_dims, t_type >
- SunDial() : SunDial
- supportsCommand() : HardwareCommandQueue< t_type >
- supportsFixed() : MadgwickOrientationSensor, OrientationSensor
- supportsKHRSwapchain() : VulkanInstance
- supportsLowVisibilityMode() : RangeSensor
- supportsModes() : OrientationSensor
- supportsMoveTo() : Motor
- supportsMultiThreading() : GraphicsDevice, VulkanDevice
- SupportsODA() : DWGFactory
- supportsRelative() : StationEditor
- supportsRodded() : MadgwickOrientationSensor, OrientationSensor
- supportsSetActivated() : RangeSensor
- supportsSetSpeed() : Motor
- SupportsTextToSpeech() : SoundManager
- supportsTextToSpeech() : QTSoundManager, SoundFactory
- supportsTriangleFan() : VulkanDevice, VulkanInstance
- supportsValidation() : VulkanInstance
- surfaceArea() : Bounds< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- SurfaceCondition() : SurfaceCondition
- surfaceCondition() : StreetInfo
- surfaceNormal() : Geometry
- SurfaceNormalPercent() : UnitDefinitions
- SurfaceType() : SurfaceType
- surfaceType() : StreetInfo, VulkanInstance
- surveySettings() : PointWidget
- surveySettingsRequested() : BoundsWidget, PointWidget
- SVD() : SVD
- SVGIconEngine() : SVGIconEngine
- swap() : BufferAllocator< t_type, t_index_type, t_null_term >, BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >, Pointer< t_type >, SectionWidgetTabsScrollArea
- swapAllElements() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- swapChildren() : Model
- swapElements() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- swapIndices() : Buffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >, QCustomStackedWidgetBase, SectionWidget
- swapSectionContent() : ContainerWidgetBase
- swapWith() : DockItem
- SyncSettingsFolder() : FileResource
- SystemDrives() : File
- SystemHasPrinters() : PrintPreview
- SystemSupportsVibrate() : QTVibrationManager
- SystemTime() : Time