Here is a list of all functions with links to the classes they belong to:
- f -
- faceCenter() : Geometry
- faceEdges() : Geometry
- faceToEdgeColumn() : Geometry
- factory() : CachedFactoryIOThread
- factoryFeatures() : AsciiFactory, AssimpFactory, DVI3DSpreadsheetFactory, DWGFactory, DXFFactory, E57Factory, GeoSlamFactory, IOFactory, KMLFactory, LASFactory, ModelFactory, NDVFactory, PDFFactory, RockWorksFactory, SH3DFactory, SHPFactory
- FactoryOptions() : FactoryOptions
- FactoryParameters() : FactoryParameters
- factoryReadAppFeature() : IOFactory
- FactoryResetApp() : ApplicationResource
- factoryWriteAppFeature() : IOFactory
- fadeDistance() : GLESMaterialManager, GLESRenderObject, VulkanMaterialManager, VulkanRenderObject
- fadeInAnimationTime() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- fadeOutAnimationTime() : NDEVRProxyStyle
- Fahrenheit() : UnitDefinitions
- favoriteFiles() : FileChooserDialog
- Feet() : UnitDefinitions
- FeetInches() : UnitDefinitions
- FeetPerSecond() : UnitDefinitions
- fetchDataColumns() : DesignObjectBase, Table
- fft() : FFTLogic< t_type >
- FieldChooser() : FieldChooser
- File() : File
- file() : AsciiFileOutputStream, DesignObject, FactoryParameters, ImageData, Scanner
- FileAndFolderSettingsDialog() : FileAndFolderSettingsDialog
- fileChoosen() : ProjectEditor
- fileChooser() : FileAndFolderSettingsDialog, MagnetometerCalibrationDialog, WindowManager
- FileChooserDialog() : FileChooserDialog
- FileDropFrame() : FileDropFrame
- FileException() : FileException
- FileFactoryWarning() : FileFactoryWarning
- FileFormat() : FileFormat
- FileNameRegex() : RegexFunctions
- FilePathDesignNameVariable() : DesignObject
- filePtr() : File
- fileRecieved() : TcpServer
- FileRegex() : RegexFunctions
- FileRequest() : FileRequest
- fileSize() : BinaryFile, File
- FillBackground() : QTIconManager
- filledSize() : BufferAllocator< t_type, t_index_type, t_null_term >, BufferAllocator< bool, t_index_type, false >
- fillHoles() : Cloth
- FillHolesByNeighbor() : ManagedDesignCommand
- fillHolesByNeighbor() : Geometry
- fillInfoTable() : VariableReference
- FillOutData() : CADHelperFunctions
- fillOutData() : CADGeometryWriter
- FillOutLayerData() : CADHelperFunctions
- fillWithMaterials() : DesignObjectGallery
- fillWithModels() : DesignObjectGallery
- filter() : DesignObjectChooser, ModelSelectionTree, VehicleTableView
- filterAcceptsColumn() : SortedLogViewTable
- filterAcceptsRow() : DesignSortFilterProxyModel, SortedLogViewTable, VehicleTableFilterProxyModel
- filterAndSetList() : DesignPropertyTable
- FilterDescription() : FilterDescription
- filterFiles() : FileChooserDialog
- filterFromArchive() : DesignObjectChooser
- filterFromManager() : DesignObjectChooser
- FilterGeometryModels() : FactoryModelFilters
- filterID() : GeometryFilter
- FilteringWidget() : FilteringWidget
- filterModels() : VehicleDatabase
- filterModelsToExport() : AsciiFactory, AsciiModelFileDialog, AssimpFactory, AutoModelFileDialog, E57Factory, GeoSlamFactory, IOFactory, KMLFactory, LASFactory, ModelFactory, SH3DFactory, SHPFactory
- filterName() : GeometryFilter
- FilterTypeModels() : FactoryModelFilters
- find_closest() : Spline< t_point_type >
- findAttachedLineSegments() : PrimitiveVertexEditor
- FindBestFitFontFile() : FontEngine
- FindCADApp() : CADApplicationManager
- findClosest() : PerspectiveListNormalFlipper
- findControllersSignal() : ControllerInterfaceManager
- findDepthFormat() : VulkanDevice
- findDescendentByName() : Model
- findDescendentByType() : Model
- findDevices() : DeviceFinder
- findLayer() : DesignObjectLookup
- findMemoryType() : VulkanBuffer, VulkanDevice
- FindModules() : ModuleManager
- findNonExistingSuitableName() : File
- FindODAPath() : DWGFactory
- findUnmovablePoint() : Cloth
- findWindowIDs() : LocalApplicationLauncher
- finish() : DXFWriter, SubtitleFileWriter
- finishAnimation() : SectionWidget
- finishBlockingReadback() : VulkanRenderPipeline
- FinishBoolean() : GeometryBoolean
- finishBrowse() : FileChooserDialog
- finishCalibration() : IMUCalibrator
- finishCommand() : DesignCommandManager, DesignObjectLookup, HardwareCommandQueue< t_type >
- finishedSignal() : CoordinateBoundsSelector, FileChooserDialog, InitialSetupDialog, ModelOffsetCommandWidget, NetworkRequest, PrintPreview, QCustomColorDialog, TimeRequest
- FinishFiltering() : GeometryFilter
- finishFrame() : GLESGraphicsWindow, QModelViewCapture, QTGraphicsWindow, VulkanGraphicsWindow
- finishPipelineRecreation() : GraphicsUpdateArguments
- finishReadingINI() : BasicCustomUnit, CustomUnit, FactoryOptions, FileChooserDialog, INIInterface, ReferenceCustomUnit, UnitManager
- finishRecord() : LocalPhysicalCameraView
- FinishRegistration() : GeometryRegistration
- FinishSegmenting() : PolylineSlicer
- fitComboChanged() : PrintPreview
- FitTextToRect() : QTTools
- fixedHeadingChosen() : DeploymentModeCombobox
- fixIndexLinking() : Table
- fixup() : QCustomValidator
- flag() : VertexColorIterator, VertexIterator< t_type >
- flags() : DesignTableModel, LogViewTable, ProxyModelViewFilter, QTModelManagerView, QTVertexManagerView
- FlatDXF() : DXFFactory
- flip() : Polygon< t_type, t_vertex >
- FlipNormals() : ManagedDesignCommand
- flipNormals() : Geometry
- FloatingWidget() : FloatingWidget
- floatingWidget() : DockItem, SectionContent
- floatShaders() : GLESShaderManager
- flush() : File
- flushBackingStore() : QTGraphicsWindow
- flushUnderlying() : ZlibInStream
- focusInEvent() : Keypad, QCustomComboBox, QCustomTextEdit
- focusNextWidget() : Keypad
- focusPreviousWidget() : Keypad
- FolderRegex() : RegexFunctions
- fontChanged() : NDEVRChart, PrintPreview
- fontEdited() : FontEditor
- fontEditedSlot() : FontEditor
- FontEditor() : FontEditor
- forceBatteryState() : Battery
- ForceSizeCalculation() : QTTools
- forceStop() : Thread
- forceValue() : QCustomLineEdit
- format() : FactoryParameters
- formatAsTitleString() : String
- formatChosenSignal() : ExportChooserDialog
- formatMessage() : LogMessage
- formatNumberString() : String
- FormatPallete() : QTTools
- formFactor() : VulkanXRInstance
- FormulaDialog() : FormulaDialog
- forwardAToB() : ConnectionForwarding
- forwardBToA() : ConnectionForwarding
- FragUniformObject() : FragUniformObject
- fromCircleTransform() : BiRadialObject< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >
- fromHex() : String
- fromJSON() : ConnectionForwardingDialog, IconDefinition, IconManager
- fromJSONNode() : BatteryCapacityInfo, GenericOptionGroup
- fromProjection() : CoordinateConverter
- FromString() : SerialPortConnection
- fromString() : ApplicationOption< t_type >, ApplicationOptionBase, DDMMSSAngleUnit, LocationElevationUnit, ReferenceUnit, ScaledUnit, StringStream< t_type >, ThreePartAngleUnit, TwoPartAngleUnit, TwoPartUnit, Unit
- front() : QueueBuffer< t_type, t_index_type, t_memory_allocator, t_memory_manager >
- FrustumTransform() : MatrixDefinitions< t_type >
- FT() : FFTLogic< t_type >
- fullscreenSignal() : QCustomDockWidget, SectionTab
- fullscreenTouch() : DesignObjectDialog, Editor, LayerEditor, LineworkMaterialEditor, OrientationOperationsWidget, PolylineSliceEditor, ProjectEditor, SolidMaterialEditor, StationEditor
- fullscreenUpdated() : SectionTab
- furthestValue() : Bounds< t_dims, t_type, t_vertex >