Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- b -
- b : MatrixFunctions::TransformSolveOptions, MD5_CTX, ResourceMirror< t_type >
- b_pos : RGBColor
- background_color : CameraUniformObject, GraphicsUpdateArguments
- backup_sound : TextToSpeechRequest
- base_64 : ReportTemplate
- base_unit : BasicUnitOption
- basic : NtpFullPacket
- battery : DistanceEncoderSpreadsheet::DistanceReading
- baud_rate : SerialPortInfo
- baudRate : SerialConnectionDialog::Settings
- bend_crease : CADMeshData
- biBitCount : IcoFile::BitmapInfoHeader
- biClrImportant : IcoFile::BitmapInfoHeader
- biClrUsed : IcoFile::BitmapInfoHeader
- biCompression : IcoFile::BitmapInfoHeader
- big_font_file : StyleData
- biHeight : IcoFile::BitmapInfoHeader
- biPlanes : IcoFile::BitmapInfoHeader
- biSize : IcoFile::BitmapInfoHeader
- biSizeImage : IcoFile::BitmapInfoHeader
- bitCount : IcoFile::IconDirEntry
- bitmap_data : ImageDataStream
- bitmap_line_span : ImageDataStream
- bitmap_offset : ImageDataStream
- biWidth : IcoFile::BitmapInfoHeader
- biXPelsPerMeter : IcoFile::BitmapInfoHeader
- biYPelsPerMeter : IcoFile::BitmapInfoHeader
- blend_color : IconThemeSettings
- block : MD5_CTX
- block_data : DXFBlockWriter, DXFTableWriteIterator
- block_name : BlockInsert
- block_names : DXFTableWriteIterator
- bold : StyleData
- bottom_vector : CADImageData
- bounds : AerialImageRequest, AutoZoomFocus, CompressedStringInfo, GeometryVertices, PolylineSliceCache, RockworksSolidModInfo
- bounds_center_tolerance : AutoZoomFocus
- bounds_edge_tolerance_mult : AutoZoomFocus
- bounds_wgs84 : MercatorImageRequest
- brightness : CADImageData, HSBColor, HSLColor
- brush : ArialColorTheme
- buffer : MD5_CTX
- buffer_size : BinaryCompressionObject
- button : IconCacheWidget
- byte_size : TypeInfo
- bytesInRes : IcoFile::IconDirEntry