This is the complete list of members for QWidgetModel, including all inherited members.
actionDeletedIndex(uint04 index, uint04 size) | DesignObject | |
activeFilters() const | DesignObject | |
addChild(Model &child) | Model | |
addChild(uint04 child_index) | Model | |
addIndex(uint04 index, uint04 size) | DesignObject | |
addPerVertexColorFromMaterialConstant(UVType constant_index) | Model | |
appendData(const String &data, bool compressed) | DesignObject | |
applyTransformToParent(const Matrix< fltp08 > &parent_mat) const | Model | |
base() const | DesignObject | inline |
calculateAverageDirection(const Matrix< fltp08 > &parent_transform=Constant< Matrix< fltp08 > >::Invalid) const | Model | |
calculateHVLength(const Matrix< fltp08 > &parent_transform=Constant< Matrix< fltp08 > >::Invalid) const | Model | |
calculateIndexNeighborList() | Model | |
calculateLength(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform=Constant< Matrix< fltp08 > >::Invalid) const | Model | |
calculateNormals(NormalMode mode, Angle< fltp08 > smoothing_angle) | Model | |
calculateSmoothTextures(Vector< 3, fltp08 > origin, fltp08 scale) | Model | |
calculateSurfaceArea(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform=Constant< Matrix< fltp08 > >::Invalid) const | Model | |
calculateTangentSpace(bool calc_tan, bool calc_bitan) | Model | |
calculateVolume(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform=Constant< Matrix< fltp08 > >::Invalid) const | Model | |
calculateVolumeAndSurfaceArea(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform=Constant< Matrix< fltp08 > >::Invalid, const void *lock=nullptr) const | Model | |
canExplode() const | Model | |
canInteract() const | Model | |
centerAlignModel() | Model | |
checkBounds() | Model | |
childBase() const | Model | protected |
childCount() const | Model | |
childToParentReference() const | Model | protected |
clearChildren() | Model | |
clearLayer() | Model | |
clearMaterialDescendents() | Model | |
clearMetaData(const String &index) | DesignObject | |
colorByChannel(Material &mat, const String &channel, fltp08 avg=Constant< fltp08 >::Invalid) const | Model | |
copyFrom(const Model &model, bool deep_copy, bool copy_ids=false, bool recursive=true) | Model | |
NDEVR::DesignObject::copyFrom(const DesignObject &object) | DesignObject | |
copyMaterialProperties(const Model &model) | Model | |
createChild() | Model | |
createChild(uint04 child_slot) | Model | |
createChildEffect() | Model | |
createChildGeometry() | Model | |
createChildMaterial(bool copy_child=false) | Model | |
createChildMaterial(PrimitiveProperty property, bool copy_child=false) | Model | |
createChildren(uint04 child_size) | Model | |
createSceneEffect() const | Model | |
createSceneGeometry() const | Model | |
createSceneLayer() const | Model | |
createSceneMaterial() const | Model | |
createSceneModel() const | Model | |
customModelColor(ModelColorMode mode) const | Model | |
deleteModel(bool delete_children, bool remove_from_parent=true) | Model | |
DescendedFlags enum name | Model | |
descendedFlags() const | Model | |
descendedFlagsNoCache(bool complete_cache_ignore) const | Model | |
descendedPersonalFlagsNoCache() const | Model | |
descendentGeometryTypes() const | Model | |
designIndex() const | DesignObject | inline |
DesignObject()=default | DesignObject | |
DesignObject(DesignObjectBase *base) | DesignObject | explicit |
DesignObject(uint04 index, DesignObjectBase *base) | DesignObject | |
DesignObjectType enum name | DesignObject | |
DesignProperty enum name | DesignObject | |
displayName() const | Model | |
displayNamePath(const String &seperator=":") const | Model | |
doesModelPropertyContain(ModelProperty property, const String &value, bool ignore_case) const | Model | inline |
doesModelPropertyContain(ModelProperty property, const char *value, bool ignore_case) const | Model | inline |
doesPropertyBeginWith(DesignProperty property, const String &value, bool ignore_case) const | DesignObject | inline |
doesPropertyBeginWith(DesignProperty property, const char *value, bool ignore_case) const | DesignObject | inline |
doesPropertyContain(DesignProperty property, const String &value, bool ignore_case) const | DesignObject | inline |
doesPropertyContain(DesignProperty property, const char *value, bool ignore_case) const | DesignObject | inline |
e_3D_visible enum value | DesignObject | |
e_allow_interactions enum value | DesignObject | |
e_application_constructed enum value | Model | |
e_application_constructed_parent_base enum value | Model | |
e_applied_filters enum value | DesignObject | |
e_asc_modified_time enum value | DesignObject | |
e_author enum value | DesignObject | |
e_bone enum value | DesignObject | |
e_bounding_box enum value | DesignObject | |
e_bounds_ignored enum value | DesignObject | |
e_bounds_modified_time enum value | DesignObject | |
e_calculation_ignored enum value | Model | |
e_camera enum value | DesignObject | |
e_can_select_children enum value | Model | |
e_category enum value | DesignObject | |
e_complete_transform enum value | Model | |
e_compressed_data enum value | DesignObject | |
e_creation_software enum value | DesignObject | |
e_creation_time enum value | DesignObject | |
e_deletion_allowed enum value | DesignObject | |
e_desc_modified_time enum value | DesignObject | |
e_descended_flags enum value | Model | |
e_descendent_deletion_blocked enum value | Model | |
e_descendent_focussed enum value | Model | |
e_descendent_selected enum value | Model | |
e_description enum value | DesignObject | |
e_design_property_size enum value | DesignObject | |
e_design_types enum value | DesignObject | |
e_editable_description enum value | DesignObject | |
e_effect enum value | DesignObject | |
e_export_ignored enum value | Model | |
e_file enum value | DesignObject | |
e_fixed_bounding_box enum value | Model | |
e_follow_camera enum value | Model | |
e_geometry enum value | DesignObject | |
e_global_bounds enum value | Model | |
e_global_selection_bounds enum value | Model | |
e_guid enum value | DesignObject | |
e_icon enum value | DesignObject | |
e_ignore_offset enum value | Model | |
e_ignore_rotation enum value | Model | |
e_ignore_scale enum value | Model | |
e_ignore_scale_distortion enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_can_delete enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_does_not_follow_camera enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_does_not_orient_to_camera enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_does_not_scale_to_camera enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_exportable enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_flags enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_has_no_focus enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_is_manager_visible enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_is_tree_visible enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_is_visible enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_not_application_owned enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_not_deleted enum value | Model | |
e_inherited_not_selected enum value | Model | |
e_is_application_locked enum value | DesignObject | |
e_is_application_owned enum value | DesignObject | |
e_is_deleted enum value | DesignObject | |
e_is_focused enum value | DesignObject | |
e_is_frozen enum value | DesignObject | |
e_is_selected enum value | DesignObject | |
e_layer enum value | DesignObject | |
e_library_id enum value | DesignObject | |
e_manager_visible enum value | DesignObject | |
e_material enum value | DesignObject | |
e_material_mode_outline enum value | Model | |
e_material_mode_solid enum value | Model | |
e_material_mode_vertices enum value | Model | |
e_meta_data enum value | DesignObject | |
e_model enum value | DesignObject | |
e_model_color enum value | Model | |
e_model_property_size enum value | Model | |
e_modified_time enum value | DesignObject | |
e_name enum value | DesignObject | |
e_orient_to_camera enum value | Model | |
e_parent_matrix_flags enum value | Model | |
e_personal_descended_flags enum value | Model | |
e_personal_inherited_flags enum value | Model | |
e_scale_to_camera enum value | Model | |
e_scene enum value | DesignObject | |
e_search_terms enum value | DesignObject | |
e_selection enum value | DesignObject | |
e_selection_box enum value | DesignObject | |
e_selection_ignored enum value | DesignObject | |
e_transform enum value | DesignObject | |
e_translated_string_data enum value | DesignObject | |
e_tree_visible enum value | DesignObject | |
e_type enum value | Model | |
e_uncompressed_data enum value | DesignObject | |
e_untranslated_string_data enum value | DesignObject | |
e_use_only_for_offset enum value | Model | |
e_visible_box enum value | Model | |
eraseModel() | Model | |
explodeModel() | Model | |
exportIgnored() const | Model | |
file() const | DesignObject | |
FilePathDesignNameVariable() | DesignObject | inlinestatic |
findDescendentByName(const String &name) const | Model | |
findDescendentByType(const String &type) const | Model | |
getAscModifiedTime(bool include_self, bool include_layer=true) const | Model | |
getBounds() const | Model | |
getBoundsOfVisible() const | Model | |
getChild(uint04 child) const | Model | |
getChildIndex() const | Model | |
getChildIndex(uint04 child) const | Model | |
getChildIndices() const | Model | |
getChildLayerIndex() const | Model | |
getChildren() const | Model | |
getChildrenByName(const String &name) const | Model | |
getChildrenByType(const String &type) const | Model | |
getChildrenByType(const Buffer< String > &type) const | Model | |
getChildrenIDs() const | Model | |
getClippingGeometry() const | Model | |
getCompleteTransform() const | Model | |
getDescendents(bool include_deleted=false, bool local_only=false) const | Model | |
getDescendentsByName(const String &name, uint04 max_count=Constant< uint04 >::Max) const | Model | |
getDescendentsByNameAndType(const String &name, const String &type, uint04 max_count=Constant< uint04 >::Max) const | Model | |
getDescendentsByType(const String &type, uint04 max_count=Constant< uint04 >::Max) const | Model | |
getDescModifiedTime(bool include_self) const | Model | |
getDesignParentIndex() const | DesignObject | |
getDirectLayerIndex() const | Model | |
getEffect(uint04 index=0) const | Model | |
getEffectChildren() const | Model | |
getEffectDescendents() const | Model | |
getEffectIndex(uint04 child_index=0) const | Model | |
getFamilyMember(uint04 index) const | Model | |
getGeometry() const | Model | |
getGeometryDescendents(bool remove_redundant=true, uint04 max_count=Constant< uint04 >::Max) const | Model | |
getGeometryIndex() const | Model | |
getIcon() const | DesignObject | |
getInheritedProperty(DesignProperty property) const | DesignObject | inline |
getLayer() const | Model | |
getMaterial(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Model | |
getMaterialChildren() const | Model | |
getMaterialDescendents(bool local_only=false) const | Model | |
getMaterialDescendents(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Model | |
getMaterialDescendentsByName(const String &name, uint04 max_count=Constant< uint04 >::Max) const | Model | |
getMaterialIndex(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Model | |
getMaterialMode(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Model | |
getModelIcon() const | Model | |
getModelProperty(ModelProperty property) const | Model | inline |
getModifiedTime() const | DesignObject | |
getNumOfEffects() const | Model | |
getParent() const | Model | |
getParentIndex() const | Model | |
getParentTransform() const | Model | |
getProperty(DesignProperty property) const | DesignObject | inline |
getRootMaterial(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Model | |
getRootMaterialModel(PrimitiveProperty property) | Model | |
getScene() const | DesignObject | |
getSceneEffect(UUID id) const | Model | |
getSceneEffects() const | Model | |
getSceneGeometries() const | Model | |
getSceneGeometry(uint04 index) const | Model | |
getSceneGeometry(UUID id) const | Model | |
getSceneLayer(UUID id) const | Model | |
getSceneLayers(bool include_deleted=false) const | Model | |
getSceneMaterial(uint04 index) const | Model | |
getSceneMaterial(UUID id) const | Model | |
getSceneMaterials() const | Model | |
getSceneModel(UUID id) const | Model | |
getSceneModels(bool include_deleted=false, bool local_only=false) const | Model | |
getSceneModelsByName(const String &name, uint04 max_count=Constant< uint04 >::Max, bool include_deleted=false) const | Model | |
getSceneModelsByType(const String &type, uint04 max_count=Constant< uint04 >::Max, bool include_deleted=false) const | Model | |
getSelectionBounds() const | Model | |
getTransform() const | DesignObject | |
getTypeChildren(const String &type) const | Model | inline |
getTypeDescendents(const String &type) const | Model | inline |
globalBounds() const | Model | |
globalCenterOfRotation() const | Model | |
globalSelectionBounds() const | Model | |
hasChild(uint04 child_index) const | Model | |
hasDescendent(const Model &model) const | Model | |
hasDescendent(const UUID &id) const | Model | |
hasDescendents(bool &has_point, bool &has_line, bool &has_mesh) const | Model | |
hasDirectLayer() const | Model | |
hasEffect(uint04 index=0) const | Model | |
hasFocus() const | Model | |
hasGeometryDescendent() const | Model | |
hasHoles(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Model | |
hasLayer() const | Model | |
hasLayerRootMaterial(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Model | |
hasLinearDescendent() const | Model | |
hasMaterial() const | Model | |
hasMaterial(PrimitiveProperty property) const | Model | |
hasMeshDescendent() const | Model | |
hasMetaData(const String &index) const | DesignObject | |
hasPointsDescendent() const | Model | |
hasProperty(DesignProperty property) const | DesignObject | inline |
hasSelectedDescendent() const | Model | |
index() const | DesignObject | inline |
InheritedFlags enum name | Model | |
inheritedFlags() const | Model | |
inheritedFlagsNoCache(bool complete_cache_ignore) const | Model | |
inheritedPersonalFlagsNoCache() const | Model | |
init() | QWidgetModel | protected |
invalidateBounds() | Model | |
invalidateGlobalBoundsAsc() | Model | |
invalidateGlobalBoundsDesc() | Model | |
invalidateTransformCache() | Model | |
invalidateVisibleBounds() | Model | |
isApplicationOwned() const | Model | |
isDeleted() const | Model | |
isDesignType(DesignObjectType mode) const | DesignObject | |
isDesignType(uint04 mode) const | DesignObject | |
isLayer() const | Model | |
isLocked() const | Model | |
isModelProperty(ModelProperty property, const String &value) const | Model | inline |
isModelProperty(ModelProperty property, const char *value) const | Model | inline |
isOfType(const String &type) const | Model | |
isOfType(const char *type) const | Model | |
isProperty(DesignProperty property, const String &value) const | DesignObject | inline |
isProperty(DesignProperty property, const char *value) const | DesignObject | inline |
isScene() const | Model | |
isSelected() const | Model | |
isTreeVisible() const | Model | |
isValid() const | DesignObject | inline |
isVisible() const | Model | |
m_base | DesignObject | protected |
m_design_index | DesignObject | protected |
m_image | QWidgetModel | protected |
m_index | DesignObject | protected |
m_lock | QWidgetModel | protected |
m_timer | QWidgetModel | protected |
m_uuid | DesignObject | mutableprotected |
m_widget | QWidgetModel | protected |
MaterialMode enum name | Model | |
metaData(const String &index) const | DesignObject | |
metaData() const | DesignObject | |
Model() | Model | inline |
Model(DesignObjectBase *base) | Model | |
Model(uint04 index, DesignObjectBase *base) | Model | |
Model(const DesignObject &obj) | Model | explicit |
ModelColorMode enum name | Model | |
ModelProperty enum name | Model | |
offset(const Vector< 3, fltp08 > &offset) | DesignObject | |
onNameChange(const String &new_name) | DesignObject | protected |
operator bool() const | Model | inline |
operator!=(const DesignObject &model) const | DesignObject | |
operator<(const DesignObject &model) const | DesignObject | |
operator==(const DesignObject &model) const | DesignObject | |
operator>(const DesignObject &model) const | DesignObject | |
overrideMaterialDescendents(PrimitiveProperty property, MaterialMode override_desc) | Model | |
overrideMaterialDescendents(MaterialMode vertex, MaterialMode outline, MaterialMode solid) | Model | |
parentBase() const | Model | protected |
ParentMatrixFlags enum name | Model | |
parentMatrixFlags() const | Model | |
parentToChildReference() const | Model | protected |
personalDescendedFlags() const | Model | |
personalInheritedFlags() const | Model | |
propertyTable() const | DesignObject | |
propertyTable() | DesignObject | |
QWidgetModel(QWidget *widget, const Model &model, const void *lock) | QWidgetModel | |
ReduceToRoots(const Buffer< Model, uint04, ObjectAllocator< DESIGN_PRIM > > &children, const std::function< bool(const Model &, const Set< Model > &)> &filter) | Model | static |
removeChild(const Model &model) | Model | |
removeDuplicateVertices(fltp08 epsilon, void *lock, ProgressInfo *log=nullptr) | Model | |
removeGeometry() | Model | |
removeMaterial(const Material &material) | Model | |
removeMaterial(PrimitiveProperty property) | Model | |
removeMetaData(const String &index, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
restoreModel() | Model | |
scale(Vector< 3, fltp08 > scale, Vertex< 3, fltp08 > center_of_scale=Constant< Vertex< 3, fltp08 > >::Invalid) | DesignObject | |
setActiveFilters(const JSONNode &node) | DesignObject | |
setChildIndex(uint04 child, uint04 id) | Model | |
setDesignType(DesignObjectType mode, bool is_type) | DesignObject | |
setDesignVisible(bool is_visible) | DesignObject | |
setGeometryChild(uint04 geo_index) | Model | |
setGeometryChild(const Geometry &geo) | Model | |
setIsLayer(bool is_layer) | Model | |
setLayer(Model layer) | Model | |
setMaterial(PrimitiveProperty property, uint04 material_index) | Model | |
setMaterial(uint04 material_index) | Model | |
setMaterial(PrimitiveProperty property, const Material &material) | Model | |
setMaterial(const Material &material) | Model | |
setMaterialMode(MaterialMode vertex, MaterialMode outline, MaterialMode solid) | Model | |
setMaterialMode(PrimitiveProperty property, MaterialMode option) | Model | |
setMetaData(const JSONNode &node) | DesignObject | |
setMetaData(const String &index, const JSONNode &node) | DesignObject | |
setMetaData(const String &index, const String &data) | DesignObject | |
setMetaData(const String &index, const bool &data) | DesignObject | |
setMetaData(const String &index, const fltp08 &data) | DesignObject | |
setMetaData(const String &index, const uint04 &data) | DesignObject | |
setModelProperty(ModelProperty property, const t_type &value) | Model | inline |
setNormalMode(NormalMode mode, Angle< fltp08 > smoothing_angle, ProgressInfo *log) | Model | |
setOrientation(const Vector< 3, Angle< sint04 > > &new_orientation, const void *lock=nullptr) | Model | |
setOrientation(const Vector< 3, Angle< fltp08 > > &new_orientation, const void *lock=nullptr) | Model | |
setParentMatrixFlag(ParentMatrixFlags flag, bool value) | Model | |
setParentMatrixFlags(BitFlag flags) | Model | |
setProperty(DesignProperty property, const t_type &value) | DesignObject | inline |
setProperty(DesignProperty property, const UUID &value) | DesignObject | inline |
setProperty(DesignProperty property, const String &value) | DesignObject | inline |
setSize(const Vector< 3, fltp08 > &size) | Model | |
setTransform(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform) | Model | |
setWindingMode(WindingMode mode) | Model | |
size() const | Model | |
swapChildren(uint04 a, uint04 b) | Model | |
update() | QWidgetModel | protected |
updateAscTime(const Time &time, bool include_self) | Model | |
updateCreatedTime() | DesignObject | |
updateDescendedFlagsCache(bool force_update_all=false) | Model | |
updateDescTime(const Time &time, bool include_self) | Model | |
updateDesignModifiedTime(Time time=Time::SystemTime()) | DesignObject | |
updateDesignTransform(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform, const void *lock=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
updateDesignVisible(bool is_visible, const void *lock=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
updateFrom(const Model &model, bool check_resources) | Model | |
updateInheritedFlagsCache(bool force_update_all=false, bool update_personal_flags=false) | Model | |
updateMetaData(const String &index, const String &data, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
updateMetaData(const String &index, const fltp08 &data, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
updateMetaData(const String &index, const bool &data, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) | DesignObject | |
updateModelProperty(ModelProperty property, const t_type &type, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) | Model | inline |
updateModifiedTime(Time time=Time::SystemTime()) | Model | |
updateProperty(DesignProperty property, const t_type &value, const void *lock=nullptr) | DesignObject | inline |
updateTransform(const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform, const void *lock=nullptr) | Model | |
updateVisible(bool is_visible) | Model | |
updateVisibleRecursive(bool is_visible) | Model | |
uuid() const | DesignObject | |
validate(bool validate_children=true) const | Model | |
validateDesignObject() const | DesignObject | |
vertexCount() const | Model | |
visibleVertexCount() const | Model | |
widget() const | QWidgetModel | inline |
~QWidgetModel() | QWidgetModel |