This is the complete list of members for TranslationCombo, including all inherited members.
add(const t_type &value, const TranslatedString &display_value, bool refresh_widget=false) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
adjustLineEditSize() | QCustomComboBox | protected |
clearValue() | QCustomComboBox | |
currentTranslation() const | TranslationCombo | |
customValidator() const | QCustomComboBox | |
customValidator() | QCustomComboBox | |
displayValues() const | QCustomComboBox | inline |
edited() | QCustomComboBox | signal |
enum_to_index | QCustomComboBox | protected |
event(QEvent *event) override | QCustomComboBox | |
focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e) override | QCustomComboBox | |
getAs() const | QCustomComboBox | inline |
getAs(uint04 index) const | QCustomComboBox | inline |
getUnitAngle() const | QCustomComboBox | |
getUnitValue() const | QCustomComboBox | |
hidePopup() override | QCustomComboBox | |
index_to_enum | QCustomComboBox | protected |
isUsingCustom() const | QCustomComboBox | inline |
lockInCustomValue() | QCustomComboBox | |
m_allow_custom | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_auto_format | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_current_custom | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_custom_index | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_display_values | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_is_changing | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_is_refreshing | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_is_showing_popup | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_last_index | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_line_edit | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_resource_changed_listener | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_sort_alphabetically | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_sort_offset | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_suffix | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_translations | TranslationCombo | protected |
m_using_custom | QCustomComboBox | protected |
m_values | QCustomComboBox | protected |
minimumSizeHint() const override | QCustomComboBox | |
onChange() | QCustomComboBox | protectedslot |
onEdit() | QCustomComboBox | protectedslot |
onEditTextChangedSlot() | QCustomComboBox | protectedslot |
onSorted(const Buffer< uint04 > &swap_indices) | QCustomComboBox | protectedvirtual |
paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override | QCustomComboBox | |
QCustomComboBox(QWidget *parent=nullptr) | QCustomComboBox | |
refresh() | QCustomComboBox | inline |
refreshWidget() | QCustomComboBox | protected |
remove(const t_type &value, bool refresh_widget=false) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override | QCustomComboBox | |
set(t_enum value) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setAllowCustom(bool allow_custom) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setAutoFormat(bool auto_format) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setConstantUnit(const ConstPointer< Unit > &unit, uint01 dimension=Constant< uint01 >::Invalid) | QCustomComboBox | |
setCustomUnit(const String &unit, UnitCategory fallback_unit, uint01 dimension=Constant< uint01 >::Invalid) | QCustomComboBox | |
setCustomValidator(const QCustomValidator &validator) | QCustomComboBox | |
setSuffix(const TranslatedString &suffix) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setTitle(const TranslatedString &title) | QCustomComboBox | |
setToolTip(const TranslatedString &tooltip) | QCustomComboBox | |
setTranslation(const Translator &translator) | TranslationCombo | |
setUnitType(UnitCategory unit, uint01 dimension=Constant< uint01 >::Invalid) | QCustomComboBox | |
setUnitValue(fltp08 value, uint01 unit_dimension=0) | QCustomComboBox | |
setup(const TranslatedString &title, const Buffer< TranslatedString > &values) | QCustomComboBox | |
setup(const TranslatedString &title, const Buffer< String > &values, const Buffer< TranslatedString > &display_values) | QCustomComboBox | |
setup(const TranslatedString &title, const Buffer< std::pair< TranslatedString, t_object > > &items) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setup(const TranslatedString &title, const Buffer< t_object > &items) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setup(const TranslatedString &title, const Buffer< t_object > &items) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setup(const TranslatedString &title, uint04 size) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setup(const TranslatedString &title, const Buffer< t_object > &items) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setup(const TranslatedString &title, t_enum first, t_enum last) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setupResource(const TranslatedString &title, Resource< t_type > &resource) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setValue(const t_type &t_value) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setValue(const TranslatedString &t_value) | QCustomComboBox | inline |
setValue(const String &value) | QCustomComboBox | |
showPopup() override | QCustomComboBox | |
sizeHint() const override | QCustomComboBox | |
sortAlphabetically(uint04 start=0, uint04 size=Constant< uint04 >::Invalid) | QCustomComboBox | |
suffix() const | QCustomComboBox | inline |
TranslationCombo(QWidget *parent=nullptr) | TranslationCombo | |
updateFontSize() | QCustomComboBox | |
updateTranslationsFromDisk() | TranslationCombo | |
values() const | QCustomComboBox | inline |
wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) override | QCustomComboBox |