File & | append (const char &s) |
File & | append (const String &s) |
File & | appendPath (const String &cs) |
bool | cachedExist () const |
void | close () |
bool | copyTo (const File &cs, bool override_file, ProgressInfo *log=nullptr) const |
void | create (bool override_file) const |
const FileCachedData & | currentCache () const |
void | deleteFile (ProgressInfo *log=nullptr) |
bool | exists () const |
void | expandEnvironmentalVars () |
| File () |
| File (const char *full_path) |
| File (const File &file) |
| File (const String &full_path) |
| File (const String &resource_name, const String &path_id) |
| File (File &&file) noexcept |
| File (String &&full_path) |
FILE * | filePtr () |
uint08 | fileSize () const |
File | findNonExistingSuitableName () const |
void | flush () |
File | generateTempFile () const |
Time | getAccessTime () const |
Buffer< File, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > | getChildren () const |
Buffer< File, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > | getChildrenMatching (const Buffer< String > &include_patterns, const Buffer< String > &exclude_patterns, bool recursive=false) const |
Time | getCreationTime () const |
Buffer< uint01 > | getData () |
String | getDriveDescription () const |
void | getFileTimes (Time &modified_time, Time &creation_time, Time &access_time) const |
String | getFolderName () const |
Time | getModifiedTime () const |
File | getParentDirectory () const |
String | getPath (uint01 file_parts) const |
UUID | getUUID () const |
bool | hasNullBytes (uint08 max_length=Constant< uint08 >::Max) |
void | invalidateCache () |
bool | isDirectory () const |
bool | isDrive () const |
bool | isHidden () const |
bool | isMTP () const |
bool | isOpen () const |
bool | moveTo (File &file, bool override_file, ProgressInfo *log=nullptr, bool is_source_temp=false) |
FILE * | open (OpenMode mode, bool append=false) |
size_t | operator() () const |
bool | operator<< (const Buffer< uint01 > &values) |
bool | operator<< (const fltp04 &value) |
bool | operator<< (const fltp08 &value) |
bool | operator<< (const String &value) |
File & | operator= (const File &value) |
File & | operator= (File &&value) noexcept |
File & | operator= (String &value) |
bool | parentDirectoryExists () const |
const String & | pathID () const |
String | pathNameID () const |
String | relativePathTo (const File &reference) const |
void | removeInvalidChars () |
bool | resolveMTPPath () const |
bool | resolveNameFromMTPPath () |
void | setFromDisplayString (const String &display_string) |
void | setInternalVars () |
void | setPath (const String &path, uint01 part) |
void | throwIfNotExist () const |
String | toDisplayString () |
bool | updateAccessedTime () const |
bool | updateAccessedTime (Time access_time) const |
void | updateCache () const |
void | updateCache (const FileCachedData &cache) |
| ~File () |
void | addUTF16AsUTF8 (const wchar *unicode) |
| Converts a unicode null terminated string of UTF16 wchars into UTF8 and appends it to the end of the String.
bool | addUTF16CharAsUTF8 (const wchar *unicode, uint04 &advance) |
| Converts a single unicode character at advance into UTF8 and appends it to the end of the String.
void | addWChar (const wchar &object) |
| Converts a single unicode character UTF16 character into one or more UTF8 characters and appends them to the end of this String.
String & | addWhiteSpace (uint04 desired_string_size, uint04 desired_right_alignment_location=0, char whitespace=' ') |
| Used for formatting, will, if necessary, add white space so that the string becomes a certain length. desired_right_alignment_location Will try and align the string to a location by prepending whitspace. desired_string_size will append space to try and make the string a given size.
String & | append (const String &string) |
| Appends a string to the back of this string.
bool | beginsWith (const String &s, bool ignore_case=false) const |
| Tests if this String starts with the specified prefix.
const char * | c_str () const |
| Used to access the raw memory of this string.
bool | endsWith (const String &s, bool ignore_case=false) const |
| Tests if this String ends with the specified suffix.
String & | formatAsTitleString () |
| Formats the string to be a title, capitalizing important characters and replacing underscores with spaces.
String & | formatNumberString (bool add_comma, uint04 decimals) |
| For a string representing a number, makes the decimals equal to the the provided value and adds comma seperators if number is large enough.
String & | formatNumberString (bool add_comma, uint04 min_decimals, uint04 max_decimals, uint04 min_digits, char decimal='.', char comma=',') |
| Modifies the contents of this string, that represents a given number using the provided rules.
String & | formatNumberString (uint04 decimals) |
| For a string representing a number, makes the decimals equal to the the provided value Example: String("1000000").formatNumberString(2); will make "1000000.00".
uint04 | fromHex () const |
| Converts a hex value into an unsigned 4 byte number.
template<class t_type > |
t_type | getAs () const |
| Converts a string into an object. To use this function an object must have overwritten StringStream<t_type>::fromString.
uint08 | hash () const |
| Creates a simple, quick hash of the object. See hash(const char* value) for details of the implementation.
uint08 | hashLower () const |
| Creates a simple, quick hash of the object. See hash(const char* value) for details of the implementation.
uint08 | hashUpper () const |
| Creates a simple, quick hash of the object. See hash(const char* value) for details of the implementation.
bool | hasSubString (const char *sub_string, bool ignore_case=false) const |
| Tests if this String contains the specified substring.
bool | hasSubString (const String &sub_string, bool ignore_case=false) const |
| Tests if this String contains the specified substring.
uint04 | indexOf (const char &sub_string) const |
| Given a substring specified by the input, returns the first index of that string, if it exists.
uint04 | indexOf (const char &sub_string, uint04 start_pos) const |
| Given a substring specified by the input, returns the first index of that string, if it exists.
uint04 | indexOf (const char &sub_string, uint04 start_pos, uint04 size) const |
| Given a substring specified by the input, returns the first index of that string, if it exists.
uint04 | indexOf (const char *sub_string, bool ignore_case, uint04 start_index, uint04 size) const |
| Given a substring specified by the input, returns the first index of that string, if it exists.
uint04 | indexOf (const char *sub_string, bool ignore_case=false, uint04 start_index=0) const |
| Given a substring specified by the input, returns the first index of that string, if it exists.
uint04 | indexOf (const char *sub_string, char escape_char, bool ignore_case=false, uint04 start_index=0) const |
| Given a substring specified by the input, returns the first index of that string, if it exists.
uint04 | indexOf (const String &sub_string, bool ignore_case=false, uint04 start_index=0) const |
| Given a substring specified by the input, returns the first index of that string, if it exists.
String | insertNewLines (uint04 max_line_size) const |
| Finds key areas to insert new lines such that the rows are at most, the length provided.
bool | isNumeric () const |
| Checks to see if the string is a numeric string.
bool | isSameNoCase (const String &s) const |
| Checks whether two strings match in a case-insensitive way.
uint04 | lastIndexOf (const char *sub_string, bool ignore_case=false) const |
| Given a substring specified by the input, returns the last index of that string, if it exists.
uint04 | lastIndexOf (const char value, bool ignore_case=false) const |
| Given a value specified by the input, returns the last index of that char, if it exists.
bool | matchesWildcard (const String &pattern) const |
| Checks whether two strings match allowing '' to be used as a wildcard pattern. For example, String("Hello").matchesWildcard("*ll") would return true.
| operator uint04 () const |
| operator uint08 () const |
bool | operator!= (const char *const value) const |
template<std::size_t t_size> |
bool | operator!= (const char(&string)[t_size]) |
bool | operator!= (const String &value) const |
size_t | operator() () const |
bool | operator< (const String &value) const |
String & | operator= (const String &value) |
String & | operator= (String &&value) noexcept |
bool | operator== (const char *const value) const |
template<std::size_t t_size> |
bool | operator== (const char(&string)[t_size]) |
bool | operator== (const String &value) const |
bool | operator> (const String &value) const |
String | predictNextStringIncrement () const |
| Looks in the string for key markers that might be an index, and attempts to increment the index. If no index is found a "1" will be inserted to the end of the string.
String & | removeNonAlphaNumeric (bool remove_tab=true, bool remove_space=true, bool remove_new_line=true, bool remove_r=true, bool remove_numbers=false) |
| Removes any characters that aren't numbers or letters with other options available.
String & | removeNonNumeric () |
| Removes anything that is not a number or decimal ('0'-'9' or .)
String & | replace (const Buffer< String, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > &sub_string, const Buffer< String, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > &replace_sub_string, bool ignore_case=false) |
| Replaces ALL instances of the given substrings with the provided replacements. This allows safe replacement when the replacement string might contain the same data being replaced.
String & | replace (const String &sub_string, const String &replace_sub_string, bool ignore_case=false) |
| Replaces ALL instances of a given substring with the provided replacement.
String | shortenString (uint04 size) const |
| Shortans the string to the max size provided. If string is longer, searches for an ideal place to insert "...".
Buffer< String, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > | splitString (char delimiter, bool preserve_empty=true) const |
| Given a delimiter, breaks the string into subsections, returning an array of each subsection. If the String is empty, an empty String will be appended to the output if preserve_empty is true.
void | splitString (char delimiter, Buffer< String, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > &strings, bool preserve_empty=true) const |
| Given multiple delimiter, breaks the string into subsections, and APPENDS each substring to the given Buffer. If the String is empty, an empty Buffer will be appended if preserve_empty is true.
Buffer< String, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > | splitString (const Buffer< char > &delimiter, bool preserve_empty=true) const |
| Given multiple delimiter, breaks the string into subsections, returning an array of each subsection. If the String is empty, an empty String will be appended to the output if preserve_empty is true. For example, String("The quick, dog,,jumped").splitString({',', ' '}, true) would return {"The", "quick", "dog", "", "jumped"}.
void | splitString (const Buffer< char > &delimiter, Buffer< String, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > &strings, bool preserve_empty=true) const |
| Given multiple delimiter, breaks the string into subsections, and APPENDS each substring to the given Buffer. If the String is empty, an empty String will be appended if preserve_empty is true.
| String () |
| Constructor used to create an empty String*.
| String (const char *const string, uint04 size) |
| String Constructor char arrays when the size is known. Slightly faster than iterating over a null-terminated array.
| String (const char *string) |
| String Constructor for null terminated array of chars.
template<std::size_t N> |
| String (const char(&string)[N]) |
| String Constructor for static char arrays.
| String (const String &string) |
| Copy Constructor.
template<class t_type > |
| String (const t_type &value) |
| String Constructor that creates a string based off an object. To use this function an object must have overwritten StringStream<t_type>::toString.
template<std::size_t N> |
| String (const wchar(&string)[N]) |
| String Constructor for static wchar arrays of UTF16 data.
| String (String &&string) noexcept |
| Move contructor (No new memory allocation).
| String (uint04 size, const char &value) |
| String Constructor creates a string of a size and fills it with a character.
String | substr (uint04 start) const |
| Creates a substring from a given start position, to the end of the string.
String | substr (uint04 start, uint04 end) const |
| Creates a substring from a given start position, to the given end position, non-inclusive of the end index. If the end index is greater than the size of the string, all data past start is returned.
String | toLower () const |
| changes all upper case characters into lower case characters.
String | toUpper () const |
| changes all lower case characters into upper case characters.
String & | trimWhiteSpace () |
| Trims any white space (tabs, spaces, etc) from the beginning and end of the string.
void | add (char &&object) |
| Adds object to the end of the buffer.
void | add (const char &object) |
| Adds object to the end of the buffer.
void | add (uint04 location, char &&object) |
| Adds an object to a specific location. Equivelent to insert.
void | add (uint04 location, const char &object) |
| Adds and object to a specific location. Equivelent to insert.
void | addAll (const Buffer< char, t_other_index_type, t_other_memory_allocator, t_other_memory_manager > &buffer) |
void | addAll (const char *buffer) |
void | addAll (const char *buffer, uint04 buffer_size) |
void | addAndFillSpace (uint04 space_to_add, const char &fill_object) |
void | addSpace (uint04 location, uint04 size) |
void | addSpace (uint04 space_to_add) |
| Adds a space to the end of the buffer.
decltype(auto) | begin () |
decltype(auto) | begin () const |
decltype(auto) | begin (uint04 index) const |
constexpr | Buffer () |
constexpr | Buffer (Buffer &&buffer) noexcept |
constexpr | Buffer (const Buffer &buffer) |
| Buffer (const char *buffer, uint04 size) |
| Buffer (const t_iterator &begin, const t_iterator &end) |
| Buffer (std::initializer_list< char > l) |
| Buffer (uint04 size) |
| Buffer (uint04 size, const char &fill_object) |
uint04 | capacity () const |
void | clear () |
void | clear (uint04 new_capacity) |
sint04 | compare (const Buffer &value) const |
| Compares this Buffer to another to determine their relative ordering.
sint04 | compare (const Buffer &value, uint04 start, uint04 end) const |
bool | contains (const char &element) const |
bool | contains (const char &element, const std::function< bool(const char &, const char &)> &equal_function) const |
bool | contains (const char &element, uint04 start) const |
bool | contains (const char &element, uint04 start, uint04 search_size) const |
uint04 | count (const char &element) const |
decltype(auto) | end () |
decltype(auto) | end () const |
decltype(auto) | end (uint04 index) |
void | ensureCapacity (uint04 new_capacity, bool ensure_not_greater=false, bool ensure_not_less=true) |
bool | equals (const Buffer &buffer) const |
decltype(auto) | get (uint04 index) |
decltype(auto) | get (uint04 index) const |
Buffer | getAll (uint04 start, uint04 size) |
Buffer< t_other_type, t_other_index_type, t_other_memory_allocator, t_other_memory_manager > | getAs () const |
| Gets a copy of this buffer, with filled objects t_other_type, where all objects are created using the contents of this buffer.
uint04 | indexOf (const char &element) const |
uint04 | indexOf (const char &element, uint04 start_pos) const |
uint04 | indexOf (const char &element, uint04 start_pos, uint04 search_size) const |
void | insert (const uint04 location, const char *buffer) |
| Inserts data into the buffer, assumed to be null terminated.
void | insert (uint04 location, char &&object) |
| Adds an object to a specific location.
void | insert (uint04 location, const char &object) |
| Adds an object to a specific location.
void | insert (uint04 offset, const Buffer &buffer) |
void | insert (uint04 offset, const char *const buffer, uint04 buffer_size) |
| Inserts data into the buffer.
bool | isEmpty () const |
bool | isSorted () const |
bool | isSortedSet () const |
decltype(auto) | last () |
decltype(auto) | last () const |
uint04 | lastIndexOf (const char &element) const |
constexpr BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > & | memoryInterface () |
constexpr const BufferAllocator< char, uint04, true > & | memoryInterface () const |
uint04 | memSize () const |
void | move (uint04 from, uint04 to) |
| operator char * () |
| Gets the first location of type* in the array.
| operator const char * () const |
| Gets the first location of type* in the array.
bool | operator!= (const Buffer &buffer) const |
Buffer | operator+ (const Buffer &value) const |
Buffer | operator+ (const char &element) const |
Buffer & | operator+= (const Buffer &value) |
const Buffer & | operator+= (const char &element) |
bool | operator< (const Buffer &buffer) const |
bool | operator<= (const Buffer &buffer) const |
Buffer & | operator= (Buffer &&buffer) noexcept |
Buffer & | operator= (const Buffer &buffer) |
bool | operator== (const Buffer &buffer) const |
bool | operator> (const Buffer &buffer) const |
bool | operator>= (const Buffer &buffer) const |
decltype(auto) | operator[] (const int index) |
decltype(auto) | operator[] (const int index) const |
decltype(auto) | operator[] (const uint04 index) |
decltype(auto) | operator[] (const uint04 value) const |
void | primitiveSort () |
decltype(auto) | ptr () |
decltype(auto) | ptr () const |
void | removeAllIndex (uint04 start, uint04 end) |
void | removeAllIndices (const t_range_buffer &ranges) |
void | removeAllOrdered (const char &object) |
| Removes all instances of the object. Function is slower than removeAllUnordered but order is preserved.
void | removeAllOrderedFn (const t_functor &functor) |
| Removes all items based on the functor. The functor should return true if the item is deleted or false if the item should stay in the array. Function is slower than removeAllUnordered but order is preserved.
void | removeAllUnordered (const char &object) |
| Removes all unordered described by object. This function does not preserve the order of the buffer.
void | removeAllUnordered (const t_functor &functor) |
| Removes all items based on the functor. The functor should return true if the item is deleted or false if the item should stay in the array. Faster function then removeAllOrdered but order is not preserved.
bool | removeElement (const char &element) |
void | removeIndex (uint04 location) |
void | removeIndexBackSwap (uint04 location) |
void | removeLast () |
void | replaceAll (const char &var, const char &replacement) |
void | replaceIndexRange (uint04 offset, uint04 replace_size, const Buffer &buffer) |
void | resize (uint04 new_size) |
void | reverse () |
void | reverse (const uint04 start, const uint04 end) |
void | setAll (const Buffer &buffer, uint04 offset, uint04 other_offset, uint04 size) |
void | setAll (const Buffer &buffer, uint04 offset, uint04 size) |
void | setAll (const t_o_type *src, uint04 offset, uint04 size) |
void | setAllToValue (const t_o_type &fill_element, const uint04 offset=0, uint04 fill_size=Constant< uint04 >::Invalid) |
void | setSize (const uint04 new_size, const char &fill_element) |
void | setSize (uint04 new_size) |
void | setUnique () |
void | setUniquePresorted () |
constexpr uint04 | size () const |
void | sort () |
uint04 | sortAboutValue (uint04 value_index) |
uint04 | sortAboutValue (uint04 value_index, uint04 start, uint04 end) |
void | sortRange (uint04 start, uint04 end) |
void | swapAllElements (const char &element1, const char &element2) |
void | swapElements (const char &element1, const char &element2) |
void | swapIndices (uint04 index_1, uint04 index_2) |
| ~Buffer () |