A dialog that groups together a series of error dialogs that might have occured at the same time.
void | addErrorDialog (QTErrorDialog *dialog) |
| QTErrorBrowser () |
QSize | sizeHint () const override |
int | addTab (QWidget *widget) |
int | addTab (QWidget *widget, const QIcon &icon, const QString &label) |
int | addTab (QWidget *widget, const QString &) |
int | addTab (QWidget *widget, const TranslatedString &) |
uint04 | addWidget (QWidget *child) override |
void | clear () |
SectionContent * | content (int index) const |
int | count () const |
int | currentIndex () const |
QWidget * | currentWidget () const |
void | hideBackground (bool hide_background) |
int | indexOf (QWidget *widget) const |
int | insertTab (int index, QWidget *widget) |
int | insertTab (int index, QWidget *widget, const QIcon &icon, const QString &label) |
int | insertTab (int index, QWidget *widget, const QString &) |
int | insertTab (int index, QWidget *widget, const TranslatedString &) |
bool | isTabEnabled (int index) const |
| QCustomTabWidget (QWidget *parent=nullptr) |
void | removeTab (int index) |
void | removeTab (QWidget *widget) |
void | setCurrentIndex (uint04 index) |
void | setCurrentWidget (QWidget *widget) |
void | setTabBarAutoHide (bool enabled) |
void | setTabEnabled (int index, bool) |
void | setTabIcon (int index, const QIcon &icon) |
void | setTabLock (bool lock_tab) |
void | setTabPosition (QTabWidget::TabPosition position, bool horizontal=false) |
void | setTabText (int index, const QString &) |
void | setTabToolTip (int index, const QString &tip) |
void | setTabVisible (bool tab_visible) |
void | setTabWhatsThis (int index, const QString &text) |
void | setupAsBoxWidget (bool is_box_widget) |
void | setupAsMenu () |
QWidget * | tabArea () const |
QIcon | tabIcon (int index) const |
QString | tabText (int index) const |
QString | tabToolTip (int index) const |
QString | tabWhatsThis (int index) const |
QWidget * | widget (int index) const |
virtual | ~QCustomTabWidget () |
| ContainerWidgetBase (QWidget *parent=nullptr) |
virtual | ~ContainerWidgetBase () |
void | setAnimation (enum QEasingCurve::Type animationtype) |
void | setCustomPixmap (QPixmap *pixmap) |
void | setSpeed (int speed) |
void | setVerticalMode (bool vertical=true) |
void | setWrap (bool wrap) |
enum | StackAnimationDirection {
, e_right_to_left
, e_top_to_bottom
, e_bottom_to_top
} |
void | setCurrentIndexSlot (int index) |
void | setCurrentWidgetSlot (QWidget *widget) |
void | currentTabChangedSignal (int index) |
void | userChangedCurrentTabSignal (int inex) |
void | animationFinished () |
static ApplicationOption< sint04 > | default_stack_animation_speed |
void | animationDoneSlot () |
void | childDestroyedSlot (QObject *widget) |
virtual FloatingWidget * | addSectionContent (SectionContent *sc) |
virtual SectionWidget * | addSectionContent (SectionContent *sc, SectionWidget *sw, DropArea area=e_drop_center) |
void | beginResetAll () |
void | bringFloatingWidgetsForward () |
virtual void | clearAllNonFloatingContent () |
virtual void | clearAllSectionContent () |
Buffer< SectionContent * > | contents () const |
DropOverlay * | dropOverlay () |
void | endResetAll () |
bool | event (QEvent *event) override |
bool | hasSectionContent (SectionContent *sc) |
bool | hideSectionContent (SectionContent *sc, PopupInfo end=PopupInfo()) |
bool | isSectionContentVisible (SectionContent *sc) |
FloatingWidget * | makeFloating (SectionContent *sc, bool show, PopupInfo start=PopupInfo(), PopupInfo end=PopupInfo()) |
FloatingWidget * | makeFullScreen (SectionContent *sc, PopupInfo start=PopupInfo()) |
QSize | minimumSizeHint () const override |
QRect | outerBottomDropRect () const |
QRect | outerLeftDropRect () const |
QRect | outerRightDropRect () const |
QRect | outerTopDropRect () const |
bool | popWindowStack () |
bool | raiseSectionContent (SectionContent *sc) |
void | removeFromResetShow (UUID id) |
bool | removeSectionContent (SectionContent *sc) |
void | resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event) override |
virtual void | setShouldAnimateAdd (bool animate) |
void | setTabLock (bool tab_lock) |
bool | showSectionContent (SectionContent *sc, PopupInfo start=PopupInfo(), PopupInfo end=PopupInfo()) |
QSize | sizeHint () const override |
void | swapSectionContent (SectionContent *section_a, SectionContent *section_b) |
uint04 | activeIndex () const |
QWidget * | activeWidget () const |
double | animationPercent () const |
uint04 | count () const |
uint04 | currentIndex () const |
QWidget * | currentWidget () const |
bool | eventFilter (QObject *object, QEvent *event) override |
uint04 | indexOf (QWidget *widget) const |
void | insertWidget (uint04 index, QWidget *w) |
QSize | minimumSizeHint () const override |
virtual void | moveContent (uint04 from, uint04 to) |
void | paintEvent (QPaintEvent *) override |
| QCustomStackedWidgetBase (QWidget *parent=nullptr) |
void | removeWidget (QWidget *widget) |
void | removeWidget (QWidget *widget, QWidget *slide_to_if_active) |
void | resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event) override |
void | setAnimationPercent (double animation_percent) |
virtual void | setCurrentIdx (uint04 current_index) |
void | showEvent (QShowEvent *event) override |
QSize | sizeHint () const override |
virtual void | slideInAnimation (enum StackAnimationDirection direction=e_automatic, bool cache_in_image=false) |
virtual void | slideInAnimation (PopupInfo origin_rect, enum StackAnimationDirection direction=e_automatic, bool cache_in_image=false) |
virtual void | slideInIdx (uint04 idx, enum StackAnimationDirection direction) |
virtual void | slideInIdx (uint04 idx, int delay_time=0, enum StackAnimationDirection direction=e_automatic) |
virtual void | slideInIdx (uint04 idx, PopupInfo origin_rect, int delay_time=0, enum StackAnimationDirection direction=e_automatic) |
virtual void | slideInNext () |
virtual void | slideInPrev () |
virtual void | slideInWgt (QWidget *widget, enum StackAnimationDirection direction=e_automatic, bool force_slide=false) |
virtual void | swapIndices (uint04 a, uint04 b) |
QWidget * | widget (uint04 index) const |
virtual | ~QCustomStackedWidgetBase () |
bool | m_hide_background = false |
RibbonArea | m_main_ribbon_area |
QPointer< SectionWidget > | m_main_section |
Dictionary< QWidget *, QCustomDockWidget * > | m_managed_section_content |
bool | m_animate_add = true |
DropOverlay * | m_drop_overlay |
Buffer< std::pair< QPointer< QWidget >, Buffer< QPointer< FloatingWidget > > > > | m_fullscreen_stack |
Buffer< std::pair< QPointer< QWidget >, Buffer< QPointer< FloatingWidget > > > > | m_reset_fullscreen_stack |
bool | m_reset_is_on_home = false |
Buffer< UUID > | m_reset_visible_sections |
Dictionary< UUID, SectionContent * > | m_section_content |
Dictionary< UUID, SectionWidget * > | m_sections |
Buffer< SharedSectionContentArea * > | m_shared_content |
SectionWidget * | m_top_section_widget = nullptr |
SharedSectionContentArea * | m_top_splitter = nullptr |
double | m_animation_percent |
enum QEasingCurve::Type | m_animationtype |
Buffer< QWidget * > | m_child_widgets |
uint04 | m_current_index |
bool | m_is_animating |
uint04 | m_last |
int | m_last_animation_time |
QPointer< QPropertyAnimation > | m_move_animation |
uint04 | m_next |
uint04 | m_now |
QPoint | m_offset |
PopupInfo | m_popup_info |
int | m_speed |
bool | m_vertical |
bool | m_wrap = false |
double | animation_percent |
A dialog that groups together a series of error dialogs that might have occured at the same time.