logic for storing an ordinate dimension in a CAD-friendly way for exporting and importing.
| DimOrdinateData (const Vector< 3, fltp08 > &p1, const Vector< 3, fltp08 > &p2, bool type) |
| DimOrdinateData (LineSegment< 3, fltp08 > &dimension, bool type) |
constexpr LineSegment< t_new_dims, t_new_type, t_new_vertex > | as () const |
constexpr Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > | center () const |
constexpr LineSegment< t_dims, t_precision > | closestPoints (const LineSegment< t_dims, fltp08, t_other_vertex > &l2, t_precision epsilon=0) const |
constexpr fltp08 | closestPos (const Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > &p) const |
constexpr Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > | closestValue (const Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > &p) const |
t_precision | distanceSquared (const LineSegment< t_dims, fltp08, Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > > &right, const t_precision &epsilon=cast< t_precision >(0)) const |
constexpr LineSegment< t_dims, fltp08 > | extend (const fltp08 &a_extension, const fltp08 &b_extension) const |
constexpr LineSegment< t_dims, fltp08 > | extend (const fltp08 &extension) const |
constexpr t_precision | getLocationAt (t_precision value, uint01 dim) const |
constexpr Vector< t_dims, t_precision > | intersection (const LineSegment &r, t_precision epsilon=0) const |
constexpr t_precision | intersectionPosition (const LineSegment< t_dims, fltp08 > &segment) const |
constexpr bool | intersects (const LineSegment &segment, t_precision epsilon=cast< t_precision >(0.001)) const |
constexpr bool | isCollinear (const LineSegment< t_dims, fltp08 > &line, t_precision epsilon=0) const |
constexpr bool | isCollinear (const Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > &vert, t_precision epsilon=0) const |
constexpr bool | isParallel (const LineSegment< t_dims, fltp08, Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > > &line, t_precision epsilon=0) const |
constexpr t_precision | length () const |
constexpr fltp08 | lengthSquared () const |
constexpr | LineSegment () |
constexpr | LineSegment (const Vector< 2, Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > > &line) |
constexpr | LineSegment (const Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > &p1, const Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > &p2) |
constexpr Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > | midpoint () const |
constexpr Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > | pointAt (t_inter_type index) const |
constexpr Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > | pointAt (t_precision value, uint01 dim, const Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > &nan_return=Constant< Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > >::Invalid) const |
constexpr Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > | ray () const |
constexpr LineSegment< t_dims, fltp08 > | scale (const t_inter_type &a_scale, const t_inter_type &b_scale) const |
constexpr LineSegment< t_dims, fltp08 > | scale (const t_inter_type &scale) const |
constexpr Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > & | vertex (uint01 index) |
constexpr const Vertex< t_dims, fltp08 > & | vertex (uint01 index) const |
template<class t_new_type > |
constexpr Vector< t_dims, t_new_type > | as () const |
template<uint01 t_new_dim, class t_new_type > |
constexpr Vector< t_new_dim, t_new_type > | as () const |
template<uint01 t_new_dim, class t_new_type > |
constexpr Vector< t_new_dim, t_new_type > | as (t_new_type extra_fill_value) const |
template<LocationValues t_max_min> |
constexpr uint01 | dimensionalIndex () const |
template<LocationValues t_max_min> |
constexpr t_type | dimensionalValue () const |
template<class t_magnitude_type = t_type> |
constexpr t_magnitude_type | magnitude () const |
constexpr t_type | magnitudeSquared () const |
template<class t_norm_type = t_type> |
constexpr Vector< t_dims, t_norm_type > | normalized (Vector< t_dims, t_norm_type > value_if_nan=Constant< Vector< t_dims, t_norm_type > >::Invalid) const |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims, typename = typename std::enable_if<tdims == 1>::type> |
constexpr | operator const t_type & () const |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims, typename = typename std::enable_if<tdims == 1>::type> |
constexpr | operator t_type & () |
constexpr Vector< t_dims, t_type > | operator- () const |
constexpr Vector< t_dims, t_type > & | operator= (const t_type &scaler) |
constexpr const t_type & | operator[] (const uint01 dimension_index) const |
constexpr t_type & | operator[] (uint01 dimension_index) |
constexpr t_type | product () const |
constexpr t_type | sum () const |
constexpr | Vector () noexcept |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims> |
constexpr | Vector (const t_type &prefix, typename std::enable_if< tdims >=2, const Vector< t_dims - 1, t_type > & >::type vector) |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims> |
constexpr | Vector (const t_type &prefix_a, const t_type &prefix_b, typename std::enable_if< tdims >=3, const Vector< tdims - 1, t_type > & >::type vector) |
constexpr | Vector (const t_type &scaler) noexcept |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims> |
constexpr | Vector (const t_type &x, const t_type &y, const t_type &z, const t_type &w, const t_type &v, const t_type &u, const t_type &t, const t_type &s, typename std::enable_if< tdims==9, const t_type & >::type r) |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims> |
constexpr | Vector (const t_type &x, const t_type &y, const t_type &z, const t_type &w, const t_type &v, typename std::enable_if< tdims==6, const t_type & >::type u) |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims> |
constexpr | Vector (const t_type &x, const t_type &y, const t_type &z, const t_type &w, typename std::enable_if< tdims==5, const t_type & >::type v) |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims> |
constexpr | Vector (const t_type &x, const t_type &y, const t_type &z, typename std::enable_if< tdims==4, const t_type & >::type w) |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims> |
constexpr | Vector (const t_type &x, const t_type &y, const typename std::enable_if< tdims==3, const t_type & >::type z) |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims> |
constexpr | Vector (const t_type &x, typename std::enable_if< tdims==2, const t_type & >::type y) |
constexpr | Vector (const t_type(&vector)[t_dims]) |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims> |
constexpr | Vector (const Vector< getMax(tdims - 2, 0), t_type > &vector, const t_type &suffix_a, typename std::enable_if< tdims >=3, const t_type & >::type suffix_b) |
template<class t_vec_type > |
constexpr | Vector (const Vector< t_dims, t_vec_type > &vector) noexcept |
template<uint01 tdims = t_dims> |
constexpr | Vector (const Vector< tdims - 1, t_type > &vector, typename std::enable_if< tdims >=2, const t_type & >::type suffix) |
logic for storing an ordinate dimension in a CAD-friendly way for exporting and importing.