static QString | AutoWrapText (const QString &value, const QFontMetrics &metrics, fltp08 length) |
static void | ClearLayout (QLayout *layout, bool delete_objects=false) |
static void | ClearPallete (QWidget *widget) |
static QFont | convert (const Font &font) |
static RGBColor | convert (const QColor &color) |
static File | convert (const QFile &file) |
static Font | convert (const QFont &q_font) |
static QColor | convert (const RGBColor &color) |
static KeyEvent | convert (QKeyEvent *event) |
static KeyEvent::KEY | ConvertNativeKeyEvent (sint08 key) |
static fltp08 | DefaultAnimationScale () |
static QSurfaceFormat | DefaultSurfaceFormat () |
static qreal | DevicePixelRatio (QWindow *window=nullptr) |
static fltp08 | DPI () |
static QPixmap * | DrawAnimationWidget (QWidget *widget, bool draw_background, QPixmap *pixmap=nullptr, QSize size=QSize()) |
static QPixmap * | DrawFullWidget (QWidget *widget, bool draw_background, QPixmap *pixmap=nullptr, QSize size=QSize()) |
template<typename EnumType > |
static String | EnumString (const EnumType &enumValue) |
static void | FitTextToRect (QString &text, QFont &font, const QRectF &size, bool allow_new_line=true) |
static void | ForceSizeCalculation (QWidget *widget, bool process_events=false) |
static void | FormatPallete (bool error, QWidget *widget) |
static Buffer< QFont > | GetFontRecursive (QWidget *widget) |
static void | HideDialog (QWidget *widget, const PopupInfo &end_location=PopupInfo()) |
static bool | IsVisibleToUser (QWidget *widget) |
static bool | IsWidgetVisibleOnScreen (QWidget *widget) |
static ProgressInfo * | log () |
static void | MultiplyFontSize (QFont &font, fltp08 multiplier) |
static fltp08 | PixelSize (const QFont &font) |
static fltp08 | PointSize (const QFont &font) |
static QRect | PopupMenuLocation (QRect popup_origin, const QSize &size) |
static QRect | PopupMenuLocation (QWidget *widget, const QSize &size) |
static void | postToThread (QObject *target, std::function< void()> &&fun) |
static void | postToThread (std::function< void()> &&fun, QThread *thread=nullptr) |
static Module | QTModule () |
static void | RequestExit (bool relaunch, const PopupInfo &popup_origin=PopupInfo()) |
static void | requestScreenOrientation (bool horizontal) |
static void | RequestScreenResolution (const Vector< 2, uint04 > &size) |
static QSize | ScaleFontSizeToFit (QFont &font, const QString &text, const QRect &rect, bool shrink=true, bool grow=false) |
static QScreen * | ScreenForWidget (const QWidget *widget) |
static void | ServiceQT () |
static void | SetFontRecursive (QWidget *widget, const Buffer< QFont > &font) |
static void | SetFontRecursive (QWidget *widget, const QFont &font) |
static void | SetStyleRecursive (QWidget *widget, QStyle *style) |
static bool | ShowDialog (QWidget *widget, const PopupInfo &info, const PopupInfo &end_location=PopupInfo()) |
static void | ShowExperimentalFeatureDialog (const TranslatedString &feature) |
static bool | ShowMessageBox (const GenericOption &options, const String &image, std::function< bool(GenericOption, PopupInfo info)> on_select, const PopupInfo &popup_origin=PopupInfo()) |
static bool | ShowMessageBox (const GenericOption &options, std::function< bool(GenericOption, PopupInfo info)> on_select, const PopupInfo &popup_origin=PopupInfo()) |
static bool | ShowMessageBox (const TranslatedString &title, const String &image, const TranslatedString &text, const Buffer< TranslatedString, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > &button_labels, std::function< void(TranslatedString, PopupInfo info)> on_select=nullptr, const PopupInfo &popup_origin=PopupInfo()) |
static bool | ShowMessageBox (const TranslatedString &title, const String &image, const TranslatedString &text, QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons={ QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok }, std::function< void(QMessageBox::StandardButton, PopupInfo info)> on_select=nullptr, const PopupInfo &popup_origin=PopupInfo()) |
static bool | ShowMessageBox (const TranslatedString &title, const TranslatedString &text, const Buffer< TranslatedString, uint04, ObjectAllocator< false > > &button_labels, std::function< void(TranslatedString, PopupInfo info)> on_select=nullptr, const PopupInfo &popup_origin=PopupInfo()) |
static bool | ShowMessageBox (const TranslatedString &title, const TranslatedString &text, QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons={ QMessageBox::StandardButton::Ok }, std::function< void(QMessageBox::StandardButton, PopupInfo info)> on_select=nullptr, const PopupInfo &popup_origin=PopupInfo()) |
Manages static logic dealing with Qt and relating to the application.