virtual bool | canRead (const FactoryParameters &file) override |
virtual bool | canWrite (const FactoryParameters &file) override |
virtual bool | canWrite (const File &file) override |
virtual bool | canWrite (const FileFormat &file) override |
FactoryOptions | defaultWriteOptions (const FactoryParameters &file) const override |
FactoryFeatures | factoryFeatures (const FactoryParameters &file, bool is_import) const override |
virtual void | getSupportedFormats (Buffer< FileFormat > &formats, bool is_read) override |
virtual void | getSupportedFormats (Buffer< FileFormat > &formats, DesignObjectLookup *lookup, const Buffer< UUID > &models) override |
| PDFFactory () |
virtual bool | readFile (FactoryParameters &file) override |
virtual void | setdpi (fltp08 dpi) |
void | setDrawBorder (bool border) |
void | setDrawGrid (bool draw_grid) |
void | setMargins (uint04 margins) |
void | setTitle (const String &title, const String &subject) |
virtual bool | writeFile (const FactoryParameters &file, const DesignObjectLookup *lookup, const Buffer< UUID > &objects_to_write, const Buffer< UUID > &cameras, const FactoryOptions &options) |
virtual bool | writeFile (FactoryParameters &file) override |
virtual bool | canRead (const File &file) |
virtual bool | canRead (const FileFormat &file) |
virtual FactoryOptions | defaultReadOptions (const FactoryParameters &file) const |
virtual bool | determineExtension (const File &file, String &extension) |
String | factoryReadAppFeature () const |
String | factoryWriteAppFeature () const |
virtual Buffer< UUID > | filterModelsToExport (Buffer< UUID > models_to_check, const DesignObjectLookup *lookup, const FileFormat &export_format) const |
virtual String | getIcon (const File &file) |
void | getSupportedFormats (Buffer< FileFormat > &formats) |
virtual void | getSupportedFormats (Buffer< FileFormat > &formats, const File &file) |
virtual void | getSupportedFormatsByModelType (Buffer< FileFormat > &formats, bool is_read, const String &model_type) |
virtual void | getSupportedFormatsForExtension (Buffer< FileFormat > &formats, bool is_read, const String &extension) |
| IOFactory (const String &factory_name) |
virtual bool | isAutoEnabled () const |
virtual bool | isFactoryEnabled (bool is_read) const |
const String & | name () const |
bool | readFileWithDefaultSettings (const File &file, DesignObjectLookup *lookup) |
Buffer< Scene > | readScenesFromFile (const File &file) |
void | throwIfNotEnabled (bool is_read) |
virtual bool | updateFromFile (const FactoryParameters &file, const FactoryOptions &old_options) |
bool | writeScenesToFile (const File &file, const Buffer< Scene > &scene) |
virtual | ~IOFactory () |
Writes to a PDF file using the IOFactory interface.