TranslatedString | appearanceName () const |
void | cleanupMaterial () |
void | colorBy (const DesignParameterAccumulator &accumulator) |
void | combineFrom (const Material &mesh) |
RGBColor | constantColor (Model model, RGBColor background_color=RGBColor(255, 255, 255), UVType type=UVType::e_KD) const |
RGBColor | convertValueToColor (fltp08 value) const |
void | copyFrom (const Material &mesh) |
PrimitiveProperty | defaultRenderProperty () const |
TranslatedString | displayName () const |
template<class t_type > |
t_type | getMaterialProperty (MaterialProperties mat_index) const |
ShadingModel | getShadingModel () const |
TextureCoordMode | getTextureCoordinateMode () const |
Vector< 3, TileTextureMode > | getTileTextureMode () const |
RGBColor | getUVColor (UVType uv_index) const |
String | getUVImage (UVType uv_index) const |
fltp04 | getUVIntensity (UVType uv_index) const |
uint04 | getUVLayer (UVType uv_index) const |
UVMode | getUVMode (UVType uv_index) const |
bool | hasActiveImage () const |
bool | hasActiveUVImage (UVType index) const |
bool | hasImageData () const |
bool | hasModelDependentColor () const |
bool | hasModelDependentColor (UVType type) const |
bool | hasOpacity () const |
bool | hasPerVertexColoring (UVType type=UVType::e_KD) const |
bool | hasUVColor (UVType index) const |
bool | hasUVIntensity (UVType index) const |
bool | hasUVLayer (UVType index) const |
bool | isSupportedByShadingModel (UVType type) const |
| Material ()=default |
| Material (const DesignObject &obj) |
| Material (DesignObjectBase *property_table) |
| Material (uint04 index, DesignObjectBase *property_table) |
Buffer< RGBColor > | palette () const |
template<class t_type > |
void | setMaterialProperty (MaterialProperties mat_index, const t_type &type) |
void | setPalette (const Buffer< RGBColor > &palette) |
void | setShadingModel (ShadingModel model) |
void | setTextureCoordinateMode (const TextureCoordMode &mode) |
void | setTileTextureMode (const Vector< 3, TileTextureMode > &modes) |
void | setupAsDefault () |
template<class t_type > |
void | setUVColor (const t_type &type) |
template<class t_type > |
void | setUVColor (UVType uv_index, const t_type &type) |
template<class t_type > |
void | setUVImage (UVType uv_index, const t_type &type) |
template<class t_type > |
void | setUVIntensity (UVType uv_index, const t_type &type) |
template<class t_type > |
void | setUVLayer (UVType uv_index, const t_type &type) |
void | setUVMode (UVType uv_index, const UVMode &type) |
template<class t_type > |
void | updateMaterialProperty (MaterialProperties mat_index, const t_type &type, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) |
void | updateModifiedTime (const Time &time=Time::SystemTime()) |
template<class t_type > |
void | updateUVColor (const t_type &type, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) |
template<class t_type > |
void | updateUVColor (UVType uv_index, const t_type &value, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) |
bool | validate () const |
void | actionDeletedIndex (uint04 index, uint04 size) |
JSONNode | activeFilters () const |
void | addIndex (uint04 index, uint04 size) |
void | appendData (const String &data, bool compressed) |
DesignObjectBase & | base () const |
void | clearMetaData (const String &index) |
void | copyFrom (const DesignObject &object) |
uint04 | designIndex () const |
| DesignObject ()=default |
| Creates an "invalid" design object. This object does not have a backing database, and all indices will be Invalid. Checking properties on this object is not permitted but you may use the '=' to set this model to a different model.
| DesignObject (DesignObjectBase *base) |
| Creates an new design object within the given DesignObjectBase. This object is appended to the end of the DesignObjectBase data structure and values are setup to defaults.
| DesignObject (uint04 index, DesignObjectBase *base) |
| Sets a DesignObject up to be a pointer to an existing object in the database. If the index is invalid behavior is undefined.
bool | doesPropertyBeginWith (DesignProperty property, const char *value, bool ignore_case) const |
bool | doesPropertyBeginWith (DesignProperty property, const String &value, bool ignore_case) const |
bool | doesPropertyContain (DesignProperty property, const char *value, bool ignore_case) const |
bool | doesPropertyContain (DesignProperty property, const String &value, bool ignore_case) const |
File | file () const |
uint04 | getDesignParentIndex () const |
String | getIcon () const |
template<class t_type > |
t_type | getInheritedProperty (DesignProperty property) const |
Time | getModifiedTime () const |
template<class t_type > |
t_type | getProperty (DesignProperty property) const |
Scene | getScene () const |
Matrix< fltp08 > | getTransform () const |
bool | hasMetaData (const String &index) const |
template<class t_type > |
bool | hasProperty (DesignProperty property) const |
uint04 | index () const |
bool | isDesignType (DesignObjectType mode) const |
bool | isDesignType (uint04 mode) const |
bool | isProperty (DesignProperty property, const char *value) const |
bool | isProperty (DesignProperty property, const String &value) const |
bool | isValid () const |
const JSONNode & | metaData () const |
const JSONNode & | metaData (const String &index) const |
void | offset (const Vector< 3, fltp08 > &offset) |
| operator bool () const |
bool | operator!= (const DesignObject &model) const |
bool | operator< (const DesignObject &model) const |
bool | operator== (const DesignObject &model) const |
bool | operator> (const DesignObject &model) const |
DynamicPointer< Table > & | propertyTable () |
const DynamicPointer< Table > & | propertyTable () const |
void | removeMetaData (const String &index, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) |
void | scale (Vector< 3, fltp08 > scale, Vertex< 3, fltp08 > center_of_scale=Constant< Vertex< 3, fltp08 > >::Invalid) |
void | setActiveFilters (const JSONNode &node) |
void | setDesignType (DesignObjectType mode, bool is_type) |
void | setDesignVisible (bool is_visible) |
void | setMetaData (const JSONNode &node) |
void | setMetaData (const String &index, const bool &data) |
void | setMetaData (const String &index, const fltp08 &data) |
void | setMetaData (const String &index, const JSONNode &node) |
void | setMetaData (const String &index, const String &data) |
void | setMetaData (const String &index, const uint04 &data) |
template<> |
void | setProperty (DesignProperty property, const String &value) |
template<class t_type > |
void | setProperty (DesignProperty property, const t_type &value) |
template<> |
void | setProperty (DesignProperty property, const UUID &value) |
void | updateCreatedTime () |
void | updateDesignModifiedTime (Time time=Time::SystemTime()) |
void | updateDesignTransform (const Matrix< fltp08 > &transform, const void *lock=nullptr) |
void | updateDesignVisible (bool is_visible, const void *lock=nullptr) |
void | updateMetaData (const String &index, const bool &data, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) |
void | updateMetaData (const String &index, const fltp08 &data, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) |
void | updateMetaData (const String &index, const String &data, const void *lock_ptr=nullptr) |
template<class t_type > |
void | updateProperty (DesignProperty property, const t_type &value, const void *lock=nullptr) |
UUID | uuid () const |
bool | validateDesignObject () const |
Container responsible for storing and setting the appearance of a Model or Geometry within the NDEVR API 3D environment. Models may have 3 materials but Materials can be shared across any number of Models within a Scene.
- Warning
- Access to these members and data should be made in a thread-safe manner using DesignObjectLookup read and write locks.